Ответы на тесты по предмету Английский язык (18796 вопросов)

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The greatest of Latin medical writers was without doubt Aulus Cornelius Celsus who lived in Rome at the beginning of our era.
Celsus was an outstanding encyclopedist of his time. Without being a practitioner, he was, however, a friend of physicians, a man of vast culture. He knew natural sciences and medicine and always expressed himself freely on different medical questions. – The complete work of Celsus, called ‘De artibus’, included agriculture, the military art, philosophy as well as medicine. The book that treats medicine, ‘De medicina libri octo’,was probably written in the reign of Tiberus between A.D. 25 and 35. The work was almost ignored by contemporary physicians, perhaps because nearly all of them as Greeks looked down on the work of a Roman. For centuries it was in oblivion. Only in the fifteenth century Celsus’ work on medicine was published in Florence.
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Why was his work ignored by contemporary physicians?

He was a man of vast culture.
It was written in the reign of Tiberius between A.D. 25 and 35.
He knew natural sciences and medicine.
Nearly all of them as Greeks looked down on the work of a Roman.
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Celsus divides the diseases that can be helped into general and local diseases. In the chapter on the diseases to be treated with drugs, lie examines those diseases which need immediate treatment, diseases’ presenting acute or chronic manifestations, accidental or traumatic manifestations, diseases with external phenomena.
Finally, in the last class of diseases, which we call surgical, Celsus made a new subdivision into the diseases of the bones and of the organs.
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What subdivision did Celsus make in the last class of diseases, which we call surgical?

Celsus made a subdivision into diseases which need immediate treatment and presenting chronic manifestations.
Celsus made a subdivision into diseases presenting traumatic manifestations and with external phenomena.
Celsus made a subdivision into general and local diseases.
Celsus made a new subdivision into diseases of the bones and of the organs.
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Medicine in Rome was at first practiced exclusively by foreigners. It was regarded as an ignoble profession to which no free man would devote himself. The first foreign physicians in Rome were Greeks.
The Greek physicians performed phlebotomies and sold remedies, and in their infirmaries they offered their services to all who asked. These physicians soon penetrated into patrician houses and rapidly made their fortunes. Soon they were employed in the bath, gymnasia, and the army. They became the physicians of gladiators and slaves; slaves themselves, they were often freed by their masters in recompense, for their service.
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Who were the first foreign physicians in Rome?

The first foreign physicians in Rome were Egyptians.
The first foreign physicians in Rome were Romans.
The first foreign physicians in Rome were gladiators.
The first foreign physicians in Rome were Greeks.
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Some people have good memories and easily learn long poems by heart. But they often forget them quickly. Other people remember things when they say them over and over. A good memory is a great help.
The best way to remember things is to join them in our mind with something which we know already.
The human mind is like a camera, but it takes photographs not only of what we see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste.
Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.
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Which way is the best to remember things?

The best way to remember things is to forget them quickly.
The best way to remember things is to say them over and over.
The best way to remember things is to take photographs.
The best way to remember things is to join them in our mind with something which we know already.
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In 1890 Pavlov began to lecture on physiology in the Military Academy.
Many of Pavlov’s ideas were new to the students and he was a very popular lecturer. His lectures were very simple and clear. He did not use notes since his memory was wonderful. He allowed students to interrupt him and gladly answered their questions.
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Why did not Pavlov use the notes during his lectures?

Many of Pavlov’s ideas were new to the students.
He was a very popular lecturer.
He answered the students’ questions.
His memory was wonderful.
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Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to read for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-wool. He knew I collected birds’ eggs and asked me whether my collection was growing. He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job in London. In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. I suddenly felt very worried, but could not say anything when the dentist at last removed the cotton-wool from my mouth. I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.
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Why did she feel very worried?

She felt very worried because the dentist asked her about her brother.
She felt very worried because the dentist had told her to read for a while.
She felt very worried because the mouth was full of cotton-wool.
She felt very worried because the dentist had pulled out the wrong tooth.
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After reading an article entitled “Cigarette Smoking and Your Health” I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. I smoked with concentration and pleasure as I was sure that this would be my last cigarette. For a whole week I did not smoke at all and during this time, my wife suffered terribly. I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking: a bad temper and an enourmous appetite. My friends kept on offering me cigarettes and cigars. They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets for my pocket. After seven days of this I went to a party. Everybody around me was smoking and I felt extremely uncomfortable. When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear. I took one guiltily, lit it and smoked with satisfaction. My wife was delighted that things had returned to normal once more. Anyway, as Brian pointed out, it is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking. He himself has done it lots of times.
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How long didn’t he smoke at all?

He didn’t smoke at all for half a week.
He didn’t smoke at all for two weeks.
He didn’t smoke at all for a month.
He didn’t smoke at all for a whole week.
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Medical technology will have conquered many diseases. Today, there are electronic devices that connect directly to the brain to help people heat. By 2050, we will be able to help blind and deaf people to see and hear again.
Scientists will have discovered clones of animals. By 2050, scientists will be able to produce clones of people, and decide how they look, how they behave and how much intelligence they have. Scientists will be able to do these things – but should they?
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What have scientists already produced?

They have produced the clones of birds.
They have produced the clones of robots.
They have produced the clones of people.
They have produced the clones of animals.
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Homeopathy was invented in Germany about 200 years ago.
Homeopathic doctors believe that the symptoms of an illness are signs that the body trying to cure itself. To cure an illness, therefore, they give the patient something that produces the same symptoms in a healthy person.
Before a substance is used as a homeopathic remedy, it is tested by giving small doses of it to healthy persons to see what symptoms develop. For example, onions cause your eyes and nose to produce water. To cure colds, therefore, homeopathic doctors use an extract from onions.
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Where was homeopathy invented?

