Вопрос № 992354 - Английский язык

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                                                 Sex Roles in America
1. Historians have argued that the early colonists in this country granted women a higher status than they had held in England. One reason for the break with English custom was the importance of women's labor in colonial times. Each family had to be virtually self-sufficient, so the work of both sexes was vitally important.
2. In the nineteenth century middle-class women did not work outside the home. Economic and political doings were men's responsibilities; the domestic side of life was the domain of women. The family was regarded as a kind of retreat from the stress and tension of the workaday world; a good wife provided an atmosphere of tranquility, affection, and warmth.
3. During the mid-nineteenth century the western migration, the abortion and social-reform movement, the Civil War, missionary activity, and industrialism had the combined effect of undermining the cult of True Womanhood by involving women in activities outside the home. Yet despite the departure of many women from family-centered concerns, our gender ideals and attitudes about sex roles are still rooted in the nineteenth-century belief in the «rightness» of man-as-provider, woman-as-homemaker.
4. Today, although these stereotypes persist, they have been weakened by several forces. One of the truths that has emerged from psychological research is that there is no such thing as a «pure» masculine personality or a «pure» feminine personality. There are traits of autonomy and dependency, aggression and passivity, in all of us, male and female. Any given personality is a complex mix of all these traits. Another factor that has weakened stereotypes about the sexes is the realization that the stereotypes are not «natural» but, rather, are created by the society.
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  • In the middle of the nineteenth century the Civil War and social-reform movement led to the change of a female role in the society.
  • The reason of a higher status of American women in colonial times was the necessity of women’s labour.
  • For many decades sex roles, especially female roles, have been changing in American society, along with the changes in the society and science.
  • Though gender stereotypes have been weakened and changed in the course of time, they still exist in modern society.
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 17:07
На вопрос ответил(а): Анастасия Степанова, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 17:07