Прочитайте текст A contract is an agreement which is enforced by law. This agreement normally result...: ответ на тест 800723 - Английский язык

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A contract is an agreement, which is enforced by law. This agreement normally results from an exchange of promises.
For example, a husband and wife want their house painted. A painter examines the building and offers (promises) to do the job for $1,500 during the next month. The owners could accept the offer by promising to pay the price. For a contract to arise, the painter as offerer (one who makes the offer) must make a definite offer, and generally the offeree (one to whom the offer is made) must accept the offer exactly as presented. Of course, the parties may negotiate additional details. The homeowners could reject the offer by demanding a lower price or earlier completion. The painter, in turn, could accept or reject such a counteroffer. Without both offer and acceptance, there is no agreement. No particular language need be used. The intent of the parties is the important thing.
Ответьте на вопрос
Who is the offeree?
Варианты ответов
  • The offeree is one who rejects the offer.
  • The offeree is one who makes the offer.
  • The offeree is one to whom the offer is made.
  • The offeree is one to whom the counteroffer is made.
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 01:37
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