It was invented in the USA.
It was invented in India.
It was invented in Spain.
It was invented in Germany.
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Homeopathy was invented in Germany about 200 years ago.
Homeopathic doctors believe that the symptoms of an illness are signs that the body trying to cure itself. To cure an illness, therefore, they give the patient something that produces the same symptoms in a healthy person.
Before a substance is used as a homeopathic remedy, it is tested by giving small doses of it to healthy persons to see what symptoms develop. For example, onions cause your eyes and nose to produce water. To cure colds, therefore, homeopathic doctors use an extract from onions. Sometimes, homeopathic doctors use dangerous poisons as medicines, but they dilute these many thousands of times so that they are harmless.
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What do onions cause your eyes and nose to produce?

Onions cause your eyes and nose to produce poisons.
Onions cause your eyes and nose to produce medicines.
Onions cause your eyes and nose to produce homeopathic remedy.
Onions cause your eyes and nose to produce water.
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Critics say that there is no scientific support for homeopathy, and that in many cases the ‘illness’ would disappear naturally anyway. They also say it is possible that simply believing a medicine will work can help the mind to cure same simple illnesses. Homeopathic doctors, on the other hand, say that there is plenty of evidence that homeopathy works – and millions of people who take homeopathic remedies agree with them. Tests have also shown that animals can be cured with homeopathic medicine, and this, they say, proves that it cannot simply be because people believe in it.
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What do critics say?

They say that animals can be cured with homeopathic medicine.
They say that there is scientific support for homeopathy.
They say that there is plenty of evidence that homeopathy works.
They say that there is no scientific support for homeopathy.
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One of the problems facing creative people is that their ideas may be too new for the rest of the world. It often happens that people laugh at the work of artists and scientists. Barbara McClintock is a good example of someone who continued to think she was right although for 30 years other scientists thought that she was wrong. Finally, her work proving that genes can make sudden changes in heredity won her the Nobel Prize in 1983.
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What Prize did Barbara McClintock’s work win in 1983?

Her work won the first Prize.
Her work won no Prize.
Her work won the Gold Prize.
Her work won the Nobel Prize.
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Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was a British nurse and hospital reformer. At the age of 34, she took a party of volunteers to work in British military hospitals in Turkey during the Crimean War. She improved the terrible conditions there, reducing the death rate by 40%. She returned to Britain in 1856 to enormous public acclaim and devoted the rest of her life to improving the army’s medical service and developing civic training for nurses and midwives. She founded the Nightingale School for Nurses at St Thomas’s Hospital, London. In 1907, she became the first woman to receive the Order of Merit.
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What did Florence Nightingale improve in British military hospitals in Turkey?

She improved the civic training for nurses and midwives.
She improved the work of volunteers.
She improved the army’s medical service.
She improved the terrible conditions there.
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People keep asking me, “George, you’re 88, how do you do it? You make films, you do television, you give concerts, you record albums, smoke cigars, drink Martinis, go out with pretty girls – how do you do it?” It’s simple. Today you don’t have to worry about getting old; you have to worry about rusting. So I do exercises and walk a lot. Every morning I walk a mile and a half. My advice is to walk whenever you can. It’s free; you feel better and look trim. If you want to live to be 100 or older, you can’t just sit around waiting for it happen. You have to get up and go after it. Here are my secrets for long life.
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What is George’s advice how to live to be 100 or older?

His advice is to give concerts.
His advice is not to smoke cigars.
His advice is not to worry about getting old.
His advice is to walk whenever you can.
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If sugar is dissolved in water and the ultimate sugar particle is of molecular dimensions, then a true solution is formed. On the other hand, if very fine sand is mixed with water, consisting of many molecules, then a colloidal solution is formed.
From the pharmaceutical point of view solutions of solids in liquids are of the greatest importance.
The extent of solubility of different substances varies, but it has a constant value at constant temperature.

неизменяемая частица
статья (документа)
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For some drugs the addition of auxiliary substances is found to be necessary to overcome certain difficulties in their tabletting.
The application of different pressure during tabletting plays a very important role. Tablets that should dissolve in the mouth, must be more strongly compressed than the tablets for internal administration.

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The water for drinking and domestic purposes is generally supplied by rivers, lakes, wells and springs. Such waters usually contain salts of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, organic matters and traces of different gases from the atmosphere. There is also a variety of suspended matter in natural water.

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At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept in drug cabinets. Each medicine has a label on it. White labels include drugs for internal use, yellow – for external use and blue – for injections. The doze to be taken and directions for the administration are also indicated on a label. It is very important for chemists, nurses, doctors and patients themselves. It prevents confusing different remedies, some of which are poisonous.
Their over dosage may cause unfavourable reactions and even death.

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In medicine the microchip will make the greatest changes to our lives. In the near future we shall all be able to have electronic parts for our bodies that will not wear out. We shall be able to do many things faster and better than we can do now. We shall be able to live much longer.

основные части
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We shall be changed by the Genetic Revolution. Within a few years scientists will know that each of the many different genes does, and they will be able to change them in different ways. They will be able to make us taller, or shorter, have blue eyes or brown, and never have certain diseases.

