Ответы на тесты по предмету Английский язык (18796 вопросов)

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Americans like to think the United States is a young country, but really it has a long and interesting history. You can see some of its history in the styles of the houses. The lovely pueblo houses of Native American villages, the old pioneer log cabins, the plantation houses in the South, the beautiful colonial homes of the Northeast - they are all a part of American history. They are part of modern America too, because people copy the old styles in new houses. The history lives on.

копия старых стилей
копировать старых стилистов
копия старых стилистов
копировать старые стили
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The traditional American family consisting of a husband, wife and children is becoming less and less frequent. More people who are illegally married are living together. More and more children are being raised in single-parent families, by both poor women and by women who are professionally employed. Others postpone marriage and childbirth and as a consequence bear fewer children than women who marry earlier. Among the educated more and more couples are deciding to have fewer and fewer children. An exception to this trend occurs among blacks, hispanics and among the very poor. In 1990 the size of the average American family was 3.2 individuals.

незаконно веселиться
незаконно жениться
незаконное бракосочетание
незаконный брак
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While young people are getting married later in life, the divorce rate is increasing. Roughly 50% of all marriages in the United States now end in divorce. In cases of divorce the financial support required from the breadwinner will vary from case to case and if agreement is not possible between the two parties the court will decide. The cheapest way of getting a divorce is through the no-fault system, that is, two parties come to an agreement between themselves about the distribution of property. If there is no agreement then each hires a lawyer and the divorce will be very costly, up to $25,000 and more for legal fees alone.

получить развод
конец разводам
разводиться, в конце концов
заканчиваться разводом
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American apartments are usually described as one-bedroom, two-bedroom or three-bedroom apartments. Two- and three-room apartments usually have a connecting living-room; frequently they have two bathrooms. Virtually all apartments have built-in closets with which are used instead of wardrobes. Frequently apartments are without lights but have several outlets for table or floor lamps. The walls аre often painted rather than wall-papered. The entrance generally is directly into the living room area; halls are rarely in evidence. Floors are generally covered with wall-to-wall carpeting. Apartment buildings usually have laundry on the ground floor. Almost all apartments have refrigerators, people now use microwave ovens which provide very convenient and cooking. Most apartments and houses have central thermostat which regulate the temperature.

температурная регулировка
регулировка температуры
регулировщик температуры
регулировать температуру
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By 1765, the American Colonies had more than 20 newspapers. 1________________________. The act required that special tax stamps be placed on all newspapers, legal documents, and other printed material. 2________________________. 3___________________________. In 1766, Parliament repeated the law. 4__________________________.

That year, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act.
The colonists protested.
Newspapers continued to publish without buying stamps, and they supported the colonists.
But the newspapers remained a powerful force against British rule and helped propel America toward the Revolutionary War (1775-1783).
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1_________________________. By 1830, the country had about 1,000 papers. 2_________________________. They also sold for about 6 cents a copy – far more than working-class people could afford. 3__________________________. 4_______________________________. It was the first victory.

The growth of U.S. newspapers was rapid during the 1800s.
But most of these papers concentrated on business or political news.
In 1833, Benjamin H. Day founded the New York Sun, the first successful penny newspaper.
The Sun attracted a large audience because of its low cost and its lively reports of fires, crimes, marriages, and other human-interest news.
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1__________________________. The newspapers shared the cost of receiving news from telegraph agents throughout the nation and sold the reports to other papers. 2__________________________. During the Civil War (1861-1865), Northern newspapers sent more than 100 reporters to cover the battles in the South.
3__________________________. During this period, American newspapers increasingly emphasized stories that dealt with crimes, disasters, and scandals. 4______________________________.

In 1848, six New York City newspapers – including the Sun, the Herald, and the Tribune – formed the Associated Press, the first major news service in the United States.
In the 1850’s, papers from such cities as Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia and St. Louis sent their own correspondents to report the news from Washington D.C.
The age of sensationalism lasted from the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s.
At the same time, however, the papers started reform campaigns by hunting out and exposing corruption in business and government.
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Hillier said that he changed his mind about the robbery after the driver swore at him when he grabbed the man. Hillier got out of the cab and into a car driven by his girlfriend who followed him after he said he was going to “get some money”. 2________________________________.
The driver thought Hillier had a stun gun, but none was found.
3_____________________________. And Hillier was arrested in the parking lot of the Olive Garden restaurant, where the girlfriend pulled over.

Damon Rand Hillier, 29, of Barter Court in North Kitsap has gotten a year in prison for the attempted robbery of a cab driver Jan. 13.
She didn’t know what he had planned, he told police.
The driver followed the car.
Hillier’s past convictions were for drugs and forgery.
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Police in southern Japan arrested a man for stealing shoes at a local hospital, then later stumbled upon a collection in his home of 400 women’s shoes – all for the left foot, an official said Sunday.
1_____________________________. In Japan, it is customary to take off one’s shoes before entering homes and some public facilities.
When questioned, Irie told police he had “a penchant for women’s feet”. 4____________________________.

The private hospital in Usu city began receiving complaints two years ago from patients and employees that shoes removed at the entrance hall were going missing.
The missing footwear was always the left foot of women’s shoes, a local police spokesman said on condition of anonymity.
Police arrested Ichiro Irie, 45, Saturday on suspicion of stealing two shoes at the hospital.
It wasn’t clear why he seemed to prefer the left foot.
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1___________________________. Reporters represent the public at events that most people cannot observe themselves. 2__________________________. 3________________________. Citizens especially need good information about current political events to help them decide which candidates to vote for and whether to support certain policies of the government. 4__________________________.

Informing the public is the journalist’s chief duty.
Journalists therefore have an obligation to be accurate and to tell all sides of a story.
They also have the responsibility of deciding which events enough importance or news value to be reported.
Only through reliable reporting can people make intelligent decisions about how they want to be governed.
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Our schools are like an army whose best soldiers, year after year, are deserting. I have three solutions:
Give teachers secretaries or teacher assistants. College professors have teacher assistants. 1________________________________.
Reduce the workload. 2__________________________. Any teacher would be far more effective teaching three or four classes, instead of five or six. 3_________________________. It’s simply a matter of money.

