Вопрос № 88335 - Английский язык

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In the last 20 years the use of atom medicine has become so widespread that every big medical centre uses some form of it in diagnosis and treatment. Thousands of hospitals all over the world have had very successful results with radioactive iodine for thyroid cases.
The chief medical use of radioisotopes is against cancer. Every year thousands of cancer patients are being treated with radio-cobalt, which in many ways is better than X-ray treatment.
Варианты ответов
  • Treatment
  • Medical Use
  • Atom Medicine
  • Hospitals
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Вопрос задал(а): Albina, 29 Январь 2016 в 08:22
На вопрос ответил(а): Астафьева Любовь, 29 Январь 2016 в 08:22