Ответы на тесты по предмету Английский язык (18796 вопросов)

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Real telegraphs were possible until it was proved that electricity and magnetism were connected. It was found that a needle of a compass moved when it was put near а wirе with a current flowing through it. A compass needle is a magnet. If a wire carrying a current could move it, then the wire must be a magnet too.

It was discovered that electricity and magnetism aren’t connected.
A compass needle is electricity.
Real telegraphs were possible earlier than it was proved that telegraph and magnetism were connected.
A wire carrying an electric current can move a compass needle because they are both magnets.
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A lot of people began to see how electro-magnets could be used to send messages. One of the most famous people of all in communication is Samuel Morse. He invented the Morse code. This code is still used in signaling all over the world. His idea was simple. He thought of using time, sending current along a wire for a long time or a short time. Combining different sets of these “impulses”, just using the long or short, he made a code for the whole alphabet, and the numbers from 0 to 9.

S. Morse made a code only for the alphabet.
One of the most famous people of all in communications is A. Popov.
Many years ago electro-magnets could not be used to send messages.
The Morse code is now used in signaling all over the world.
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The Morse code simplified sending messages. It was also very fast. With practice, the Morse code can be read at 30 words a minute or more. It became the most widely used code, because it was the easiest to understand and the fastest to transmit. The telegraph meant that at last people could send messages a long way at great speed. Soon people wanted to send messages even farther.

The Morse code couldn’t send messages.
The Popov’s code became the most widely used code because it was the simplest.
The Morse code was the easiest to understand.
The Morse code can be read at 30 words a minute and more.
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Only at the end of the 19th century electricity began to play its part in modern civilization. The man who achieved more in this field of practical engineering than any of his contemporaries was the American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison. He became interested in the problem of electric lighting. He knew what had been done in the field of electric lighting before his time, and he had seen some devices of his contemporaries, such as arc-lamp illuminations, which had been installed here and there. Two sticks of carbon, nearly touching, can be made to produce an electric arc which closes the circuit. Many scientists and inventors working in this field knew that only incandescent electric light - produced by some substance glowing in a vacuum so that it cannot burn up - could be used instead of gas lighting.

M. Lomonosov was the first who discovered electricity.
Many scientists and inventors knew that only glowing electric light could be used instead of gas lighting.
Incandescent electric light is produced by some substance glowing in a gas.
Two sticks of carbon can produce an electric arc.
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Modern telegraph systems are based upon the fact that electric current will flow through a wire which forms a circuit. The circuit can be broken to interrupt the flow of electricity and closed again for a short time by a key to send an electrical impulse through the circuit. When the key is pressed the circuit is closed. Electricity from the battery flows through the wire and earth circuit and causes the buzzer to make a noise. Using the Morse code, or some other code, messages can be sent in this way.

Ancient telegraph systems are based upon the fact that electrons flows through a drum.
The circuit can be interrupted the flow of water.
The circuit can be closed for a short time by a coil.
Electrical impulses will not flow through a wire if the circuit is broken.
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Through the years other machines were invented, both to receive and transmit messages. These machines are called teleprinters. They use a code called the International 5-unit teleprinter code instead of the Morse code. It is called a "5-unit" code because a letter or a figure is made up of five impulses of electrical current, either positive or negative - three positive, two negative; one positive, four negative; and so on. All the letters are the same length in time. This is quite different from the Morse code, where E is the shortest and "nought" the longest.

Teleprinters use the Morse code.
New machines could only transmit messages.
In the Morse code all the letters are the same length in time.
In the International 5-unit teleprinter code all the letters take the same length of time to transmit.
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A teleprinter is really a machine which sends a typewriter message over a telegraph circuit. In fact, it looks like a typewriter and has the same keyboard. Every time one of the keys on the keyboard is pressed it sends the five impulses that make one letter or figure. It also sends a "start" impulse. This sets the teleprinter (or any number of them that are connected) at a receiving station ready to print the letter that follows immediately. A "stop" impulse brings all the teleprinters to rest after each letter or figure.

If one of the keys on the keyboard is pressed the teleprinter sends some impulses.
A “start” impulse brings the teleprinter to rest.
One of the key on the keyboard sends a “stop” impulse.
A teleprinter is like a typewriter and has the same keyboard.
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In the early days of the telegraph and the telephone, men observed that signals sometimes jumped across the space between wires running next to each other, so that messages sent to one person went to another. They realized that electricity could pass through the air as well as along a wire. Just as sound travels through the air in waves, so electricity travels through the air in what we call radio waves. A. S. Popov, a Russian inventor, had the idea of sending messages by radio waves, or "by wireless". He constructed a coherer detector for the study of lightning discharges and his receiver was described in 1895.

Sound doesn’t travel through the air in wires.
Electricity can pass only through the air.
Messages sent to one person can return.
Electricity passes along a wire, but it may also passes through the air.
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Radio was invented in Russia. The world's first receiver was constructed in 1895 by the great Russian scientist Alexander Popov. There were no transmitters then, therefore his receiver could only pick up signals produced by lightning discharges during a thunderstorm. A. Popov demonstrated a device called a "storm indicator" at a meeting of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society in St. Petersburg on May 7, 1895. This day is marked now as Radio Day. Soon Alexander Popov found a way of transmitting Morse code signals. In 1897 he sent the world's first wireless telegram over a distance of 600 m and four years later the range of transmission was increased to 150 km. Nowadays radio communication has no limits.

