Вопрос № 100321 - Информатика

Here is a fragment of e-table in which the cells of A1:C8 range contain only 0 or 1 numbers as it is shown in the picture. The following formula was input into cell D1 =if(and(B1=X;or(A1=Y; C1=Z));0;1) in which x, y and z were represented by 0 or 1. After that the cell D1 was copied into cells of D2:D8 range. As a result the following values were obtained:

The values input instead X, Y and Z were as follows … (Give your answer of X, Y and Z values separated by comma, for example: 1,0,1).

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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 08 Апрель 2016 в 05:35
На вопрос ответил(а): Любимов Павел, 08 Апрель 2016 в 05:36