Вопрос № 93919 - Английский язык

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Nature is full of colour. Colour is very important for plants, animals, birds, and insects. It means life to them. Birds, for example, use their colour to tell other birds to stay away from their nests. They sing and move their wings to show their colour as a warning to other birds.
Some moths use colour to make birds afraid of them. The colour or the marks on the moth’s body is a sign to a bird. The bird sees the colour or the marks and does not eat the moth!
One kind of fish can change its colour. The colour is the same as the surrounding sea plants or rocks. Then the fish’s enemy can’t see it.
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Nature’s colours …
Варианты ответов
  • are used as warnings.
  • can change.
  • protect from enemies.
  • are used by some moths to make birds afraid of them.
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 01 Март 2016 в 15:36
На вопрос ответил(а): Чернышова Людмила, 01 Март 2016 в 15:37