A. Popov found a way of transmitting signals of the teleprinter.
Radio was invented in America.
Nowadays radio communication has limits.
Popov’s receiver could pick up signals produced by lightning discharges during a thunderstorm.
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The first television invention that had practical consequences was the “electrical telescope”, patented by Paul Nipkow in 1884. At the heart of his camera was the now famous Nipkow disk. It had 24 holes equally spaced along a spiral near the periphery of the disk. The image to be transmitted was focussed on a small region at the disk’s periphery, and the disk was made to spin at 600 revolutions per minute. As the disk rotated, the sequence of holes scanned the image in a straight line. A lens behind the image region collected the sequential light samples and focussed them on a single selenium cell. The cell would then produce a succession of currents, each proportional to the intensity of the light on a different element of the image.

At the heart of “electrical telescope” was famous Popov disk.
The holes in the Nipkow disk were not equally spaced along a spiral near the periphery of the disk.
Nipkow disk had 25 holes.
The “electrical telescope” was invented and patented by Paul Nipkow in 1884.
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No doubt colour television will eventually supersede black-and-white transmissions. But there are other revolutionary developments to come, such as the “flat” screen - it will replace the conventional receiver box with its cathode-ray tube. The first screen, which can be hung on the wall like a picture, may be no more than 2 to 3 inches thick. It has a fluorescent coating like conventional tubes, but the electrons from the cathode move almost parallel with it instead of striking it at a right angle. They start their journey from an electronic “gun” at the top behind the screen, shooting downwards; at the bottom they are reflected by a “reversing lens” to travel vertically upwards along the screen, which they eventually hit by the influence of a grid of conductors which accumulate electric charges from the electron beam and give them off to the screen. The flat screen will be especially suitable for colour reception.

Black-and-white transmissions will be especially suitable for colour reception.
The cathode-ray tube will replace the “flat” screen.
There are no other revolutionary developments to come in colour television.
The first “flat” screen may be no more 2 to 3 inches thick and can be hung on the wall.
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A solid-state television camera that can be made so small it fits into the palm of a hand is available at present.
At the heart of this camera is a light-sensitive semiconductor “chip” - half the size of a postage stamp. It receives and transmits images coming through the lens in much the same way that a 5-inch long (12.5 cm) tube does in today’s cameras. The device, though complex in principle, promises to simplify the basic television camera so that low-cost, live TV should some day be common in industry and the home.

A solid-state television camera receives and transmits images coming through the tube.
A solid-state television camera is not available at present.
At the heart if a solid-state television camera is a camera tube.
A solid-state television camera fits into the palm of a hand.
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For television fans who can’t make up their minds about which station to watch, a Taiwanese manufacturer has come up with a solution. The firm has introduced a three-screen television set. The unit features a 19-inch (47.5 cm), colour screen flanked on one side by a pair of 5-inch (12.5 cm), black-and-white screens mounted one above the other. Three channels can be watched at once, and using a remote control a viewer can rotate simultaneous broadcasts from one screen to another simply by pressing a button. One or both of the similar screens can also be hooked up to a closed-circuit camera, thus functioning as a security-surveillance monitor.

Television fans can make up their minds about which station to watch.
Television fans can make up their minds about colour television.
Two channels can be watched at once.
A Taiwanese manufacture has introduced a three-screen television set.
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How does digital television work? Basically it performs by splitting the continuous analogue signal into a series of separate pulses. A continuously varying electric signal generated by a usual broadcasting camera is fed into an electronic device which converts it into pulses. These pulses represent binary recordings of the signal’s values at any given moment. At the receiving end of the circuit, the digital signal of binary pulses can be unscrambled back into the analogue signal which is then fed into ordinary TV sets. But the advantages of digital techniques can themselves be used in TV sets in order to improve their reception qualities considerably.

A continuously varying electric signal isn’t fed into an electronic device.
Digital television doesn’t perform by splitting the continuous analogue signal into a series of separate pulses.
The pulses represent binary recordings of the signal’s values at certain moment.
The advantage of digital techniques is in improving their qualities considerably.
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Digital TV has its disadvantages. The main one lies in the tremendous scope of information to be transmitted. And it must be done at the rate of 216 million pulses per second. This great flow of information is rather difficult and extremely expensive to transmit over great distances by the technical means available today.
Russian researchers studying this problem have found help in the principles they observed in living nature. And the efforts of Russian researchers in this field are internationally recognized.

