Вопрос № 1072319 - Английский язык

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Orientation and construction of buildings should receive special attention in places where environmental and climatic factors have a significant effect. Structural design, style and materials should be compatible with local climatic and weather conditions. For example, flat roofs should be avoided in areas with frequent rainfalls. Snow and wind are variable loads that should be taken into account while designing a structure and its roof. Tall buildings are not recommended in places where strong winds, humidity or fog are likely and bring damage.
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Structural design, style and materials should be compatible with …
Варианты ответов
  • frequent rainfalls
  • local climatic and weather conditions
  • designing a structure
  • strong winds, humidity or fog
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 18:15
На вопрос ответил(а): Анастасия Степанова, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 18:15