Дополните диалог:
Doctor: What is 1_______?
Patient: I’ve caught a bad cold.
Doctor: How long are you feeling this way?
Patient: I’ve been ill since Monday.
Doctor: And you are coughing a lot, aren’t you?
Patient: Yes.
Doctor: Have you taken your temperature?
Patient: Yes, 2_______ before I left home. It was normal.
Doctor: Have you a headache or a sore throat?
Patient: I have both.
Doctor: Have you taken anything for your headache?
Patient: I 3_______.
Doctor: Well, I’ll examine you. It is not an ordinary cold. You have flu. I’ll give you two prescriptions. If 4_______, you will have to call for me.
Patient: Thank you, doctor.
the trouble with you
I’d taken my temperature
took aspirin
you don’t feel better