The efforts of Russian researches in the field of digital television are recognized only in Russia.
The information in digital television can be transmitted at the rate of 200 million pulses per second.
The efforts of English researches in the field of digital television are internationally recognized.
Digital television has some disadvantages.
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1. device
2. circuit
3. to transfer information
4. to charge the battery

передавать информацию
заряжать батарею
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1. screen
2. to store data
3. to receive a message
4. conductor

хранить данные
получать сообщение
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1. peripheral device
2. capacity
3. to increase
4. to turn on

периферийное устройство
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1. condenser
2. current
3. to process data
4. to send a message

обрабатывать данные
посылать сообщение
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1. magnetic waves
2. insulating materials
3. keyboard
4. hardware

магнитные волны
изолирующие материалы
аппаратные средства
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1. to measure
2. electric charges
3. wireless waves
4. to consist of

электрические заряды
состоять из
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1. software
2. memory
3. transistor
4. application

программное обеспечение
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1. conductivity
2. scanner
3. to improve
4. to use

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1. electric power
2. floppy disk
3. to delete
4. to input

электрический ток
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1. resistance
2. receiver
3. to output information
4. to copy commands

выводить информацию
копировать команды
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1. to connect by a wire
2. to invent
3. with the speed of light
4. magnetism

соединять при помощи провода
со скоростью света
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1. to transmit
2. insulation
3. telephone exchange
4. to use the electronics

телефонная станция
использовать электронику
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1. radio set
2. fluorescent screen
3. to input signals
4. to process information

флуоресцирующий экран
вводить сигналы
обрабатывать информацию
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1. output voltage
2. the realm of electronics
3. to accept information
4. to solve the problems

выходное напряжение
область электроники
принимать информацию
решать проблемы
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1. tiny metal cores
2. transmission
3. to add to a computer system
4. to provide the information

крошечные металлические сердечники
добавлять в компьютерную систему
обеспечивать информацией
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1. quantum physics
2. laser beam
3. peripheral device
4. graphics

квантовая физика
лазерный луч
периферийное устройство
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1. mathematical calculations
2. operating system
3. ultra-violet light
4. vacuum tube

математические вычисления
операционная система
ультрафиолетовый свет
вакуумная лампа
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1. storage medium
2. laser printer
3. application of electronics
4. coil

запоминающее устройство
лазерный принтер
использование электроники
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1. memory
2. means of communication
3. to tune the equipment
4. to heat the cathode

средства общения
настраивать оборудование
нагревать катод
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1. to make a decision
2. programming language
3. high reliability
4. to attract electrons

принимать решение
язык программирования
высокая надежность
притягивать электроны
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1. command
2. filename
3. electric current
4. value

имя файла
электрический ток
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1. root directory
2. error message
3. voltage drop
4. meter

корневая директория
сообщение об ошибках
падение напряжения
измерительный прибор
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1. subdirectory
3. electric cell
4. insulator

директория, входящая в состав другой директории
операционная система, разработанная корпорацией Майкрософт
электрический элемент
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1. font
2. pathname
3. to step up
4. to emit

указание пути к файлу
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1. default drive
2. blank disk
3. inductance
4. opposed current

дисковод, используемый по умолчанию
чистый диск
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1. single-sided disk
2. backslash
3. choke coil
4. high-pass filter

односторонняя дискета
обратная косая черта
дроссельная катушка
фильтр верхних частот
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1. destination disk
2. editor
3. low-pass filter
4. bypass coil

диск, на который ведется запись
фильтр низких частот
шунтовая катушка
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1. disk error writing
2. figure
3. control grid
4. end capacity

ошибка, допущенная при записи данных на диск
цифра, число
управляющая сетка
конечная емкость
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1. disk error reading
2. format
3. shielding
4. carrier

ошибка, допущенная при считывании данных с диска
формат, размер
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1. divide error
2. italics
3. digital techniques
4. technical facilities

ошибка, допущенная при делении
цифровые технологии
технические средства
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In the field of nutrition the outstanding advance of the 20th century was the discovery and the appreciation of the importance to health of the “accessory food factors”, or vitamins. Various works had shown that animals did not thrive on a synthetic diet containing all the correct amounts of protein, fat, and carbohydrate; they even suggested that there must be some unknown ingredients in natural food that were essential for growth and maintenance of health. But little progress was made in this field until the classical experiments of the English biologist F. Jowland Hopkins were published in 1912. The name “vitamine” was suggested for these substances by the biochemist Casimir Funk.

The Classical Experiments
Great Biologists
F. Jowland Hopkins and Casimir Funk
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In 1921, at the University of Toronto, Frederic Grant Banting and Charles H. Best conducted experiments that successfully isolated the hormone insulin. This hormone is used to control the disease diabetes. The name of the hormone is derived from Latin word for island, insula, because the hormone is produced in the part of the pancreas called the Isles of Langerhans.
Insulin is protein and is digested by the enzymes. Banting and Best used animal experiments to extract insulin and demonstrated that it stopped symptoms of diabetes. Commercial production of insulin uses pigs, oxen, and sheep as sources for the hormone.

Frederic G. Banting and Charles H. Best
The Isles of Langerhans
The University of Toronto
Insulin Found to Treat Diabetes
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In 1967 surgery arrived at a climax that made the whole would aware of its medicosurgical responsibilities when the South African surgeon Christian Barnard transplanted the first human heart.
In 1964 James Hardy, of the University of Mississippi, had transplanted a chimpanzee’s heart into a man.
Research had been remorselessly leading up to just such an operation ever since Charles Guthrie and Alexis Carrel, at the University of Chicago, perfected the suturing of blood vessels in 1905 and then carried out experiments in the transplantation of many organs, including the heart.

