Вставьте вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу слова 1. We can’t believe ____ people. 2. It was ver...: ответ на тест 779587 - Английский язык
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1. We can’t believe ____ people.
2. It was very ____ of him to give them the money back.
3. “I don’t know” she answered ____.
4. Earlier this year I had the ____ of meeting the President.
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 01:28 На вопрос ответил(а): Анастасия Степанова, 13 Ноябрь 2020 в 01:28
Вставьте вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу слова
1. We can’t believe ____ people.
2. It was very ____ of him to give them the money back.
3. “I don’t know” she answered ____.
4. Earlier this year I had the ____ of meeting the President.
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1. I know he is telling the ____ we must believe him.
2. Cowardice and ____ are the worst qualities in people.
3. Everybody knows that he is a ____ man.
4. The article sounds rather ____. I can’t believe even one word of it.
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1. Jerry, I’d like to introduce you to my ____ Lucinda.
2. She is cheerful and ____ with every one.
3. Do you know Old Jolyon? – He is a very lonely and ____ man.
4. The two boys formed a deep and lasting ____.
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1. The people are full of ____ for the future.
2. We are ____ that our football team will win next Saturday’s game.
3. He is an excellent doctor. He can cure even ____ patients.
4. “Will there be any food left?” he asked ____.
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1. If I need any ____, I’ll call you.
2. Any information will be ____ in investigating the case.
3. She couldn’t say a word, ____ with laughter.
4. Would you like another ____ of potatoes?
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1. You need computing ____ for that job.
2. ____ players can lead the team to the victory.
3. The painter drew several lines ____ and the portrait appeared.
4. He is an ____ worker. He has not been trained for a particular type of job.