A lawyer, a doctor, or an accountant has a secretary.
Most schools have six or seven periods and teachers teach five or six classes.
There is no educational or academic reason why teachers should teach five or six classes.
Keep the number of different classes we must prepare for to a minimum.
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The number of people needed to produce a newspaper varies widely. 1_____________________________. Some larger weeklies employ 10 to 30 people. 2_____________________________.
The staff of most dailies is headed by the publisher, who directs all the departments. The staff of such a paper is divided into three main departments: (1) editorial, (2) business, and (3) mechanical.
3___________________________. The business department tries to ensure that the paper makes a profit. 4_______________________________.

The smallest weekly papers have only 1 to 3 workers, who do everything from writing the news, to selling ads, to running the press.
The largest metropolitan dailies have 2,000 or more employees.
The editorial department is responsible for the news and features that the paper prints.
The mechanical department prints the newspaper.
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Kids who start drinking before 21 are twice as likely to develop alcohol-related problems, according to the National Centre on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University in New York. 2______________________________.
The average age when kids 12-20 start drinking is now 14.

According to a study published last week in the Journal of the American Medical Association, young people under the age of 21 drink almost 20 percent of all the alcohol purchased in this country.
Kids who start drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to be alcoholics.
This is a national public health problem.
But unlike the aggressive national efforts to curb smoking, not enough is being done about alcohol abuse among the young.
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1______________________________. News pamphlets appeared only from time to time and cannot be classed as newspapers, though they were unquestionably the immediate forerunners of the British press. 2___________________________. It was followed in the 1640’s and 1650’s by a plethora of different titles. 3________________________. 4____________________________.

In the English-speaking world, the earliest predecessors of the newspaper were corantos, small news pamphlets produced only when some event worthy of notice occurred.
The first successively published title was The Weekly News of 1622.
The first true newspaper in English was the London Gazette of 1666.
For a generation it was the only officially sanctioned newspaper, though many periodical titles were in print by the century’s end.
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1_______________________________. They then present details in the rest of the space given to the story by the city editor or news editor. 2________________________. The copy editor may change the wording to make the story more readable. 3___________________________. A proofreader can then check the story for spelling and punctuation errors.
A newspaper’s editorial writers hold meetings to select topics for editorials. 4___________________________. Unlike a news story, an editorial expresses an opinion and tries to sway readers to that way of thinking.

In writing a news story, reporters begin to giving the important facts in the first paragraph, which is called the lead.
The completed story goes to a copy editor, or copyreader, who checks it for accuracy and writes a headline for it.
The copy editor must also cut material if the story is too long.
They also decide what viewpoint to take in the editorials.
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1_____________________________. Over the past couple of years you’ve seen that he’s lost whatever fire he had for teaching and for working with young people. 2___________________________. Last fall in your most recent evaluation of him, you noted that he wasn’t managing his students well. 3___________________________.
Do you fire him?

Imagine that you’re a principal in one of public schools and that one of your longtime teachers has been doing a poor job.
He’s gotten stale and lazy.
And he sends more students to the vice principal for descipline than almost any other teacher.
Students and their parents have complained that he hasn’t kept good records of his students’ progress and that he even lost or misplaced some of their semester tests.
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1______________________________. Newspapers play an important role in shaping public opinion and informing people of current events.
2______________________________. The earliest daily news-sheet was «Acta Diurna» («Daily Events»). 3___________________________. The first printed newspaper was Chinese publication called «Dibao» («Ti-pao») started in A.D. 700’s. 4______________________________.The first regularly published newspaper in Europe was «Avisa Relation» or «Zeitung», started in Germany in 1609.

Newspaper is a publication that presents and comments on the news.
The first newspapers were probably handwritten news-sheets posted in public places.
«Daily Events» started in Rome in 59 B.C.
It was printed from carved wooden blocks.
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There are daily newspapers and weekly newspapers. 1________________________. Many dailies are morning papers. 2__________________________. Sunday issues of the dailies are usually larger than the weekday ones. 3___________________________. They also include Sunday magazine, a guide to TV programmes, colored comics. 4__________________________.

Daily newspapers print world, national and local news.
Others are afternoon papers.
They may include special sections on such topics as entertainment, finance and travel.
The major dailies in the US are «Christian Science Monitor», «New York Times», «USA Today», «Wall Street Journal», «Washington Post».
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1_________________________. Magazine is a collection of articles and stories. Usually magazines also contain illustrations.
The earliest magazines developed from newspapers and booksellers catalogs. 2__________________________. In the 1700’s pamphlets published at regular intervals appeared in England and America. 3_________________________. One of the first British magazines «The Gentleman’s Magazine» was published from 1731 to 1914. 4__________________________.

Magazine is one of the major mass media.
Such catalogs first appeared during the 1600’s in France.
They were literary publications.
The first American magazine was called the «American Magazine», or «A Monthly View».
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1______________________________. People want to know what is going on in the world, in the country, city, town or village, what people are anxious about. 2______________________________. They inform the readers of all important developments, give full attention to the most important national and international affairs, carry commentaries on the interesting events. 3_______________________________. There are interviews with well-known people and celebrities. 4______________________________. There are also a lot of advertisements in the papers that help to choose right buying these or those goods.

People subscribe to various papers and magazines, but they have one common aim.
That’s why newspapers and magazines inform the readers of the current events and home and international affairs.
There are also articles on sports, art, music, new books.
Everything printed corresponds to people’s interests.
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1________________________. Newspaper includes editorial board work the following functions. 2________________________. Second, writing news in the form of an article. 3________________________. And, finally, displaying the selected copy in the paper.

The newspaper printing is a rather unusual activity since each day the newspaper material is prepared anew.
First, getting the right news.
Third, selection of the best items for the print.
All these tasks are performed by journalists, editors and rewrite men, photographers and make-up editors responsible for the issue of the paper.
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The newspaper reporting starts with collecting information for the paper. 1________________________. Newspapers and magazines publish a great deal of stories. 2__________________________. But also stories of humourous or some other type. 3__________________________. Besides, newspapers carry many items on sports, personalities of today as well as stories on science, art and technology. 4__________________________.

