Вопрос № 223315 - Английский язык

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The cause of fainting may be different: strong emotion, want of food, fatigue or pain.
In fainting the person loses consciousness. Blood doesn’t get to the brain. The face of a person before fainting gets very pale and sweat appears on his forehead. He feels dizzy and weak. His breathing is shallow. His pulse is weak and slow.
Варианты ответов
  • Blood
  • Fainting
  • Fatigue
  • The Person
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 10 Ноябрь 2020 в 00:16
На вопрос ответил(а): Анастасия Степанова, 10 Ноябрь 2020 в 00:16