вызывает болезнь
поражает (о болезни)
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There is a Chemical Revolution. This is not as exciting so we do not hear very much about it. However, it is already changing our lives. Much of the food that we eat comes from man-made chemicals. These chemicals include hormones that make animals grow fat and antibiotics that prevent them from having diseases. There are also many different chemicals being used to stop diseases in people.

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In most countries of the world, there is one medicine that nearly everyone takes. It is called aspirin. People take aspirin when they have an ache or a pain, and sometimes when they have a fever.
Doctors believe it can also help people who have heart diseases and some other diseases, too. Some people, however, cannot take aspirin because it hurts their stomachs. Aspirin must never be given to children under 12 years old.

быть в состоянии съесть
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Pharmacy is the science which treats of medical substances. It deals with medicines and the art of compounding and dispensing them, but their combination, analysis and standardization.
The word “pharmacy” is also used to define the place where medicines are compounded, dispensed and sold. The word “pharmacist” is conferred upon a person who demonstrates that he is scientifically and professionally capable to engage in the practice of pharmacy.

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The compounding of medicines which requires the scientific combination of two or more ingredients and their dispensing demand special, knowledge, experience and high professional standards. To become a pharmacist one should achieve knowledge of different subjects, such as physics, chemistry, botany, etc.

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Carbohydrates give energy. There are carbohydrates in bread, sugar, potatoes, pasta and rice.
Fats make you strong and give you energy. There are fats in meat, butter and cheese and oil.
Vitamins are important for your eyes, your skin, your hair and for other parts of your body. There are 13 types of vitamins (A,B,C and so on). There are vitamins in many types of food.

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Protein helps you to grow and gives you energy. There is protein in meat, fish and milk.
Water is important for your blood. It also cleans your body from the inside. Drink lots of water every day!
Minerals make your bones and teeth strong. There are different types of minerals in milk, vegetables, eggs, meat, cereals and many other foods.
Fibre cleans the inside of your body. There is fibre in nuts, beans and cereals.

минеральная вода
полезные ископаемые
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Your body needs energy, protein, minerals, vitamins and fibre. In order to get all of these it is important to have a varied and balanced diet, and to eat the right amount. Your body ‘burns’ food to get energy: the amount of energy provided by food is measured in units called calories.

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How many calories do you need? This depends on your weight and on what you do. When you are asleep, your body uses nearly one calorie an hour for every kilogram of weight. So a person who weighs seventy kilos uses about 560 calories while sleeping for eight hours; in other words, he needs about 1680 calories just to stay alive for 24 hours, even without doing anything. More calories are needed for different activities – from 100 calories an hour for reading or watching TV, to 350 calories an hour for playing football. To calculate the number of calories needed per day for an average person, first find out that person’s ideal weight.

находящийся под напряжением
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Your ideal weight is what you should weigh. It depends on your height and your build, and may be different from your present weight! Then multiply the correct weight (in kilograms) by 40 for a woman, or 46 for a man. A 57-kilo woman may need about 2300 calories a day – more if she does heavy physical work or a lot of sport, less if she is very inactive.

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If you eat more than you need, the extra calories turn into fat; if you eat less than you need, the body burns fat to get energy and you lose weight. One way of losing weight is by dieting – eating less. Another way is to go on eating the same amount, but to increase your body’s need for energy by taking more exercise. But be careful. It is important to slim – or to start an exercise programme – gradually. Don’t try to lose a lot of weight fast. It doesn’t usually work, and it can be dangerous.

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Psychologists think that we have ‘central personality traits’. These affect how we behave, and how we react to people and situations. Examples of central personality traits are friendliness, neatness, competitiveness, shyness and optimism. This means that generally a person will be friendly or shy, neat or untidy, optimistic or pessimistic in different situations. Some psychologists think that we are born with these central traits and that usually they stay with us all our life.

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Psychologists say that we also have other traits, called ‘secondary traits’, connected with the things we prefer, such as our favourite food, music, films or colours. These can change as we get older, but very often many of them stay the same all our lives. For example, when we are adults we may buy the same colour clothes that we liked when we were children.

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If we know someone well, we get to know their central and secondary personality traits. This means that we can probably predict the kinds of things that a person might enjoy, what they could do or how they might react in different situations. In general, most people’s behavior and attitudes are predictable unless they are in very unusual and stressful situations.

положение самолета в воздухе
склад ума
отношение (позиция)
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From their home, Christopher and his wife Dana spoke about their life since the accident.
- Did you suffer from depression after the accident?
- No. Four days after the injury, I came to, and realized my situation. Dana and I were in the hospital. The doctor said I was not going to pull through. Dana said: “But you’re still you, and I love you.” And that saved my life. Since that moment I have never thought of giving up. Of course, I’ve had moments of feeling sorry for myself, but never had thought of suicide.

случайное сходство
неровная поверхность
несчастный случай
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The human heart contracts from the first moment of the life until the last one. 1____________. Physiologists have determined that in the adult the heart makes from 60 to 72 beats per minute. 2_________. Research work has determined that rate of the heart beat increases depending on different emotions.
Each beat of the heart is followed by a period of rest. 3_____________.
Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: the first phase of short contraction – the atrial systole, the second phase of a more prolonged contraction – the ventricular systole. The period of rest is called the diastole.

The contractions of the heart pump the blood through the arteries to all parts of the body.
In children the rate of the heart beat is much higher.
Each contraction and a period of rest compose a cardiac cycle.
Research work of many physiologists has estimated the role of the ventricles as the main pump of the human heart.
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The main symptoms of tetanus are stiffness of jaw, spasms and convulsions, difficulty in swallowing. 1____________. The incubation period is from 5 days to 2 weeks. 2_____________. 3_____________. The patient with tetanus should be hospitalized and the wound should be cleaned immediately. 4______________.