However, journalism does not stop here.
Not only news items or political stories.
Such essay-type articles may be called human interest stories.
Rather popular are also the reports about the flights of astronauts and space research matters in general.
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1___________________________. There are hardly any rules to that effect because each interviewee is different. 2__________________________. The opening questions, therefore, are of special importance. The reporter should not ask questions that call for only yes-or-no response. 3________________________. Some interviewers take copious notes. 4____________________________.

One can often hear some reporters who have just started their career in journalism asking this question: how to conduct an interview?
In most instances, the journalist’s problem is how to get the interviewee to start talking.
Another problem is how to keep on talking.
Others trust their memory and take notes only about the exact names, places, figures, and the like.
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1_________________________. It brings moving pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes.
2__________________________. So the word «television» means «to see far».
3__________________________. They sell advertising time to pay for their operating costs and to make profit. 4___________________________.

Television, also called TV, is one of our most important means of communication.
The name «Television» comes from Greek word meaning «far», and a Latin word meaning «to see».
About three-fourths of the 1,500 TV stations in the US are commercial stations.
The rest are public stations, which are nonprofit organizations.
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1____________________________. The popular papers are less in size, with many pictures, big headlines, and short articles. 2____________________________. They are such papers as "Daily Express", "Daily mail", "Daily Mirror", "Daily Star", "The Sun" and others. 3____________________________. These papers are bigger in size, with larger articles and more detailed information. 4______________________________.

There are two main types of newspapers: the "popular" papers and the "quality" papers.
The popular papers are easy to read.
The "quality" papers are for more serious readership.
The "quality" papers are — "The Times", "Daily Telegraph", "The Guardian", "Financial Times", "The Independent".
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1___________________________. We are beginning to forget what the world was without TV. Everybody knows what a great force TV is in the world today. 2___________________________. It gives wonderful possibilities for education. It enriches our intellect. We also become better informed by watching documentaries, science programmes, discussions and by learning the most important issues of the day. 3___________________________. TV brings the world to our rooms. TV helps us to relax after a hard day’s work, so we can then cope better with the next day’s work. 4___________________________.

TV is one of the best inventions the man has ever made.
Thanks to TV we get a great amount of information.
TV gives an opportunity to see the best actors, sport matches, to meet famous people.
Thus, we can say that TV is a great force which attracts millions of people to the screens.
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Physical training is a very important subject at school, high school and college. Preference is given to team games, such as American football, football (called soccer by Americans), baseball, and basketball. In every city one may find a cafe with a dozen of large TV sets showing different sports events. People go to those cafes to route for their favorite team and to talk to friends. It is a very popular way to spend an evening.
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Physical training is a very important subject at school, ____________.

secondary school and college
high school and institute
high school and university
high school and college
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Great attention is paid on keeping oneself physically fit. Companies spend money on building gyms and arranging sports facilities for their employees. A company staff may have an option of going to a swimming pool, a training centre or a golf course for a symbolic fee. The companies are pragmatic doing this. If a person goes in for sports he or she will be healthier and more energetic, and this will do good for the company he works for. Besides, medical care is very expensive, and it is often easier to prevent a disease by giving a person an opportunity to look after oneself than to pay the insurance afterwards.
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Companies spend money on building gyms and arranging sports facilities ________________.

for their people
for their students
for their pupils
for their employees
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Britain was the originator of many sports such as football, rugby, golf, hockey, lawn tennis. Other sports, whose origins were much earlier, were first organized in Britain in the form they are played today - athletics, boxing, horse racing, for example. Some sports, such as cricket and squash, although very popular in Britain and many Commonwealth countries, have not spread much wider. All these sports attract very large numbers of people in Britain, both as participants and as spectators. Football in particular has a vast and enthusiastic number of supporters; during football season total attendances at matches between Football League clubs is about 25 million. Very many more people watch football and other sports on television.
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Football in particular has a vast and enthusiastic number of supporters; during football season total attendances at matches between Football League clubs is ____________.

about 15 million
about 25 thousand
about 20 million
about 25 million
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Sports based on the water have a natural home in Britain, which has a long and indented coastline providing sheltered and open water, as well as many lakes and rivers. Sailing is particularly popular, and to a lesser extent power boating. The national governing body, the Royal Yachting Association, has over 1,500 clubs throughout the country. Other popular water sports include canoeing, rowing, water-skiing and surfing.
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The national governing body, the Royal Yachting Association, has _______________ throughout the country.

over 1,000 clubs
about 1,500 clubs
nearly 1,500 clubs
over 1,500 clubs
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Sports in America take a variety of forms: organized competitive struggles; athletic games, played for recreation anywhere; and hunting and fishing. Most sports are seasonal. Some sports are called spectator sports, as the number of spectators greatly exceeds the number playing in the game. Other sports are called participant sports, drawing a crowd of onlookers only on special occasions, such as tournaments. Some sports are commercial and professional, with players who are paid for their participation and with audiences who pay for the tickets to watch.
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Some sports are called spectator sports, as the number of spectators greatly exceeds the number playing _________________.

in the swimming-pool
in football
in the gym
in the game
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Baseball is the most popular sport in America. It is played throughout the spring and summer and professional baseball teams play well into the autumn. Not only boys, high school and college teams play baseball in the spring, but it is played by grown men as amateurs and by professionals organized into major and minor leagues. Every autumn there is the World Series, a play-off for the professional championship between the two top-ranking teams of the nation, one the winner of the National league competition and the other of the American league. Heroes in baseball are talked about and remembered as perhaps in no other sport.
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Baseball is the most popular sport __________________.

in Great Britain
in Australia
in Russia
in America
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Football is the most popular American sport in the autumn. The game agitated as a college sport. It is still played by almost every college and university in the country, and the football stadiums of some of the largest universities seat as many as 80 thousand people. The student spectators are led in cheering for their teams by trained, uniformed student cheerleaders, many of whom are pretty girls.
There are professional football teams in all main cities of the country. Their players are almost always former college football players. While college football games are usually played on Saturday afternoons, professional, football games are customarily played on Sunday afternoons or evenings.
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Their players are almost always ______________________.

