Вопрос № 637086 - Английский язык

Определите, является ли данная информация истинной (1) или ложной (2) в соответствии с содержанием текстов
The Moon sometimes has green and blue shadows.
1. One may think that human beings have the biggest brains on Earth in ratio to body size. But ichthyologists believe this is untrue. A group of fish called elephant nose fish has relative brain sizes that rival or exceed the human’s one. The fish use weak electrical currents to communicate and navigate in murky waters. Such an extensive brain may be needed to generate and interpret the signals.
2. Most people don't think the Moon is made of cheese, but sometimes it certainly looks like a wheel of cheese that's blue with mold. It looks full of holes, like Swiss cheese, and it some times has a greenish or bluish colour, like Gorgonzola cheese. The holes are actually craters caused by asteroids, which are big rocks that fly through space. The greenish or bluish colour is caused by the Earth's shadow across the Moon's surface.
3. The Monarch butterfly is a remarkable insect. It is a very powerful flyer. Some of them travel over 1000 miles during their short life. Before their migration to the South begins, they spend all their time eating nectar to get energy for their long-distance flight. The Monarch butterflies spend winter in the South and make their way back to the North individually, not in groups.
4. Every growth season a tree adds a new layer of wood to its trunk. Each ring has two parts – a wide light part and a narrow dark one. Tree rings give the clue about the climate. The shape and width of annual rings can differ from year to year. Wide rings mean good condition for growth. Narrow rings often mean less favourable condition.
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Вопрос задал(а): Анонимный пользователь, 12 Ноябрь 2020 в 20:36
На вопрос ответил(а): Анастасия Степанова, 12 Ноябрь 2020 в 20:36