The cause of the disease is a bacillus.
The disease is not communicable from person to person.
The patients of all ages are susceptible to the disease.
A doctor must use tetanus toxoid separate or in DPT to treat the patient.
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The main symptoms of the polomyelitis are: slight fever, general discomfort, headache, stiff neck, stiff back. 1_____________. The cause of poliomyelitis is a virus. 2_____________. 3_____________. The child should be isolated from onset of the disease till fever subsides. 4______________.

It may result in paralysis of any part of body.
The incubation period of the disease is 7-21 days.
The most susceptible patients are the children from 9 months to 5 years.
We can prevent poliomyelitis with oral polio vaccine.
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A newborn baby has no immunity to this disease at all, and so he must be kept protected from children who have any kind of cough. Whooping cough seems like an ordinary cough for the first few days, but gradually the bouts become more and more prolonged and the child coughs continuously. 1__________. At the end of the bout of cough, when he takes a deep breath, a croaky sound is heard which is called the whoop and which gives the disease its name. 2______________.3_______________.
The child loses weight because of repeated vomiting. 4________________.

His face becomes red and he very often vomits.
The disease is a prolonged one and the cough may last 2-3 months.
It can lead to lung complications also.
Fortunately, it can be prevented by immunizing the child with triple antigen (DPT) injections.
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1______________. It commonly occurs between 5 and 15 years of age. The incubation period, i.e. the period between acquiring the infection and the first symptoms, is usually three weeks. 2_______________.
There is a pain on opening the mouth or chewing, a moderate degree of fever, loss of appetite, headache and body pain. Both sides of the face may swell at the same time. 3_______________. The swelling lasts about 6-7 days.
Mumps may affect testicles in boys and ovaries in girls, resulting in sterility. This is rare before puberty, and so it is best if children acquire the disease at a younger age. 4______________. Mumps can be prevented by immunizing the child with mumps vaccine.

Mumps is a communicable virus disease, that usually attacks one or both parotid glands located near the angle of the jaw.
One attack gives immunity.
There may be a gap of a few days between one side and the other.
Treatment consists of bed-rest during fever, mouth-washed to keep the mouth clean and aspirin for fever and pain.
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This is a mild disease with low-grade fever, some pain behind ears due to enlargements of glands, and a mild pinkish rash, which only lasts for a day or two. 1____________. A pregnant mother gets German measles during the first 3 months of her pregnancy. 2______________. Under doctor’s advice it is permissible to have an abortion induced for such an eventuality. 3______________.
One attack of German measles usually gives a lifelong immunity, although, rarely, a second attack may occur. 4_______________.

The whole illness lasts 2-3 days and needs no treatment at all.
Therefore there is great danger of the baby being born with some congenital malformation.
Fortunately, most mothers would have already had the infection in their childhood.
A vaccine has now been developed to prevent German measles.
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Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. 1_____________. The patient has pain in the abdomen, the middle of the abdomen to begin with, which later settles in the lower part on the right side.
2____________. 3________________.
It is important to consult the surgeon as soon as possible. 4________________.

Appendix is small, finger-like appendage on the intestine.
There is tenderness in the right lower abdomen.
This is usually accompanied by fever, and often vomiting.
Till then nothing should be given by mouth – no food, water or medicine, and certainly no laxative or purgative.
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Rickets is a disease of the bones. 1_______________. Most foods, including animal milk, are poor in Vitamin D. 2_______________. Therefore, it is important for children to remain outdoors as much as possible. Breast milk has an adequate amount of this vitamin.
Rickets results in delayed sitting, crawling, walking and so on. 3______________. There may be beading on both sides of the chest, also called rickety rosary. There may be bowing of arms or legs due to weight-bearing while crawling and walking.
Treatment of rickets is with Vitamin D. 4_____________.

It is due to deficiency of Vitamin D.
But if a child is eating well and is healthy, his body can manufacture Vitamin D on exposure to sun.
The legs become bowed and ends of bones near the wrists and ankles become widened.
The dose will be determined by the doctor.
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Pheumonia is an acute inflammation of the lung. 1_____________. It may follow a cold and bronchitis, or may come on suddenly. 2____________. The child looks ill, has fever, cough, and very rapid breathing. 3____________. A doctor should be consulted, and depending on the severity the child may be treated at home or admitted to a hospital. If his breathing is very rapid, he may need oxygen. Most pheumonias can be treated with antibiotics. 4_______________. Viral pheumonia cures gradually. The child should be kept in bed, given plenty of water and a highly nourishing diet.

It may be caused by bacteria or viruses.
It may also be a complication of measles or whooping cough.
He may also complain of pain in the chest.
Pheumonia can be dangerous in a malnourished child, or in very young children, especially if it is due to an organism called staphylococcus.
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Fracture or break in the bone can result from any injury. 1______________. The injured part should be prevented from moving. Usually, an X-ray is necessary to confirm whether there is a fracture or not. The injured part can be immobilized with a splint. 2_____________. The splint should be wider than the limb being splinted, and long enough to prevent movements of the joints near the fracture. 3_______________. If the person has a compound fracture you must take some sterile gauze, put it over the wound and take the patient to the hospital immediately. 4________________.

