Дополните диалог: Doctor: What seems to be the problem Mr Hall: I’ve got terrible headaches. Doctor:...: ответ на тест 1072154 - Английский язык

Дополните диалог:
Doctor: What seems to be the problem?
Mr Hall: I’ve got terrible headaches.
Doctor: Let me have a look at you. Say «aaaah». … Thanks. I’m just going to 1_______ … Yes, you’ve 2_______, but nothing serious. I think you’ve got a virus.
Mr Hall: Do I need some antibiotics? I’m 3_______, by the way.
Doctor: No, antibiotics 4_______. Here is a prescription for some painkillers.
Mr Hall: How often should I take them?
Doctor: Every 4 hours. If you are not better in 3 days then come back and we’ll do some blood tests.
Mr Hall: Thank you, doctor.
Doctor: Not at all. Goodbye.
Mr Hall: Goodbye.
Варианты ответов
  • take your temperature
  • don’t work with viruses
  • allergic to penicillin
  • got a bit of a temperature
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 18:15
На вопрос ответил(а): Анастасия Степанова, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 18:15
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