Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
To start MS-DOS Help and choose a topic from the table of contents
1. 1_________________ at the command prompt: help
The MS-DOS Help table of contents appears.
2. If you 2__________________, click the name of the command you want information about. If the command 3__________________ on your screen, click the arrow at the bottom of the scroll bar on the right side of your screen until the command comes into view.
If you are using a keyboard, press the key that represents the first letter of the command you want information about. 4___________________ beginning with that letter is selected. If this is not the command you want, continue pressing the key until the command you want is selected, and then press ENTER. You can also use the TAB, UP ARROW, DOWN ARROR, PAGE UP, and PAGE DOWN keys to move between topics in the table of contents.