There is a pain, swelling and tenderness and there may be a deformity.
A splint can be ready-made or improvized from any stiff material (stock, ruler, magazine and so on).
Bind the splint in place above and below the fracture.
A compound fracture is more serious, in which broken bone has pierced the skin.
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1_______________. The best way to stop bleeding is by direct pressure with a clean cloth. 2________________. If the bleeding is from a nose, put a cold compress on the nose. 3_______________. Ice placed on the nose also stops bleeding. 4_______________.

Bleeding can lead to a severe loss of blood.
If the bleeding is from the arm or the leg, the limb can be kept in a raised position.
A cold compress will stop the blood.
In severe case doctors make blood transfusion.
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Scientists say their studies show that some foods may help prevent, possibly even treat, some diseases such as cancer and disorders of the heart and blood system. 1_______. We would be much healthier if we sharply cut the amount of fatty, salty and sweet foods that we eat. 2_______. And we should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, and foods that are high in fibre and in vitamins A and C. Cancer and heart experts all agree. 3_______. This includes fatty red meats and poultry, whole eggs, whole milk and other dairy products, and cooking oils. Studies seem to show that people who eat large amounts of fat face an increased danger of suffering breast or colon cancers. 4_______.

And their advice is similar for both.
We also should limit the amount of alcohol we drink.
Eat less fat.
Breast cancer is rare in Japan, where little fat is eaten.
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Doctors also say eating less fat will reduce the amount of dangerous cholesterol in the blood. 1_______. In the arteries that carry blood to the heart muscle, such blockages cause a heart attack. 2_______. This includes low-fat milk and dairy products, lean meats, poultry without skin, and fish and shellfish. Experts also say cooking foods in olive oil, canola oil and fish oil will help lower cholesterol. 3_______. They also say eating dried peas and beans helps lower the amount of fat in the blood.

This cholesterol can stick to the wall of blood passages blocking the flow of blood.
Instead, eat more foods low in fat.
And they say it is best to steam, bake, roast or broil foods, not to fry.
Health experts also say we should eat more fruit and vegetables.
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Health experts also say we should eat more fruit and vegetables, and foods high in fibers such as whole grain breads and cereals and brown rice. 1_______. This would help reduce the danger of heart disease. 2_______. 3_______. Some believe it helps the body to quickly remove fat that may cause cancer to develop.
Medical experts also say some vegetables seem to contain agents that block cancer. 4_______.

Some fibers help lower levels of dangerous cholesterol.
Most experts agree that fiber can protect against cancer.
They are not sure how fiber does this.
These include asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale and mustard greens.
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Other studies show that persons who eat large amounts of foods that contain the substance beta-carotene are less likely than others to develop cancers in the skin, lung, bladder, breast and colon.
1_______. Some health experts say eating more foods with vitamin A may also help protect against cancer. 2_______.
The experts also agree. 3_______. Salt helps raise blood pressure. 4_______. We also should eat much less smoked and salt-cured foods. This includes ham, smoked fish, sausages, bacon and bologna.

The body changes beta-carotene to vitamin A.
These include liver, eggs, and diary products.
Cut the amount of salt in your food.
High blood pressure is linked to heart disease.
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1_______. By age 24, Florence rejected a marriage proposal and decided to be a nurse. 2_______. For several years Florence pleaded with her parents, with God and suffered a near nervous breakdown, but never considered disobeying her parents’ wish. 3_______. Two years later, she was appointed superintendent of the institution. 4_______.

Florence Nightingale was impatient with a life without meaningful purpose.
The news horrified her parents.
At last, in 1851 her parents permitted her to study nursing at an institution in Germany.
Her administration was very successful and so were the changes made to the institution.
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Mother Teresa, originally born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje (present day Macedonia). 1_______. Her father was a businessman who owned a building company and a food shop.  2_______. She took care of widows and their children in her neighborhood. 3_______. In 1928, she left for the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto in Ireland. 4_______. She learned to speak English and was trained in religious life. With the Legion of Vary Teresa worked in Bengali where she helped sisters in hospital; in Calcutta she worked as a teacher. And whenever she was, she cared and served the poor and disabled.

Her family belonged to the Albanian community.
Agnes’s father taught her first lessons of charity.
At age of 12, she left a desire to spend her life for God’s work.
She was 18 then.
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1_______. Smoking causes many diseases such as lung cancer, bronchitis, coronary heart disease. 2_______. In a smoker blood some of it is replaced by carbon monoxide. This means the blood can’t do its job properly, and this can lead to heart disease and other health problems. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals; many of them are harmful to the body. 3_______. Nicotine affects the body in different ways, but one is that it makes your heart beat faster than it should and puts strain on it. People sometimes start smoking because they think it makes them look grown up and cool. As you know how much it can harm your body the grown up decision is not to smoke. 4_______.

Every day in Britain, about 300 people die early because of smoking.
Healthy blood carries lots of oxygen.
One of them, nicotine, is an addictive drug.
There are more reasons to say no!
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Do not take this product if you are presently taking a prescription drug for high blood pressure or depression, sedatives, tranquilizers, or appetite-controlling medicating containing phenylpropanolamine without first consulting your physician.
Each tablet contains: 2_______.
3_______: Acacia, Butylparaben, Calcium Sulfate, Carnauba Wax, Cellulose, Corn Starch, Magnesium Stearate, Povidone, Sugar, Titanium Dioxide, White Wax.
Store between 2o C and 3o C.

