Заполните пропуски в письме. 1_______ New Way Pavers agrees to furnish all materials and to perform ...: ответ на тест 867061 - Английский язык

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New Way Pavers agrees to furnish all materials and to perform in a workmanlike manner all necessary labour required to remove present concrete walk in front of the residence at 742 Regent Circle from the building door to the public sidewalk; to replace the walk with red brick (of quality and grade as in sample) laid in a herringbone pattern, 2_______, in consideration for which Jones agrees to pay New Way Pavers or its assignee three thousand two hundred dollars ($3,200) upon completion of the work on or before April 10, 2010.
By James G. Mason                                         4_______
Варианты ответов
  • J. Clayton Jones
  • on a new concrete base 2.5″ thick
  • New Way Pavers
  • THIS AGREMENT is made on May 10, 2009, between New Way Pavers, 17 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts, and J. Clayton Jones, 742 Regent Circle, Brookline, Massachusetts.
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 15:24
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