former institute football players
future college football players
former college baseball players
former college football players
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Basketball is the winter sport in American schools and colleges. Many Americans prefer it to football because it is played indoors throughout the winter and because it is a faster game. It is very popular with high schools, state-wide high school tournaments are held yearly. Professional basketball teams exist, but they do not attract many fans.
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Many Americans prefer it to football because it is played indoors throughout the winter and because it is _________________.

a faster sport
a slower game
a better game
a faster game
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In Britain, the word “sport” is used generally to describe such activities as organized outdoor games, athletics, field or country sports, indoor games, aquatic sports, and such popular pursuits as horse-racing, dog-racing, show jumping, riding, boxing, rock climbing, motor racing, cycling and rifle shooting as well as those (for instance, archery, fencing, gliding and ice-skating) which, although less popular judged by the number of participants and spectators, all have their own devotees. Those who engage in sport may be professionals (that is, paid players) or amateurs. Professionals keep up the technical standards of the sports in which they take part and spectators make a vital contribution by their enthusiasm and their financial support; but the sporting life of Britain derives its character principally from the amateur element - people who devote time and energy to organising sport and to teaching and training, as well as the many thousands of all ages who engage in sport for pleasure alone.
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Those who engage in sport may be ______________________.

professors or amateurs
professionals or pupils
professionals or students
professionals or amateurs
Заполните пропуски в письме следующими словами
Dear Mr. Brown
I would like to take 1_____ of visiting a new contact in Lahore, Pakistan. In this 2_____ I would like to ask you to make 3_____ of one business-class seat for a one-way flight to Lahore 4_____ Deli in the afternoon on 6 May.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Hogarth

an opportunity
a reservation
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We are glad to let you know that we have 2_____ accommodation for you as you requested. We will meet you at the airport and take you to the hotel.
As to the hotel charges, you will find detailed 3_____ in the brochure enclosed to this letter.
Peter Chase
Deputy Marketing Director

Dear Mrs. Olga Ramos
Yours sincerely
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Dear Mr. Smith,
We thank you for your letter and have pleasure in reserving 1_____ as required. We suggest a single 2_______ on the 3______ floor for 30$ a night for 3 days.
We are most grateful to you for choosing our hotel.
Yours sincerely,
The receptionist

Peter Wolf
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Dear Mr. Brown,
I am writing to thank you most 1_____ for your wonderful 2_____ and assistance during my 3_____ visit to your country. I would be very pleased 4_____ your kindness when you find yourself in our country.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Krotov

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Dear Mr. Winter,
I will appreciate your 1________ with the details of your charges. I would like 2_____ two single rooms for 3 days. I need hot water and a bathroom. Besides, I 3________ you with the letter my requirements.
Bill Watson
Deputy Marketing Director

early reply
to book
am sending
Yours sincerely
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Dear Mr. Morgan,
Please let me know if you will be able 1_____ a group of 10 people in your hotel. I would like to book 10 2_____ rooms for five nights (from 2 to 6 May) in 3_____ hotel near the old town. Besides, I will be glad to have the details of charges. Please let me know about the 4_____ of our visit in more details.
Yours sincerely,
Catherin Patterson
Tour operator

to accommodate
the first-class
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Dear Mr. Grey,
Further to your telegram I am writing to confirm that I am arriving at your 1_______ at 10.30 a.m. I would like to reserve a return flight to 2_______ departing Moscow at 3.50 p.m. Besides, I would like to have a rest at your hotel. My 3_____ are:
1) the room should be at the back of the house
2) the room should be quiet and 4_____.
Thank you for the invitation.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Krook

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Dear Mr. Kroger,
We thank you for your telegram and have pleasure in reserving 1_____ as required. As far as we know you 2_____ comfort, personal service. Our hotel 3_____ individual charm and friendly atmosphere. We thank you for your telegram and confirm the 4_____ made by you for 2 days from 15 to18 July inclusive.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Black
The Director

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We have been authorized by the President of our company to extend to you and your spouse an invitation to be our guests on the Volga River – Ship “Russia” for a Business conference. All the expenses of the Business 2_________ including the hotel room charges relating to the 3_______ Business conference in Moscow following the conclusion of the River Trip will be paid by the company for both you and your spouse.
Mr. Lavrov

Dear Mr. Petrov
Yours faithfully
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Dear Mr. Clyde,
We have 1_____ your letter dated the 18th July 2006. We thank you for your 2_____ to Mr. Robinson to visit you for the 3_____ of discussing this matter. Unfortunately Mr. Robinson is unable 4_____ your invitation owing to a previous engagement. We would appreciate if you could postpone the meeting till early September. Mr. Robinson proposes flying to Moscow about the 15th September and visiting your company.
Yours sincerely,
Glen Fines
Assistant to the General Manager

to accept
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Mrs Sally Fisher
18 St. James Avenue
Bournemouth HB3 4LN

4th October 2004

Our ref: US/HK1082
Your ref: SP/T


Your order
2_____________ receive your order no. 202 dated 1st October 2004. We already work with your order. We will inform you 3______________ delivery.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information. We thank you and 4______________ in the future.
Yours sincerely,
M. Warrens

Dear Mrs Fisher
We are pleased to
when the consignment is ready for
look forward to being of service to you
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Dear Sir/Madam,
1________________ book a double room for the month of August 2004. 2________________ an air-conditioned room that faces the sea with bath and shower.
I should be grateful if 3_________________ as soon as possible. Please give me an indication of your rates per night including full board.
Should you have no vacancies please 4_________________ the address of a suitable hotel in your area?
Yours faithfully,
Jennifer O’Brian

I would like to
I require
you would confirm my booking
could you give me
Заполните пропуски в письме следующими фразами
Dear Mrs O’Brian,
1_______________ your letter of 5th April 2004. We are pleased to 2________________ you need for the month of August 2004. We enclose a short description of how you 3________________. 4_________________ your stay with us.
Yours sincerely,
Nick Webster
Reservations Manager