Drug interaction precaution:
chlor-trimeton 2.0 mg; acetaminophen 325 mg; phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride 12.5 mg.
Also contains
Protect from excessive moisture.
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Health Report    Date: 21.03.01
Age of pupils: 15

I interviewed twenty pupils in our school about how they look after their teeth. Here are the results:
1_______. However, only 25% buy sugar-free chewing gum.
90% of the pupils clean their teeth twice a day but only 40% go to the dentist regularly.
2_______. However, 100% of the pupils drink three or more cans of Coke a week but only 10% buy sugar-free drinks.
- Buy sugar-free chewing gum.
- Go to the dentist every six months.
- 4_______.

95% of pupils chew the gum regularly.
About 75% of pupils drink a lot of milk.
My advice to the class is
Drink less Coke.
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1. 1_______ this ointment in the chemist’s.
2. Shake this 2_______ before use.
3. Don’t take these drops on an 3_______ stomach.
4. Keep the suppositories in a cool 4_______.

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1. Take this tincture a tablespoon twice a day 1_______ meal.
2. Take 2_______ one every four hours.
3. 3_______ this pill with milk.
4. Don’t take drugs without a 4_______ advice.

this tablet
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1. When 1_______ puts the dressing or changes it she must wear the mask.
2. The nurse’s fingers must not touch any 2_______.
3. The nurse must take the swabs, dressings or 3_______ out the stitches only with forceps.
4. The nurse must keep the wound 4_______.

a nurse
sterile material
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Simple Rules for Health
1. 1_______ in as much fresh air as you can.
2. 2_______ with your windows open every night.
3. 3_______ your feet dry and warm.
4. 4_______ plenty of sleep.

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Simple Rules for Health
1. Keep your 1_______ clean.
2. Wear 2_______ clothes.
3. When you are reading or writing, let the light come from behind your 3_______ shoulder.
4. 4________ long walks in the open air.

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Some rules for nurses
When you give medicine:
1. 1_______ your hands.
2. Read carefully the doctor’s instructions. 2_______ of the drug, doze, time, method of giving.
3. 3_______ one drug for another.
4. 4_______ patients by name not to be mistaken.

Be sure
Don’t substitute
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Be Careful with Medicine at Home
1. Keep 1_______ in a locked box, on a separate shelf beyond the reach of children.
2. Read 2_______ before you open the bottle or box. Read the instructions and dose carefully.
3. Shake 3______ or the last dose can be too strong.
4. Keep the medicine in a 4_______.

the medicine
the label
the bottle with liquids
cold place
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The Work of the Laboratory Assistant
1. Microscope slides and cover-slips 1_______ into jars of disinfectant solution.
2. You 2_______ labels with the tongue.
3. You 3_______ a laboratory coat.
4. You 4_______, drink or smoke in the laboratory.

must be put
must not moisten
must wear
must not eat
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The Work of a Laboratory Assistant
1. You must 1_______ inoculating needles before and after use.
2. You must heat 2_______ in the flame until red hot.
3. You must always 3_______ test-tubes with cultures in test-tube racks.
4. You must wash your hands before leaving the 4_______.

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To Protect yourself from Aids:
1. You 1______ always_______ condom if you have sex.
2. 2_______ anyone else’s needles. Don’t share your needles with anyone.
3. 3_______ that a woman with the Aids virus can infect her unborn baby. A woman with the Aids virus can also pass it to her baby when breast-feeding.
4. If you think you may be infected you can 4_______ and it can show if you have the Aids virus.

Do not use
Don’t forget
take your blood test
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If you help a person who left his consciousness:
1. Lay the person 1_______ on his back.
2. Raise his feet 2_______.
3. Loose his dress.
4. Cover him warmly and open the window.
5. 3_______ cold water on his face.
Give the person to breathe in 4_______ water.

a little
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If you help a person who is in a shock:
1. Lay him flat on his 1_______.
2. 2_______ his feet a little.
3. Cover him with blankets to keep him warm.
4. Give him a warm 3_______.
5. Keep him 4_______.

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The first aid for poisoning is to empty the 1_______. Do it as soon as possible. Give much 2_______ to drink – 4-8 glasses.
Some 3_______ cause shock, others – asphyxia. In every 4_______ the patient needs prompt medical care.

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If you help a person who has a sunstroke:
1. Take the 1_______ into a cool and shady place.
2. Put him on his back.
3. 2_______ his head and shoulders a little.
4. Put cold cloth on his 3_______.
5. Cool his body with cold water.
6. Rub his skin with a sponge to keep up 4_______ circulation.

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Keep your 1_______ well. Let it clean. When the things if your house are out of order they may cause accidents. Disorders also depress the spirits.
 Dirt attracts insects and they 2_______ disease germs.
3_______ may also have germs. You must daily dust or wipe or 4_______ most of the in things house.

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You know the life-saving first 1_______. If you are on the scene of an accident, you can decide what must be done before the arrival of an 2_______ or medical personnel. Calm leadership is very important.
Make the others:
1. 3_______ on coming transport.
2. Call an ambulance.
3. Assist you.
4. Control the 4_______.

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When you telephone for an 1_______ you must:
1. Give clear instructions: road – 2_______– place;
2. 3_______ about the type of accident: collision; car on fire, number of 4_______.

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It is very important for a 1_______ child to have a good nursing.
When a child is ill he needs more 2_______ air. You must air the room no less than three times a day.
When you air the room, cover the child warmly not to chill him.
It is good to have a small nursing table near the child’s 3_______. You can keep different things on the table which you need in care of the patient.
The patient’s hands are 4_______ several times a day. The nails are cut very short.
Dirty clothes are put into a disinfectant.

