Вопрос № 637018 - Английский язык

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Gerald Durrell: The Friend of All Animals
Imagine spending all your life in the company of  wild animals and insects!
That’s what Gerald Durrell’s life was like. Gerald Durrell was born in India in 1925. His mother often joked that his first word was ‘zoo’.
When he was three years old his family 1 _____ to England, then to the Greek island of Corfu – to get away from the terrible English weather. With his mother, his sister and his brothers, Gerald spent five years on the island. That was the start of his long 2 _____ as an animal expert.
In 1939, the Durrels moved back to London 3 ____ the war. At the end of the war Gerald got a job in Whipsnade Zoo where he started 4 _____ the lions and other animals.
On his 21st birthday, Gerald 5 _____ a 3000 pound inheritance* – a fortune in those days. He decided to go on expeditions 6 _____ wild animals for British zoos.
On one trip to Africa Gerald was given a pet monkey 7 _____ Chumley. Chumley was very naughty. One day it got drunk on beer and did cartwheels* 8 ___ the African villagers. It took three 9 _____ to catch the naughty animal!
In 1958, Durrell decided to start collecting animals not for other British zoos, but for his own zoo. Eventually, after much searching, he found a proper home for animals in Jersey, the Channel Islands. There, he set up a zoo which is now 10 ___ all over the world as a sanctuary for endangered species.
* inheritance – наследство
* to do cartwheels – катиться кувырком
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 12 Ноябрь 2020 в 20:35
На вопрос ответил(а): Анастасия Степанова, 12 Ноябрь 2020 в 20:35