Дополните диалог:
Patient: How do you do, Doctor!
Doctor: How do you do! What is the matter with you?
Patient: I feel a 1_______ pain in the right side. And I cough badly.
Doctor: May I listen to your lungs? Sit down, please. I hear some moist rȃles in your right 2_______. Have you taken your temperature?
Patient: Yes, I have. It’s about 37.6°C.
Doctor: I think, it’s pneumonia, but you must be X-rayed immediately. I’ll write you out a 3_______ and you must follow a bed regimen. Here is a prescription for intramuscular injections of streptomycin and a cough mixture. Don’t come to the polyclinic again, but I’ll come to you in a day or two. A nurse will come to your house and give you 4_______ twice a day.