Diagnosing Heart Ailments
Christian Barnard
Organ Transplantation
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The use of X-rays in medicine was a huge breakthrough at the turn of the century. British engineer Godfrey Hounsfield came up with an improvement on the 70-year-old technology. It combined X-ray images with a computer.
Hounsfield called this technology a CT (computerized tomography) scan, also called CAT scan (computerized axial tomography). It was especially useful for looking at head injuries and brain problems, because it showed about 100 times greater detail in soft tissues than traditional X-rays. Hounsfield was knighted and won the 1979 Nobel Prize.

The Nobel Prize
Head Injuries
Brain Problems
CT (computerized tomography) Scan
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In the 1980s another imaging technique was added to the tools of medicine. Nuclear magnetic resonance is a technology that, using a gigantic magnet, can line up the protons – or nuclei of hydrogen atoms – in an object (or organism) to align with the north-south polarity of the magnet. A computer “reads” this to create an image in a process known as MRI, magnetic resonance imaging. MRI can give an image of any plane through the body, while the patient’s experience consists of lying still in a body-sized tube, and hearing the click of the machinery.

Nuclei of Hydrogen Atoms
The Patient’s Experience
A Gigantic Magnet
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
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Scientists have discovered that the beginning of coronary thrombosis can be detected and located by the use of radioactive iodine. The isotope of iodine is attracted to inflamed tissues and thus shows the exact place of thrombosis.
Electrocardiograms do not always show the beginning of a heart attack. The use of the radio-active iodine is better than electrocardiogram in this respect: it shows exactly the location of the thrombosis and it is helpful in treatment.

Diagnosing Heart Ailments
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In some cases it is necessary to make a brain operation, cutting several nerve tracts. In 1958 surgeons made this operation for the first time with an “atomic knife” – a proton beam that required no cutting into the brain. Usually such operation required weeks of preparation and many weeks of recovery. The atomic operation took about two hours; as soon as it was over, the patient walked off to a meal. He did not feel any pain and only said that he was tired from sitting in the same position for two hours. During the operation the patient was rotated from time to time so that the beam from synchrocyclotron could strike the brain at different angels. The surgeons directed the beam from another room, giving the patient instructions from time to time by the telephone.
The proton beam was 10 mm wide and 2 mm thick.

The Patient
The Brain
Proton Beams for Brain Operations
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Two American biochemists, Stanley H. Cohen and Herbert W. Boyer, inaugurated the science of genetic engineering – and its associated field of biotechnology – in 1973. They showed that it was possible to break down DNA into fragments and combine them into new genes, which could in turn be placed in living cells. There they would reproduce each time a cell divided into two parts.

The Science
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When Dr. Ian Wilmut introduced the world to the first successful clone of an adult mammal – a seven-month old Finn-Dorset lamb named Dolly – a new frontier in science opened wide.
In 1996, Dolly became the first large animal to be cloned from genetic material extracted from an adult cell.
Scientists inserted a cell from a ewe’s udder into an egg from the same animal after removing the egg’s DNA. The bioengineered embryo was implanted in the ewe’s womb and Dolly developed as a clone. Her birth at the Roslin Institute in Scotland was announced in 1997 and caused an international sensation.

Cloning of an Adult Mammal
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In some cases it is important for the surgeon to know whether an injured bone has “died” from loss of blood supply.
Few years ago it was necessary to wait several months, and sometimes even a year, for the accurate diagnosis that made treatment possible. Now surgeons have discovered how to find in a few minutes whether the bone has “died”. It is done by using a radioisotope – Sodium 24. When this isotope is pumped into the injured bone, it keeps its radio-activity if the bone is “dead”. But if the bone is still living, the blood carries away the radioisotope within ten minutes.
By measuring the amount of radio-activity left in the bone, the surgeon gets the information about the condition of the injured bone.

The Bone
The Treatment
Radioisotopes for Diagnosis
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A few years ago a 19-month-old girl was taken to Hammersmith Hospital in London.
She was semiconscious. The doctors examined her carefully and could not find out what was wrong with her.
Soon she became much worse and the doctors thought she would die.
Then one of the nurses who was looking after the little girl suggested to the doctors that she might have thallium poisoning. She told them that she had just read a detective story by Agatha Christie called ‘A Pale Horse’. In this story there was a description of a person who was dying of thallium poisoning. The nurse told the doctors that the way that the girl was behaving was very like the way that the poisoned person in the detective story behaved. She showed the same symptoms as the little girl.
The doctors sent some of the little girl’s blood to the laboratory and asked them to test it for thallium.
The laboratory tests showed that in the girl’s blood there was more than ten times the safe amount of thallium.
The doctors were now able to do something for the child, and four months later she was cured.
And all because the nurse had been reading a detective story by Agatha Christie.