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Vitamins play a very important role in human health. Overdosage of some vitamins may be harmful, so people must take normal doses of vitamins.
When the winter months come your food becomes poor of vitamins.
Winter is the time for virus infections, colds and flu and your resistance is especially low. Take vitamins every day.

When winter months come your food becomes poor of fats.
When winter months come your food becomes poor of liquids.
When autumn comes your food becomes poor of vitamins.
In winter your food becomes poor of vitamins.
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Headache is a symptom of many diseases. It may occur with common cold, fever, eye strain or hunger. It may accompany mumps, malaria, measles and many other infections. But if severe headache persists you should consult a doctor. Frequent and persistent headache may sometimes be a symptom of brain tumour.

Cover the patient with blankets to keep him warm.
If there is fever and you cough frequently, you must consult the doctor.
Symptoms depend on the type of heart disease.
Headache is a symptom of many diseases: cold, fever, eye strain or hunger.
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A man slipped and injured his leg. The man’s friend called an ambulance and when it arrived, transported him to the hospital. Two orderlies carried him to the receiving – ward on a stretcher and placed him on a couch. The man complained of a bad pain in his leg and suffered very much. The surgeon examined the patient carefully. His ankle and foot were swollen, but the skin was normal in colour.

The man was transported to the policlinic.
The man complained of a bad pain in his arm.
The orderlies examined him carefully.
The man suffered very much because he had injured his leg.
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When you are ill you consult the doctor. He prescribes you the treatment and writes out a prescription.
At the chemist’s you can get patent medicines of all kinds: ampules of glucose and camphor for injections, different pills, tablets and powder, cough mixtures, heart drops, nasal drops, vitamins, cod liver oil, ointments, sedatives, bottles of iodine.

At the chemist’s you can buy ice-bags, sponges, hot-water bottles and so on.
At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept in drug cabinets.
There are usually two departments in a large chemist’s.
At the chemist’s you can get any patent medicine.
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A human body is a perfectly organized creation with millions of blood vessels. It has an extremely powerful engine that pumps gallons of blood every day. A human brain is a fantastic mind machine. It contains around 100 billion cells, equal to the number of stars in the Milky Way.

A human body doesn’t need any training.
A human body is only meat and bones.
Our body is a very primitive organism.
A human body is a perfectly organized creation.
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Is there anything more important than health? I rather doubt it. If your body suffers from any disorder your mind suffers with the body too. You can’t be good either at work or at studies. Aches and pains lead to irritation, nervous breakdown, exhaustions and apathy.

Your body is a perfectly organized creation.
The only thing you have to do is to turn to your physician.
If you feel pain in any part of your body – you need help.
You can’t be good if your body suffers.
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Doctors treat patients. If you have a headache, toothache, backache, stomachache or earache, if you have a sore throat, eye or finger, if you feel pain in any part of your body, if it hurts you to move – you need help. First of all you ought to turn to your physician.

The doctor will examine you carefully.
If your body suffers from any disorder your mind suffers with the body too.
There is nothing more important than health.
Doctors treat patients.
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Exercises are necessary and very important to every person.
Physically inactive people get old earlier than those who exercise.
If you do daily exercises you feel refreshed, you have good posture. Good posture lifts spirits. Poor posture often causes fatigue.
Pay attention to the way you stand, walk and sit. Make up your mind that you will do your daily exercises 10 minutes without fail.

Physically inactive people feel refreshed and look well.
A weak man tires quickly.
Poor posture lifts spirits.
Good posture lifts spirits.
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The clinical medicine and safeguard of people’s health greatly developed in Roman times. The name of Galen is widely known. Galen worked first as a surgeon at a school for gladiators. He went to Rome when he was thirty-two years old and there he had much practice, but he continued to experiment on living animals, especially apes and pigs. The Roman army always had a well organized service of surgeons. The school for gladiators was an ideal school for training in surgery.

Galen didn’t work as a surgeon at a school for gladiators.
Galen first worked as a nurse at a school for gladiators.
Hippocrates worked first as a surgeon at a school for gladiators.
Galen worked first as a surgeon at a school for gladiators.
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When my uncle was 65 years old he could not walk without a stick. His right leg hurt him very much. He consulted a doctor. The doctor examined him carefully. He sent the patient to X-ray and when my uncle brought the X-ray picture the doctor gave him heat treatment, massage and exercises twice or three times a week for three months. At the end of that time the doctor advised him to keep up the exercises every day. My uncle carried out all his instructions and the pain grew less and the old man could walk without a stick.

The old man’s left leg hurt him very much.
The old man’s right arm hurt him very much.
The old man’s right leg hurt him a little.
The old man’s right leg hurt him very much.
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Hiking is very popular among the youth. The sun’s rays, sleep and games in the open air are very important for young men. Grown-ups people also like hiking. The sun and the air are good medicines.
Walking and running are very good exercises. You must breathe through your nose when you run.
Learn how to play and learn to play well.

Grown-up people don’t like hiking.
Children also like hiking.
Grown-up people also like reading.
Grown-up people also like hiking.
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The term ‘antibiotics’ means (anti-against, bios-life) ‘against life’. It shows that antibiotics kill some of the simple organisms.
The effect of antibiotics was discovered by Fleming in 1929. Penicillin was the first of the antibiotics. It is effective against many infections. Penicillin is given orally, intramuscularly and topically.

