Rural population tend cattle and small ruminants close to zinc-lead enterprise. In the grazing land there is high concentration of lead (Pb). In ground waters (mine wells) the average concentration of lead reaches 0,6 mg/l. The concentration of lead (Pb) content in meat is 2 mg/kg, in milk it is 0,3 mg/l, in bread – 0,6 mg/kg, in potatoes – 1 mg/kg. Person’s daily requirement for products is as follows: drinking water – 2 l, meat – 0,1 kg, milk – 0,8 l, bread – 0,1 kg, potatoes – 0,3 kg. Admissible daily lead (Pb) intake recommended by World Health Organization equals 0,43 mg. Actual lead (Pb) daily intake coming with water and food is ______ mg. (Give your answer as a whole number.)