Вопрос № 922954 - Английский язык

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Human perception of motion
1. A television system involves equipment located at the source of production, equipment located in the home of the viewer, and equipment used to convey the television signal from the producer to the viewer. The purpose of all of this equipment is to extend the human senses of vision and hearing beyond their natural limits of physical distance.
2. A television system must be designed, therefore, to embrace the essential capabilities of these senses, particularly the sense of vision. The aspects of vision that must be considered include the ability of the human eye to distinguish the brightness, colours, details, sizes, shapes, and positions of objects. Aspects of hearing include the ability of the ear to distinguish the pitch, loudness, and distribution of sounds.
3. In working to satisfy these capabilities, television systems must strike appropriate compromises between the quality of the desired image and the costs of reproducing it. They must also be designed to override, within reasonable limits, the effects of interference and to minimize visual and audial distortions in the transmission and reproduction processes.
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What promotes high quality perception of television image and sound?
Варианты ответов
  • The design of television systems fails minimization of visual and audial distortions.
  • It is important for television systems to take into account the quality of the desired image as well as the costs of reproducing it.
  • Embracing the essential capabilities of main human senses in television systems design contributes to perfect image and sound perception.
  • The essential capabilities of human vision and hearing enables perfect image and sound perception.
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