Вопрос № 992258 - Английский язык

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                                           Medicine on the Internet
1. On the whole, the Internet has had a very positive effect on the practice of medicine; a wide range of information is available to physicians and patients through personal computers almost instantaneously at any time and from anywhere in the world. This medium holds enormous potential for delivering up-to-date information, practice guidelines, journal contents, textbooks, and direct communications with other physicians and specialists, thereby expanding the depth and breadth of information available to the physician about the diagnosis and care of patients.
2. Most medical journals are now accessible online, providing rapid and comprehensive sources of information. This medium also serves to lessen the information gap felt by physicians and health care providers in remote areas of the world by bringing them into direct and instant contact with the latest developments in medical care.
3. Patients, too, are turning to the Internet in increasing numbers to acquire information about their illnesses and therapies and to join Internet-based support groups. Physicians are increasingly faced with the prospect of dealing with patients who arrive with sophisticated information about their illness. In this regard, physicians are challenged in a positive way to keep themselves abreast of the latest relevant information while serving as an «editor» for the patients as they navigate through this seemingly endless source of information.
4. A critically important caveat is that virtually anything can be published on the Internet, with easy circumvention of the peer-review process that is an essential feature of quality publications. Physicians or patients who search the Internet for medical information must be aware of this danger. Notwithstanding this limitation, appropriate use of the Internet is revolutionizing information access for physicians and patients and in this regard is a great benefit that was not available to our predecessors.
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Варианты ответов
  • For the patients living in remote areas the Internet is sometimes the only means of communication with doctors or other health care providers.
  • Unfortunately the Internet is used for professional purposes only by the physicians living in urban areas.
  • Doctors consulting their patients through the Internet have to be well qualified as patients want to learn more sophisticated information about their illness.
  • From the Internet patients and doctors can get trustworthy information about the latest medical achievements.
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 17:07
На вопрос ответил(а): Анастасия Степанова, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 17:07