Вопрос № 403631 - Английский язык

Определите правильную последовательность фраз диалога, представленного ниже. Впечатайте номер фразы, которая будет 9-й в диалоге.
A=Interviewer   B=Paul Carrack
0. A: How long have you been in the music business, Paul?
1. B: It was when I was just a kid, I taught myself to play. It was the piano, and then later keyboards.
2. B: Only the guitar. I play the guitar sometimes. That’s all.
3. A: Why is Ace so important to you?
4. A: Right. Thank you.
5. B: Let me see – I’ll try and remember. I’ve played with Roxy Music, and The Smiths,…and of course Ace, I mustn’t forget Ace.
6. B: Well, it was my first hit record with Ace in 1974.
7. A: Do you play any other instruments?
8. A: And how old were you when you started playing?
9. B: For about twenty years, I guess. I’ve never had another job,… no, never. I’ve only been a musician.
10 A: The guitar… And which groups have you played with over the years?
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 10 Ноябрь 2020 в 13:06
На вопрос ответил(а): Анастасия Степанова, 10 Ноябрь 2020 в 13:06