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Doctor: Are you having any 1_______ with your waterworks?
Mr Jones: Well, I do seem to have to go to the toilet more often than I used to.
Doctor: How often is that?
Mr Jones: It depends, but sometimes it’s every hour or even more often.
Doctor: What about at night? Do you have to get up at night?
Mr Jones: Yes. Nearly always two or three times.
Doctor: Do you get any burning or 2_______ when you pass water?
Mr Jones: No, not usually.
Doctor: Do you have any trouble getting started?
Mr Jones: No.
Doctor: Is the stream 3_______? I mean is there still a good strong flow?
Mr Jones: Perhaps not quite so good as it used to be.
Doctor: Do you ever lose control of your bladder? Any leaking or dribbling?
Mr Jones: Well, perhaps a little dribbling from time to time.
Doctor: Have you ever passed blood in the 4_______?
Mr Jones: No, never.