Вопрос № 223442 - Английский язык

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Mother Teresa, originally born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje (present day Macedonia). 1_______. Her father was a businessman who owned a building company and a food shop.  2_______. She took care of widows and their children in her neighborhood. 3_______. In 1928, she left for the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto in Ireland. 4_______. She learned to speak English and was trained in religious life. With the Legion of Vary Teresa worked in Bengali where she helped sisters in hospital; in Calcutta she worked as a teacher. And whenever she was, she cared and served the poor and disabled.
Варианты ответов
  • At age of 12, she left a desire to spend her life for God’s work.
  • Agnes’s father taught her first lessons of charity.
  • Her family belonged to the Albanian community.
  • She was 18 then.
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 10 Ноябрь 2020 в 00:16
На вопрос ответил(а): Анастасия Степанова, 10 Ноябрь 2020 в 00:16