The Doctors
The Nurse
The Laboratory Tests
Agatha Christie Saves a Life
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The cause of fainting may be different: strong emotion, want of food, fatigue or pain.
In fainting the person loses consciousness. Blood doesn’t get to the brain. The face of a person before fainting gets very pale and sweat appears on his forehead. He feels dizzy and weak. His breathing is shallow. His pulse is weak and slow.

The Person
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A person who thinks he can cure himself without the doctor’s consultation makes a mistake. There are hundreds of causes of headache and the person doesn’t know what medicine he needs.
He can stop his symptoms but he doesn’t cure the cause of them. The illness may become more serious.
A prescription is usually written for a certain person. Never use medicines prescribed not for you.

A Prescription
Avoid Self-Treatment
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You are what you eat. If you eat badly your body will find a way of letting you know sooner or later. Extra weight, spotty skin, poor teeth and heart disease can all point to the fact that you are not eating properly. Your life style also plays an important part in your general health and you body needs time to relax after a meal.
The following do’s and don’ts should help you keep fit:
- Do get plenty of fresh air – that way you’ll sleep better.
- Do make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
- Don’t overcook vegetables.
- Don’t eat too much fat, sugar and salt.
- Do try to take some exercise at least three times a week.

Your Body
Your Life Style
Your General Health
Health Advice
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Communicating with your hands in March
Class 10 had a visit from Mr. Jeff Hopkins who works with blind and deaf students. Mr. Hopkins explained that deaf people can communicate by using their hands. This is called ‘signing’. He showed us how to do it and brought a sign language dictionary with him.
He pointed out that there are many kinds of sign language. American sign language, for example, is different from British sign language, and both of these are different from Japanese sign language. The first one is only a code. Words are translated into signs in the same order as spoken language. In Britain and USA this is called ‘Signed Exact English’. Sometimes, people spell the letters of a word with their hands.

Blind and Deaf Students
A Sign Language Dictionary
Your Hands
Silent Messages
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Acupuncture has recently become very popular, but doctors have been using it in China for over two thousand years.
Acupuncture involves pushing needles into the skin at special points around the body. Ancient Chinese philosophers believed these points were connected to different organs – such as the heart or lungs – and that the needles could cure the diseases.
Today, acupuncture is used in many countries, and studies show that it works – especially for headaches, backaches and addiction to smoking. Since the 1950s, doctors in China have also been using acupuncture as an anaesthetic in major operations. Patients are awake and know what is happening in the operation but they feel little or no pain.

Ancient Chinese Philosophers
Doctors in China
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Biofeedback uses new technology to help people control their own internal organs. For example, if a person has problems with sleeping, he or she is connected to a special computer that shows the activity of the brain. The person then does mental exercises to try to relax. When brain activity falls, the computer makes a noise. Slowly, the person learns what type of mental exercises can reduce the activity of the brain.
Doctors in many parts of the world have been using biofeedback with great success for many years. It is now a very useful form of medicine for problems with stress, tension, epilepsy, the heart, pain and insomnia.

Internal Organs
Brain Activity
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Shoes should be bought with the idea that they are made to protect and support the feet. They should be chosen for shape, fit and the quality of the material. Size is no guarantee that shoes will fit, and people should choose shoes that follow the shape of the foot. Only with properly fitting shoes will the wearer avoid the pain of having the small bones of the foot pushed out of place.

Shoes and Health
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Heart disease kills more than a million people in the world every year. In Britain alone 170,000 die from the disease annually. There are three main reasons for this: smoking, a bad diet, and not taking enough exercise. Many people travel to work by car, bus or train and then sit down at work all day! The food they eat is unhealthy and they eat too much. In a typical British dish of sausages, chips and beans there is too much salt and too much sugar – an important ingredient in tinned food – and there are not enough vegetables. And there is not enough fibre in most meals. There are too many deaths from heart disease. We can reduce that number, but we have to change our habits.

A Bad Diet
Heart Disease
Bad Habits
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One day an old man went to see a doctor. The doctor examined him and said, “Medicine won’t help you. You must have a rest. Go to a quiet country place for a month, go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar a day.” “Thank you very much,” said the old man. “I’ll do everything you say.”
A month later the old man came to the doctor again. “How do you do?” said the doctor. “I’m very glad to see you. You look much younger.” “Oh, doctor,” said the man, “I’m quite well now. I had a good rest. I went to bed early. I drank a lot of milk, I walked a lot. Your advice certainly helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day almost killed me at first. It’s no joke to start smoking at my age.

The Doctor
Medicine Won’t Help You
One Cigar a Day
The Doctor’s Advice
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To determine blood groups, there is a method of extracting a chemical from human blood which, when mixed with a sample of the blood in question will react in a particular way according to the blood group. However, to get enough of the solution a great deal of human blood is required. But fortunately, snails’ eggs, which are the size of a pinhead, contain the same chemical – in fact, the blood of five donors would be required to supply the same amount of the chemical as is found one of the snail’s eggs.