Thank you for
confirm the hotel accommodation
reach our hotel
We look forward to
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1st January, 2001

Prof. D.
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Linguistics
University of Toronto
130 St. George Street, Room 6076
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5S 3H1

Dear Sir,
1_________________, 20, a final-year student at St. Petersburg Primary School Teachers' Training College.
I am majoring in methods of language teaching. A list of my courses with hours and grades (unofficial transcript) is enclosed. I am to graduate next spring and 2___________________ admission as a student in your Department. I would like to begin studying in the fall semester of 2001.
3___________________ an application form and other papers necessary for application. I will be very grateful for any additional information (entrance requirements, financial aid, undergraduate programmes).
Tatyana Larina

I am Tatyana Larina
I wish to apply for
Would you please send me
Sincerely yours
Заполните пропуски в письме следующими фразами
Dear Sirs,
1__________________ learn that I was admitted as a student in the Faculty of Linguistics and that the teaching assistantship is being offered to me. Your department has excellent reputation, and it is an honour to me to be accepted there.
2__________________ that I accept your offer of admission and teaching assistantship in the fall of 2001. 3__________________ this acceptance via e-mail.
Please acknowledge the receipt of this message by return e-mail. Please send me information about on-campus housing.
4__________________ your generous help.
Sincerely yours,
Tatyana Larina

I was very pleased to
I would like to inform you
I am also sending you
With many thanks for
Заполните пропуски в письме следующими фразами
International Management Ltd
Mr. Smirnov
General Director
Russian Federation
22 February 1997
Re: November Programme for Russian bankers and foreign trade businessmen
2__________________ that I am coming to Moscow on Monday, 28 February. I will stay in Moscow for three nights and will be leaving for St. Petersburg by train during the evening of Thursday, 3 March. 3________________ the Russia Hotel. I will be at your disposal for business discussions at your convenience.
I hope that you have received our proposals for the November Programme and look forward to receiving your comments.
Yours sincerely,
David A. Hill

Dear Mr. Smirnov
I am delighted to inform you
I will be staying at
Kind regards
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15 October 1997

Dear Mr. Snow,
1___________________ of our Invoice 3582, sent to you on 10 August, has not yet been made. As an exception we specified payment on an open account terms 30 days net. Our Invoice has now been outstanding for 50 days. In the case of unsettled debts of this duration it is our company policy 2__________________. We would naturally prefer not to have to go so far. 3____________________ we are enclosing a copy of our invoice. We look forward 4__________________ this week.
Yours sincerely,
Nick Nikolaev
General Director

According to our records payment
to take legal action
In case you have lost or mislaid the original
to receiving your payment
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Course TEC4

12th September, 1998

2_________________ Mr Bedouelle cannot now attend the course as his wife is very ill. Please return his deposit and cancel 3__________________.
Thank you for your assistance.
Sophie Lebrun
Olivetti North America

Dear Sir/Madam
I regret that
his hotel booking
Yours sincerely
Заполните пропуски в письме следующими словами
Nash Computer Components Ltd.

1________________, 1997

Dear Sir,
The order №58317 arrived yesterday but 2__________________ was incorrect. We ordered a 2 gigabyte disk drive and received a 1 gigabyte disk drive. 3____________________ as soon as possible what arrangements you can make to correct the situation.
J. Taylor
Autobits Ltd.

21st August
one of the components
Please let me know
Yours faithfully
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Mr White and I will be delighted to dine with you on Friday, the first of April, 2________________. How very nice of you to invite us!
We are both 3________________ with great pleasure to seeing you and Mr Green again.
Olga White

Dear Mrs Green
at eight o’clock
looking forward
Sincerely yours
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S.S. “Clyde”

With further reference to our letter of the 2nd March, 2__________________ that we have received a telegram from the Owners of the S.S. “Clyde” stating that the vessel had to call at Piraeus owing to a severe storm on the Mediterranean Sea. However, she is now again on the way to 3_________________ and is expected at Poti on the 22nd March.
Yours faithfully,

Dear Sirs
we wish to inform you
the port of loading
Mr Smith
Заполните пропуски в письме следующими словами
Portable Gas Turbines. Order No. 1716

Moscow, 1_______________, 1998

Dear Sirs
2_______________ of the 18th October enclosing your confirmation of our Order No. 1716 for 2 Portable Gas Turbines. We would like to 3______________ to an error which we noticed in the order confirmation, viz. the nominal rating of the turbines is indicated as 130 b. h. p. instead of 150 b. h. p.
For order’s sake we would ask you to acknowledge receipt of this letter.
Mr Gate

21st October
We thank you for your letter
draw your attention
Yours faithfully
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London, 12th January, 1991

The Russian Chamber of Commerce,
Ul. Kuibysheva 6,
Dear Sirs,
2_______________ the purchase of Caviar of Russian origin for immediate shipment as well as for shipment at regular intervals during 1991. We shall appreciate it if 3_________________ of the name and address of organization engaged in the export of this product from Russia. We thank you in advance 4__________________.
Yours faithfully,
Brown & Co., Ltd.

We are interested in
you will inform us
for your trouble
Заполните пропуски в письме следующими словами
London, 1______________, 1995

Dear Sirs,
2__________________ your letter dated the 18th July in response to ours of the 15th July concerning the development of 3_________________ between V/O Rossimport and ourselves.
We greatly appreciate your invitation to Mr. J. Robinson to visit you for the purpose of discussing this matter. The time of the visit suggested by you, viz. after the 15th August, is quite convenient for us. Mr. Robinson proposes flying to Moscow about the 20th August, and we will advise you of the exact date after his flight has been arranged.
Ms Anna Smith

22nd July
We have received with pleasure
mutual business relations
Yours faithfully
Заполните пропуски в письме следующими словами
1_____________, 12th June, 2000

Dear Sirs,
2_________________ of the 8th June and in compliance with your request are glad to send you, under separate cover, brochures and leaflets in duplicate relating to our Cylindrical Grinding Machines, Models 3152, 3169, 3161, 3164A. To our regret we are unable 3_________________ any publications covering Models 3151, 3162 and 3163 as they out of print. A new impression is being printed and as soon as the publications are received from the printing works, we shall not fail to send you some copies.
Mr Petrov

