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It is interesting that the milks of all species contain the same nutrients, differing only in proportions. Having found milk good food, man domesticated various species of mammals for dairy purposes throughout the world.
Cow milk is sure to be the principal type used in the world. Other animals utilized for their milk production include buffalo (in India, China, Egypt, and the Philippines), goats (in Mediterranean countries), reindeer (in northern Europe), and sheep (in southern Europe). In general, the processing technology used for cow milk can be successfully applied to milk obtained from other species.
Варианты ответов
  • Sheep milk is rich in nutrients, having 18 per cent total solids.
  • Cow milk has been used by man from the earliest times to provide both fresh and storable nutritious foods.
  • Cow milk is sure to be the principal type used in the world.
  • Considerable amounts of nicotinic acid and choline are also provided.
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 10 Ноябрь 2020 в 03:19
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