Установите последовательность пропущенных слов и выражений. 14 September 2009 1_______ In reference ...: ответ на тест 1072281 - Английский язык

Установите последовательность пропущенных слов и выражений.
14 September, 2009
In reference to your valuable time, I would like to get straight to the point and say that we were wrong. Your purchase order clearly stated 30 cases with potatoes. The shipment of 60 cases with potatoes was our error. Meanwhile, there are two options available at this time: you can keep the additional merchandise and we will bill you thirty days from now, or 2_______ to have it picked up at your loading dock and issue a credit to you. Please let me know of your preference.
We will do everything in our power to ensure that this type of error does not occur again. 3_______. If I can be of any assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to call on me.
John Reganold
Варианты ответов
  • Thank you for your understanding
  • we will arrange
  • Truly yours
  • Dear Mr Green
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