Blood Groups
Human Blood
Snails Save Lives
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The Government has decided to take unpopular 1 _______ to ban smoking
in a lot of public places. Though a lot of people find smoking unpleasant, and though experts all agree it is 2_______ and that it costs the state a lot to treat victims of smoking, it is also undeniable that many people get 3_______ from the habit and find smoking irresistible when they are in company . However, it is now impossible to deny the antisocial nature of the habit. As advertising has proved ineffective with many smokers, the Government has now made smoking illegal in most public places.
Smokers who are unable to stop smoking will be obliged enjoy their pastime in private and feel the new measures are unjust, but for passive smokers for whom a room full of smoke is unbearable they will come as a 4_______ of fresh air.

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It is often said that Japanese people, on average, live longer than Europeans. To a large extend this must be due to the food most Japanese people eat since from the point of 1_______, life in modern Japan is no less stressful than ours in the West. The Japanese live on a 2_______ largely made up of fish and rice. At lunch time a typical Japanese family will consume at least twice as many 3_______ as we do in Europe. In comparison with Europeans, the Japanese eat far less meat and fewer potatoes; at the same time, they eat seven times more fresh fish than we do which makes their diet much 4_______ by far. It would be fair to say that, in general, the Japanese consume far less sugar than Europeans, though the modern Japanese – frequent visitors to Europe on business or on pleasure – are discovering the pleasures and dangers of western-style eating habits.

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People nowadays are more 1_______ then they used to be. We jog to keep fit or take other form of regular exercise. Thousands of us go to a gym on a regular basis. Many more diet to lose weight. Fortunately, smoking has been banned on most flights and in most public places because everyone agrees it does harm to our 2_______. However, there are killer 3_______ like Aids and cancer which still seem to be incurable. And 4_______ is the biggest cause of death in the Third World. Heart attacks remain the most common course of death in Europe. The importance of health is reflected in everyday expressions such as ‘to drink to someone’s health’ or saying ‘Your health!’ as we drink a glass of wine.

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The nurse is present at the time of the birth and she is sometimes present when 1_______ ends. Her whole life is devoted to 2_______. She is responsible for what she does. She is responsible for what she advises others to do.
Every nurse must have enough knowledge of her work. She must read 3_______ journals. She must help her patients at any hour of the day or night. She must care for the 4_______ even if the patient has a mortal infectious disease.

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It is very important for a 1_______ child to have a good nursing.
When we speak of 2________ in illness, we mean first of all cleanness of the child’s room, bed and clothing.
When a child is ill he needs more fresh 3_______. You must air the room no less than three times a day: in the morning, after the midday 4_______ and at bed-time.
When you air the room, cover the child warmly not to chill him.

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It is good to have a small nursing 1_______ near the child’s bed. You can keep 2_______ things on the table which you need in the care of the patient. A soft towel for his hands and face is placed on it.
The patient’s 3_______ are washed several times a day. The nails are cut very short.
Dirty clothes are put immediately into a 4_______. It is especially important in the case of dysentery or other infectious diseases.

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In 1912 a group of students of Cambridge University came to a toyshop and bought a big dog there. The students knew that next day a group of 1_______ was coming to Cambridge and among them was I. P. Pavlov, the great 2_______ physiologist. He came to Cambridge 3_______ the honorary degree of Doctor of Cambridge. So the students wanted to present Pavlov with a toy dog. This idea came from the grandson of Charles Darwin. He told his comrades that when Darwin got his Doctor’s degree at Cambridge the students of that time gave him a big monkey, so they showed him that they agreed with his 4_______ of the origin of man.

to receive
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…I will use 1_______ to help the sick people but 2_______ to injure them…
…I will enter to help 3_______ and whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession I will never divulge. I will hold such things in 4_______.

the sick
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“Nursing Affair” gives qualification of 1_______ of general practice. A medical nurse is a chief assistant of 2_______ . She provides uninterrupted 3_______ health, including preventive and rehabilitation measures. Our graduates work in the policlinics, 4_______, kindergartens, schools and houses for aged people.

a nurse
a doctor
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“Obstetrician Affair” is another interesting 1_______. It offers a qualification of an obstetrician. An obstetrician 2_______ preventive and curative medical help to the 3_______ women and patients with gynecological 4_______.

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Boys and girls whose future profession is 1_______ study at the “Stomatology”. A dentist is a highly-trained 2_______ who works independently or under the guidance of a senior 3_______ who provides preventive and curative medical 4_______ for the population.

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“Medical-prophylactic Affair” gives qualification of a 1_______ doctor assistant, who prevents appearance and 2_______ of infections and other kinds of the diseases. He controls the influence of the 3_______ of work and life on a person’s health and takes some measures to prevent this harmful 4_______ of the surroundings. They work in the centres of state sanitary inspectors and laboratories of different branches.

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As for me I am a student of the “Pharmacy” department. My future 1_______ is pharmaceutist. I’ll be provided the population with different 2_______. My work 3_______ the knowledge of preventive rules, the rules of herb’s preparation and so on.
The graduates of our department will be able to work in the chemist’s, pharmacological enterprises, 4_______.

will demand
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Sometimes there is an opening between the 1_______ and the left side of the heart, or even between the aorta and pulmonary artery.
2_______ depend on the type of heart 3_______. Sometimes, the defect is picked up on a routine examination; at other times there may be breathlessness, difficulty in walking or running, swelling of feet and puffiness of face, and later of the whole 4_______. Some these anomalies can be surgically corrected.

