Вопрос № 1029302 - Английский язык

Read the text and do the tasks
1. Clearly, the specific form of independence may matter for inflation. Debelle and Fischer maintain it is goal dependence and instrument independence that would produce low inflation. In fact, such an arrangement may prevent policy makers from changing the objective of policy on a frequent basis, thereby provoking the time inconsistency problem.
2. What is more, even if central bank independence leads to low inflation, the case for independence might be greatly weakened if it is accompanied by a growing real economic instability. However, little relationship was found between measures of real economic activity and central bank independence.
3. In other words, countries with more independence central banks enjoyed lower inflation yet suffered no cost in terms of more volatile real economic activity. Viewed from this point, one may be inclined to see central bank independence as a kind of free lunch.
4. While standard indices of central bank independence were negatively associated  with inflation among developed economies, this was not the case among developing economies. Here, turnover rates of central bank governors were positively correlated with inflation. This is a case, however, in which causality is difficult to evaluate: Was inflation high because of political interference that leads to rapid turnover of central bank officials? Or did central bank officials get fired because they couldn’t keep inflation low?
(Ansgar Belke : Monetary economics in globalised financial markets / A. Belke, T. Polleit. – Springer, 2009. – P.11).
Define the statements which correspond to the contents of the text.
Варианты ответов
  • One cannot deny that the particular type of independence can mean a lot for inflation.
  • According to the text, causality between turnover rates of central bank and inflation is easy enough to estimate.
  • Inflation of developed economies was connected with indices of central bank, though it was not linked with developing economies.
  • It should be noted that they discovered solid relationship between central bank independence and real scales of economic activity.
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 17:31
На вопрос ответил(а): Анастасия Степанова, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 17:31