We thank you for your letter
to send you
Yours faithfully
Заполните пропуски в письме следующими словами
Moscow, 15th November, 1999

We acknowledge with thanks 2_________________ of the 12th November for Rails and Switches. As our organization 3_________________ such goods, we have taken the liberty of passing your enquiry to V/O Promsyrioimport, Smolenskaya-Sennaya 32/34, Moscow-200 who are the sole exporters of such kind of equipment from Russia and who will communicate with you direct.
Yours faithfully,

Dear Sirs
receipt of your enquiry
does not export
Mr Burov
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Paraffin Wax

London, 20th June, 2000

2_________________ of the 16th June as well as the samples of Paraffin Wax sent by you by parcel post.
We are satisfied with the quality of the material, but we must point out that your prices are considerably higher than those of 3_________________. We should be prepared to buy 50 tons of Grade A and 50 tons of Grade В on the terms proposed by you if you could reduce your prices by 10 per cent.
4________________ with interest to your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Gordon

Dear Sirs
We have received your letter
your competitors
We look forward
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New York City is the theatre centre of the United States. Most important new plays are staged there. For years young actors, actresses and playwrights have gone to New York hoping to find success. Some people say that America’s greatest contribution to the theatre is musical comedy. This kind of performances is a play in which music and dance help to tell a story.

For years young actors and actresses can’t find job in New York.
Most important new plays are staged in London.
Some people say that America’s greatest contribution to the theatre is drama.
For years young actors and actresses have gone to New York hoping to find success.
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The nation’s leading opera and ballet companies are situated in New York in Lincoln Centre for the Performing Arts, where there is also a symphony orchestra, a theatre and a library museum. Classical music can be heard in Carnegie Hall. Films coupled with a stage show may be seen in Radio City Music Hall, one of the world’s largest theatres seating over six thousand people.

Radio City Music Hall is one of the smallest theatres seating over ten people.
The nation’s leading opera and ballet companies are situated in Chicago.
Classical music can be heard in Radio City Music Hall.
Classical music can be heard in Carnegie Hall.
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The 20th century brought a great change into the theatre. Cinema, radio, television, video altered the course of the major performing arts and created the new ones. But still there are hundreds of puppet theatres, conservatories and philharmonics, musical comedy theatres, drama theatres and opera houses where the audiences are excited at the prospect of seeing a play and the actors are most encouraged by the warm reception.

The actors are not encouraged by the warm reception.
But still there are ten of puppet theatres where the audiences are excited at the prospect of seeing a play of actors.
There are a lot of puppet theatres, conservatories and philharmonics in our city.
The 20th century brought a great change into the theatre.
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Before going to a theatre you should book a ticket at a box-office. The most expensive seats are in the stalls, boxes and the dress-circle. The seats in the balcony, pit and the upper circle are less expensive, they are cheap. Then at the entrance to the theatre the attendant tears your theatre ticket in half.

The seats in the boxes and the dress-circle are cheap.
The most expensive seats are in the pit.
Before going to a cinema you should book a ticket at the entrance.
The seats in the balcony are less expensive.
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In England evening performances at the theatres begin at 7.15 or 7.30 p.m. Matinees, or early performances, are given twice a week on Wednesdays or Thursdays, and on Saturdays at 2.30 p.m. Seats can be booked in advance either at the box-office of the theatre itself or at the theatre agencies. The seats immediately in front of the orchestra are called the stalls.

The seats immediately in front of the orchestra are called the balcony.
Matinees, or early performances, are given once a week.
In England evening performances at the theatres begin at 6.30 p.m.
Seats can be booked in advance either at the box-office of the theatre itself or at the theatre agencies.
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The cloak-room is much less used in English theatres than in those in the Northern Countries. Generally there is only one cloak-room, which is for the people in the stalls and the dress circle, as in these seats evening dress is customary, especially on first nights and at the opera. Many ladies wear evening cloaks, which they keep on during the performance, while men put their hats and over-coats under the seat on the carpeted floor.

Men put their hats and over-coats on the seat.
There are no the cloak-rooms in English theatres.
There are some cloak-rooms, which are for the people in the stalls.
Many ladies wear evening cloaks, which they keep on during the performance.
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When in Moscow, one finds himself in a difficult situation as it is not an easy matter to decide which theatre to choose.
Newspapers and posters tell you what is on at different playhouses. The repertories of the theatres usually offer us a wide choice of plays-modern and classical, by Russian as well as by foreign playwrights.

The repertories of the theatres don’t usually offer us a wide choice of play-bill.
Newspapers and posters tell you what is on at different shops.
When you are in Moscow you must decide which palace of culture to choose.
The repertories of the theatres usually offer us a wide choice of plays-modern and classical, by Russian as well as by foreign playwrights.
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A visitor to London is always surprised when he sees the Royal Opera House standing almost inside the city’s great fruit, flower and vegetable market. It is usually called “Covent Garden” and if someone tells us that he is going to Covent Garden on such a day we think of the opera and not the market.

A visitor to London is always surprised when he sees the Royal Opera House standing on the bank of the Thames river.
If someone tells us that he is going to Covent Garden on such a day we think of the market.
A visitor to London is not always surprised when he sees the Royal Opera House.
The Royal Opera House is usually called “Covent Garden”.
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The first Theatre Royal Covent Garden was built in 1732 on a piece of land which had formerly been a part of a convent garden. It was more a theatre of drama than opera. Yet many of Handle’s operas were performed here for the first time.

The first Theatre Royal Covent Garden was more a theatre of opera than a theatre of drama.
The first Theatre Royal Covent Garden was built in 1732 in the centre of London.
The Theatre Royal Covent Garden is the largest theatre in the world.
The first Theatre Royal Covent Garden was more a theatre of drama than opera.
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Most of the famous actors of the day and many singers appeared at Covent Garden. The great Russian Shaliapin sang at Covent Garden. The composers Gounod and Berlioz came to see their operas performed. Now the theatre is one of the few well-known opera houses open for eleven months in the year and it employs over 600 people both of the Opera Company and the Royal Ballet.