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I am a 1_______. My job is to help people who have been 2_______. Many of my patients have had road accidents. I show them how to walk again, or move their 3_______, or bend their backs. It’s a difficult job and not very well paid, but it’s very interesting. I really love it. The only thing I don’t like is the long hours. Sometimes I come home from work so tired that I just asleep in front of the television. I’m too tired to go out – even with my boyfriend, Joe. He doesn’t like it when I work late. He says I work too hard, but he doesn’t understand that a physiotherapist has to work hard. If she doesn’t, her 4_______ won’t get better.

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Of course, working in the 1_______ isn’t always enjoyable. Some days nothing goes right and then it’s very frustrating. I get annoyed when 2_______ don’t do what I tell them to do. Some of the young ones don’t seem to listen to what I say. That makes me angry. I feel quite depressed sometimes. But then one of my 3_______ comes back to see me. That happened yesterday. It was a young girl who had smashed her arm in a bad accident. We sat in my room and had a cup of coffee. She told me she was back at work and she showed me how well she could move her 4_______ now. That really cheered me up. It always does.

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The 1_______ I work in is about forty miles from London. It’s quite old, but it’s got all the latest equipment. I like most of the people I work with – they’re super. My 2_______ are super too. And some are very interesting. Last week, for instance, I had a young footballer called Don. He had broken his 3_______ in three places. He was afraid he would never play football again. I had to tell him that he would soon get better. I told him to be patient and to worry. A 4_______ has to do that quite often – reassure her patients, I mean.

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Working with older people is much more difficult. They take much longer to 1_______. A lot of the older 2______ don’t want to leave 3_______ at all. They feel safe there and they have lots of friends. When they go home they feel very lonely. They miss their friends. I go and visit them at home when I can, but it’s hard to get the time. Some of them will never get well again, I feel sorry for them, but you can’t show them how you feel. You have just got to be 4_______ and do what you can. I always try to do my best for all my patients. You can’t do more than that, can you?

get better
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My first job was to see a 1_______ who had hurt his back. He’d lifted a bag of potatoes and 2_______ himself because he hadn’t picked it up correctly. I gave him some heart 3_______ and told him to get as much rest as possible. Then it was time for what I call my “knee class”. These are people who have all injured their knees in some way. I show them exercises that will strengthen their 4________. They’re a great group and we have lots of fun together.

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One day I went to see my favourite 1_______, Edie. She’s eighty-five now and she’s got a bad 2________. I’m sure she’ll never leave 3_______ now. I can’t really do much for her, but she loves to hear what I’ve been doing. I was just telling her about my “knee class” when Nurse Walker came in. She said that Mrs Callan, the head 4_______, wanted to see me. I tried to find out what she wanted, but Nurse Walker said she didn’t know. So I said goodbye to Edie and went to see Mrs Callan, wondering why she wanted to see me.

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When Auntie Ivy is ill, she tries to smile about it. She tries not to let the 1_______ make her feel unhappy. She fights against it and usually recovers quickly. My Uncle Tom, though, is different. He seems to enjoy grumbling about being 2_______, and from the way he speaks, you would think that he looks forward to being ill. His 3_______ isn’t very pleased about Uncle Tom’s visiting him so often. He once said to him, “If every 4_______ of mine came to visit me as often as you do, I would need to work 48 hours a day.”

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There’s nothing wrong with Uncle Tom. He’s in good 1_______, but he can’t help feeling ill; he’s that type. Whenever I visit him, he’s busy reading a 2_______ dictionary. The next day he usually goes to see his doctor, and describes an illness he has read about. His 3_______ is used to Uncle Tom’s describing all types of illness, and knows that as long as he gives him some tablets, Uncle Tom won’t come and see him for three or four days. Uncle Tom is accustomed to taking at least three tablets a day. We once threw his new white 4_______ away and put some sweets, which looked the same, in the bottle instead. Uncle Tom never noticed the difference, and went on taking them. A few days later he told us the tablets had done him a lot of good!

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The World Health Organization estimates that four million people die from smoking- related 1_______ every year. Over the past two years the WHO has been working on establishing an international 2_______ treaty which could limit tobacco advertising. The WHO now 3_______ that it is also a valuable way of controlling smoking. The organization is ready to offer 4_______ for any further actions and would consider the possibility of international legal actions against tobacco companies.

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The heart is the strongest 1_______ of the body. Its job is to pump blood through the many miles of linked 2_______, arteries and smaller vessels, which reach out to every part of the human body. The 3_______, in turn, carries oxygen and nutrients to the body’s tissues and removes waste products. Every minute of the day, the blood is in the 4_______ motion, driven to heart.

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In India medical instruments and methods for using them were known centuries earlier than in Europe. This country was inhabited by an intelligent people; their art, industry and science even in early times had reached a high stage of development. Thus we must admit that Indian medicine, and especially its surgery, had a development in ancient times that was probably quite independent of Greek medicine.
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Where were medical instruments and methods for using them known centuries earlier than in Europe?

They were known earlier in Russia.
They were known earlier in Greece.
They were known earlier in America.
They were known earlier in India.
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Searching for ways to save wounded limbs, Pirogov arrived at the idea of the rigid plaster cast. Once during a visit to the studio of a sculptor he knew, Pirogov noticed how fast plaster of Paris hardened when spread on fabric, and he realized what an important aid the plaster of Paris could be for surgeons. Pirogov used this cast for the first time in the Caucasian war as early as in 1847. During the heroic defence of Sevastopol in 1854 -1855, working at field hospitals and under shell fire, Pirogov extensively employed the gypsum cast and resection of joints instead of hasty amputations. The rigid plaster is the pride of Russian surgery.
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What is the pride of Russian surgery?

The plaster of Paris is the pride of Russian surgery.
The gypsum cast is the pride of Russian surgery.
Painless operation is the pride of Russian surgery.
The rigid plaster is the pride of Russian surgery.
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The great surgeon Pirogov was the initiator of the extensive use of anaesthesia during operations. When elsewhere in Europe anaesthesia was still a secret of individual doctors and a loud advertising hullabaloo was raised around one experimental operation made on January 19, 1847, by the obstetrician Simpson, Pirogov was already engaged in large-scale scientific experiments on painless operations.
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Who was the initiator of the extensive use of anaesthesia during operations?

Nobody was.
Some doctors were.
Indian surgeons were.
Pirogov was.
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At the beginning of 1847 Pirogov published a major treatise under the modest title of “Records and Physiological Observations of the Action of Ether Vapours on the Animal Organism”. In this work Pirogov describes 50 operations under anaesthesia, 40 cases of anaesthesia of healthy people, and many observations of animals. Pirogov was the first to use ether in removing cancer of the mammary gland.
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What did Pirogov use the first in removing cancer of the mammary gland?

Pirogov used vitamins.
Pirogov used the rigid plaster cast.
Pirogov used saline solution.
Pirogov used ether.
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The surgical examination includes first the physical examination, then the laboratory and special examination. In the physical examination one usually includes only such observations as can be made by the surgeon with the aid only of five senses and perhaps such a simple apparatus as a stethoscope. It comprises what is often called a bedside examination in contrast to the results of special laboratory, X-ray and other tests.
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What does the surgical examination include?

The surgical examination includes X-ray examination.
The surgical examination includes other tests.
The surgical examination includes the special laboratory examination.
The surgical examination includes first the physical examination, then the laboratory and special examination.
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In England all the doctors may take part in the Family Doctor System. They may have private practice receiving the pay directly from the patients for their medical advice. Health Service doctors are paid by the government. The pay depends on the number of patients they have served every month. The hospital service includes general and special hospitals, tuberculosis sanatoria, infectious units and all forms of specialized treatment together with the provision of most surgical and medical needs.
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What does the pay depend on?

The pay depends on the form of treatment.
The pay depends on the number of the families.
The pay depends on the number of the patients they have served every year.
The pay depends on the number of patients they have served every month.
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Some Americans with low income have no family doctor. They come directly to the hospital for all their medical needs. Here they are cared for by interns, residents and the doctors who work there.
The considerable cost of medical care has led to the development of two new programmes by the Federal Government – Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare provides free medical care for all the Americans over 65. Medicaid provides free medical care for all whose income is below a certain level.
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Where do some Americans with low income come for all their medical needs?

They come to the private doctor.
They come to the family doctor.
They come to the medical institution.
They come directly to the hospital.
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In the 17th century dentists tried to make false teeth again. The problem, however, was not making the teeth, it was keeping them in place. They had to tie each tooth to the one either side of it. Only rich people could afford false teeth which were usually made of ivory, gold or silver. As more and more people wanted new teeth to the rich so that they could buy food and clothing.
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What was the problem in the 17th century?

The problem was to sell the teeth.
The problem was to make the teeth.
The problem was to buy food and clothing.
The problem was to keep the teeth in a place.
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At one time in England dentists pulled out people’s teeth in public, without giving them anything to stop the pain. Sometimes one of the dentist’s assistants hit a drum loudly so that people in the crowd would not hear the cries of pain. Another assistant held the patient down as the dentist pulled out teeth.
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Why did one of the dentist’s assistants hit a drum loudly?

One of the dentist’s assistants hit a drum loudly because he liked to hit a drum.
One of the dentist’s assistants hit a drum loudly to pull out teeth.
One of the dentist’s assistants hit a drum loudly to stop the pain.
One of the dentist’s assistants hit a drum loudly so that people in the crowd would not hear the cries of pain.
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During the 18th and 19th centuries, many changes were made to false teeth, though some of these were not really improvements. Towards the end of the 19th century, for example, cheap celluloid teeth were introduced. But they caught fire very easily and a number of men were badly burned when their teeth caught fire while they were smoking cigarettes.
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What had happened to a number of men while they were smoking?

They made false teeth.
Cheap celluloid teeth were introduced.
Many changes were made to false teeth.
They were badly burned.