Famous actors and singers didn’t appear at Covent Garden.
The composer Berlioz didn’t want to come to see his operas performed.
Over 100 people are employed both by the Opera company and the Royal Ballet.
Now the theatre is one of the few well-known opera houses open for eleven months in a year.
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Old Vic Theatre is famous for its Shakespeare productions. The theatre was opened in 1818. The interior was beautifully decorated, one of the most famous features was the famous curtain, which consisted of sixty-three pieces of looking-glass and reflected the whole house. As it was too heavy, it had to be removed. In 1914 the first regular Shakespeare season was given.

One of the most famous features was the famous chandelier.
The theatre was opened in 1800.
Old Vic Theatre is not famous for its Shakespeare productions.
One of the most famous features was the famous curtain, which consisted of sixty-three pieces of looking-glass and reflected the whole house.
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Some people think English is easy to pronounce, in contrast to Chinese, for example. However, the spelling of some English words is not easy. Also, many common things have different names in British and American English, for example "pavement" and "side walk". And one of the problems is phrasal verbs.

One of the problems in American English is verbs.
Russian pronounce is not easy.
The spelling of some English verbs is very easy.
The spelling of some English words is difficult.
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Writing about a book will help you to remember it. After completing a novel, you may wish to enter in your notebook information suggested by the following headings: title, author, plot, characters with a brief description of each, setting, theme or central idea, humorous remarks or happenings, sentences worth quoting, interesting new words, reasons for liking or disliking the book.

Before completing a novel, you may wish to write much information in your notebook.
You need not to write reasons for liking or disliking the book.
You may only write about the characters with a brief description of each.
After completing a novel, you may write some information in your notebook.
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This school year, nearly half of all American elementary students are expected to learn math the way children do at Fernangeles Elementary: not in neat rows of desks, repeating times tables and memorizing theorems, but through trial-and-error problem solving, often in groups with little direct instruction and almost always with a calculator nearby. Advocates call it “interactive” or “inventive” math and insist that it sets American schoolchildren on the way to becoming “mathematically powerful”.

At Fernangeles Elementary school children learn math with teachers.
At Fernangeles Elementary school children learn English.
At Fernangeles Elementary school children learn math with a lot of direct instruction.
At Fernangeles Elementary school children learn math through trial-and-error problem solving.
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It all started in 1989, when the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, in response to the consistently poor math scores of U.S. children, issued new standards overhauling math education. Out went the stalwarts of traditional math: the rote memorization drills, the droning chalkboard lectures. In came the cool stuff: calculators, open-ended problems, exercises that encourage kids to discover their own route to the right answer.

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics issued new standards overhauling math education, in response to the good math scores of U.S. children.
Calculators, open-ended problems didn’t use at U.S. schools.
The cool stuff doesn’t encourage kids to discover their own route to the right answer.
In 1989 the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics issued new standards overhauling math education.
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The most convincing defense of new whole math would be evidence that it works. In a few states that have emphasized new-new math, such as Connecticut, there are early indicators of improved student performance. Critics in California, on the other hand, point to test scores in cities like Santa Barbara and Palo Alto that show at least temporary dropoffs after new math has been introduced.

Only in Santa Barbara there were temporary dropoffs before new math has been introduced.
Critics in Russia point to test scores in all cities of America.
In all states of the USA new-new math was emphasized.
There are indicators of improved student performance in math in Connecticut.
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Speakers of European languages expect that their verbs will always tell them something about time, that there will be a relation between tense and time, and that we shall have at least a future, a present and a past tense referring to a future, a present and a past time. But there is no natural law that says that a verb in any language shall be concerned with time. Indeed there are plenty of languages in which time relations are not marked at all and there are some languages which are concerned with spatial rather than temporal relations. Even in languages where time seems to be dealt with in the verb it is not always a simple matter of present, past and future.

A noun in all language is concerned with time.
There are many languages in which time relations are not marked.
There is no future, present and past tense referring to a future, a present and a past time.
There is a relation between tense and time in European languages.
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English does not handle present, past and future as a trio in the category of tense; we shall not be referring to future tense at all in spite of having past and present tenses. In English the verb may indicate that an action took place in a period preceding, but continuing right up to, the present moment, as well as simply in the past. In other languages such as Slavonic languages, what is important is whether or not the action has been completed. “I read a book last night” will be translated into Russian in two different ways - depending upon whether or not I finished the book.

“I read a book last night” will be translated into Russian in one way.
We must refer to future tense at all in spite of having only past tense.
English handles present, past and future as a trio in the category of tense.
In Slavonic languages it is important if the action has been completed.
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With Audio-Forum’s intermediate and advanced materials, it's easy to maintain and sharpen your foreign-language skills.
Besides intermediate and advanced audiocassette courses - most developed for the State Department - we offer foreign-language mystery dramas, dialogs recorded in Paris, games, music, and many other helpful materials. And if you want to learn a new language, we have beginning courses for adults and for children.
We offer introductory and advanced materials in most of the world's languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Greek, Russian, Arabic, Korean, and others. 264 courses in 91 languages. Our 22nd year.

They only offer intermediate and advanced audiocassette courses.
They offer introductory and advanced materials in European languages.
There are 260 courses in 91 languages.
With Audio-Forum's intermediate and advanced materials, it's easy to have foreign-language skills.
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Running is excellent exercise. Before you start running, you should warm up first, using slow movement that makes all your muscles work. But be careful! If you stretch when your muscles are cold, you might do yourself an injury. Always wear comfortable clothing and make sure your trainers are in good shape. If you wear shoes that give good support to your whole foot, you will put less pressure on your knees. You should start exercising slowly, at a pace you can keep up for about 15-20 minutes. Try to exercise on soft ground as this will protect your knees and hips from too much stress.

If you run when your muscles are hot, you might do yourself an injury.
You should start exercising quickly.
Wear shoes that give good support to your knees.
Before you start running, you should slowly move that make all your muscles work.
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We have Maths every day. It’s the science of numbers. People say, Maths is hard. As for me, I don’t agree. If you know the tables, it’s as easy as ABC. At the lessons we learn to add, divide, multiply and subtract. Everybody uses numbers and Mathematics every day: when we go shopping, plan something, build houses, plant corn and vegetables and so on. As for me, I am good at Maths.

If you know the tables, Maths is as difficult as ABC.
We don’t use numbers and Maths every day.
At the Maths lessons we only learn to add and divide.
Mathematics is the science of numbers.
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Drawing is an interesting subject. I’m fond of drawing and painting. When we draw, we make pictures with a pen or chalk. When we paint, we make pictures with paint. We may paint in water-colours or in oils. It is not easy to paint in oils. At the lessons we speak about famous artists and their paintings. It helps me to understand the beauty. Drawing helps us in many subjects: in Geography, History, Botany, Literature. We understand things better, remember the facts and learn things quicker if there are pictures in the books and our textbooks. Drawing is a useful subject, I think. I’m good at Drawing.

Drawing is a useless subject.
It is very easy to paint in oils.
Drawing helps us in Mathematics and Geometry.
When we draw we make pictures with a pen, chalk and paint.
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We study one of the modern languages at school. It is English. It’s my favourite subject. At the lessons of English we learn to read, write and speak. We learn the History and Geography of our country, Great Britain and the USA. We read stories after famous English and American children’s writers. I like stories after Alan Milne, Donald Bisset, Lewis Carroll, Mark Twain and others. I want to be clever at English because English will help me in my future life. I will read books in English, watch films and listen to the songs and understand them. But what is more important, I will speak with people from other countries and we’ll understand each other. We’ll make friends and will live in peace.

At the lessons of English we learn the History and the Geography of Great Britain only.
We can speak with people from other countries if we don’t know English.
At school pupils study one of the ancient languages.
English can help us in our future life.
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It’s difficult to speak about music in general, because it will either take a lot of time or just one sentence to explain our attitude. Music is an integral part of our life. It is varied because it reflects different human emotions. If we ask several people what kind of music they like, all of them will give different answers. Tastes differ. But the world of music is boundless and everybody can find there something that satisfies his tastes and demands. And all the people will agree that our world will be dull without music.

Our world will be happy without music.
Music can’t reflect different human emotions.
Music isn’t an integral part of our life.
Music can satisfy people’s tastes and demand.
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Music is an integral part of our life. We enjoy music because it influences our mood and imagination, reflects our inner state and character, arouses deep emotions and makes us think. It helps us to remove from tiredness and tension or find new strength, get new energy and optimism. That’s why we can say that all kinds of music are popular with public: classical and pop music, folk music and jazz, operas, musicals, orchestral performances, chamber music, rock and roll, heavy metal, rap, rock, hard rock, rave and so on. For this reason music festivals which are held annually gather large audience.

Only drawing reflects our inner state and character.
Music festival can’t gather large people.
There is only one kind of music in the world.
Music can help us to find new strength.
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I should say that it is impossible not to love theatre. It shows us how beautiful, strong and clever people are, how wonderful and interesting life is. That’s why it is almost impossible to get tickets when a good play is on. You have to buy tickets beforehand either at the box-office of the theatre itself or at one of the agencies.

You can’t love theatre.
It is easy to get tickets when a good play is on.
You can buy tickets only at the box-office.
We must buy tickets beforehand because it is difficult to get tickets when the good play is on.
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When you go to the theatre you should know that the best seats are those in the stalls, the circle and the upper circle. Then comes the pit and last of all the gallery where the seats are the cheapest. Boxes, of course, are the most expensive. It is true to every theatre where you can see opera, ballet, comedy, drama, musical comedy or a variety show. Most theatres and music-halls have good orchestras with popular conductors. So if you have chosen a good play you will enjoy it thoroughly from the moment the curtain goes up to the end of the last act.

Some theatres haven’t good orchestras.
Boxes are the cheapest seats.
At the theatre we can see only ballet.
If you see a good play you can enjoy it during all play.
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William Shakespeare was one of the greatest and famous writers in human history. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon a small town in the middle of England. His father wanted his son to be a well-educated person and William was sent to the local grammar school. Studying at school the boy actually did not have any free time. But he spent his rare spare hours walking in the forest or watching the river Avon. Soon he went to London and there he became an actor. At that time he began to write plays too. Shakespeare was at the same time an actor and a playwright. His plays were staged in many theatres, translated into many foreign languages.
That made Shakespeare a very popular man. He produced thirty seven plays at all. William Shakespeare wrote also a lot of poetry including his unbeatable sonnets.

William Shakespeare was only an actor.
William Shakespeare was only a playwright.
William Shakespeare wrote only plays.
William Shakespeare was an actor, a playwright and a poet.
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It is difficult to live without music. You can hear music everywhere: in the streets, in the marketplaces, in the shops, in the parks and in the concert halls. You can even hear it at the seaside and in the forest. We can’t live without music. Modern researches discovered that a human puts music in the third place after the family relations stability and comfort and the job satisfaction. Even sexual realization means less to a human. We like to listen to music, we enjoy to dance to music, we play music instruments. For some people music is their hobby.

We can’t hear music everywhere.
People can live without music so they don’t hear it anywhere.
For some people music is the subject at school.
People can’t live without music so they hear it everywhere.
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. book-printing
2. editor
3. publish
4. issue

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. comment
2. quotation
3. foreword
4. design

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. Printing Industry
2. binding
3. print
4. circulation

печатная промышленность
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. story
2. publishing - house
3. imposition
4. book review

статья, газетный материал
рецензия на книгу
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. editorial staff
2. page
3. column
4. head - line

редакция (коллектив)
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. full version
2. article
3. italics
4. indented line

полная версия
красная строка
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. publication
2. section
3. editor-in-chief
4. composition

главный редактор
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. polygraphy
2. reader
3. size
4. reviewer

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. line
2. epilogue
3. editorial office
4. wording

редакция (помещение)
обработанный текст