The effect of physical exercises was discovered by Fleming in 1929.
The effect of antibiotics was discovered by Fleming in 1829.
The effect of antibiotics was discovered by Pavlov in 1929.
The effect of antibiotics was discovered by Fleming in 1929.
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Atromid-S is prescribed for the treatment of atherosclerosis, particularly coronary heart disease.
Dosage: The daily dosage must be divided into two or more doses and taken after food.
Caution: Take not more than 6-8 capsules. Treatment of patients with renal disfunction requires caution. Do not give Atromid-S to pregnant patients.

Do not give Atromid-S to old patients.
Do not give Atromid-S to children.
Do not give Intal to pregnant patients.
Do not give Atromid-S to pregnant patients.
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Gendon is prepared from the root of Rauwolfia serpentine, an Indian plant.
Gendon causes a lowering of the blood pressure.
Side effects are practically absent.
Dosage: The initial dosage is 2 tablets (2 mg) daily. In 10 days the blood pressure tends to drop. Patients with hypertension may take less during the first days. In some cases it may be necessary to increase the dose to 6 tablets.
A maintenance dose consists of 1-2 tablets (1mg) daily.
Take the tablets after meals without chewing.
As Gendon has a sedative effect take it at first in the evening.

Take the powder after meals without chewing.
Take the tablets before meals without chewing.
Take the tablets together with other theophylline preparations.
Take the tablets after meals without chewing.
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Indication: For symptomatic relief of bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema and other pulmonary diseases with bronchospasm.
Elixophyllin helps patients with emphysema and chronic bronchial asthma to breathe  comfortably.
Elixophyllin is especially useful in long-term therapy with older patients.
Precautions: Do not use Elixophyllin together with other theophylline preparations.

Elixophyllin is useful for nervous patients.
Elixophyllin is especially useful in long-term therapy with children.
Elixophyllin is especially useful in short-term therapy with senile phychosis.
Elixophyllin is especially useful in long-term therapy with older patients.
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Indication: For nervous aged patients with senile phychosis.
For patients with disorderly behaviour, sudden changes in mood.
Mellaril helps to calm nervous patients. It reduces nervousness, anxiety, excitement.
Dosage: The doctor will prescribe the daily number of tablets for the patient.

Gendon helps to calm nervous patients.
Mellaril doesn’t help to calm nervous patients.
Mellaril helps to calm older patients.
Mellaril helps to calm nervous patients.
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Approximately one third of our life is spent asleep but when I started to think about sleep, I realized that my mind was completely blank. One day I went to spend a weekend with Dr Hernandez, director of the local Sleep Laboratory.
First of all I wanted to know why we sleep. Dr Hernandez said: “Well, years ago we didn’t really know, but recent science has shown that people who don’t sleep enough soon get ill and often die.”
I wondered if our bodies experience any changes while we sleep. Dr Hernandez replied: “In some stages of sleep the heart rate and our breathing slow down but in other stages the opposite happens – the heart rate increases and our breathing becomes quite rapid. During the night our body temperature drops by one or two degrees too.”

During the night our body temperature drops by three or four degrees too.
During the day our body temperature drops by one or two degrees too.
During the night our body temperature doesn’t drop by one or two degrees too.
During the night our body temperature drops by one or two degrees too.
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In the laboratory there were six volunteers fast asleep with wires attached to their heads. The wires were connected to a monitor. The monitor was measuring the brain’s electrical activity and showed which of the four stages of sleep the volunteers were in.
I wanted to know what happened in the different stages. Dr Hernandez explained:
“After we have slept through the four stages – which takes about 40 minutes – we then go backwards through the stages again, four, three, two, one. Stage four is the deepest sleep. Each stage is deeper than the one before. Look now at the volunteers’ eyes. Those rapid eye movements (REM) are telling us that they are dreaming. If we wake them up now they’ll remember their dreams quite clearly.”

Each stage isn’t deeper than the one before.
Each stage is very deep.
Each stage is deeper than the one after.
Each stage is deeper than the one before.
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There is a state service in Britain called the National Health Service (NHS). Anyone can go see a GP and this costs nothing. (The service is free for foreigners too in an emergency.) If the doctor thinks you need some medicine, he writes you a prescription, which you take to the chemist’s. Most people have to pay a small charge for a prescription. Although medical treatment, including hospital treatment, costs NHS patients almost nothing, there are some problems: you often have to sit in crowded waiting rooms with a lot of ill people; doctors and nurses are overworked; people may have to wait for months for a minor operation because there aren’t enough hospital beds. People who have serious illnesses, however, get immediate medical treatment.

Most people don’t have to pay a small charge for a prescription.
Most people have to pay a small charge for treatment.
Only some people have to pay a small charge for a prescription.
Most people have to pay a small charge for a prescription.
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Some people go to private doctors to get private treatment, though this is expensive.
Health service isn’t paid for in the United States. There is no government health service. People buy insurance, but it doesn’t pay for everything. Hospital rooms can cost as much as two hundred dollars a day, and very often the patients have to buy their own necessities. Sometimes they pay for their treatment for the rest of their lives.

Health service isn’t paid for in Great Britain.
Health service is paid for in the United States.
Insurance isn’t paid for in the United States.
Health service isn’t paid for in the United States.
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Doctor Lennox is a radio doctor. She answers listeners’ questions about medical problems.
Hello, Doctor Lennox. Well, three days ago I fell over and cut my arm. There was a little blood, but it quickly stopped and I forgot about it. Now the wound is painful and red. It hurts when I touch it. I also think I may have a fever. I feel a little hot and quite weak. Do you think I should see my doctor?

A week ago I fell over and cut my arm.
Three days ago I fell over but I didn’t cut my arm.
Three days ago I fell over and cut my finger.
Three days ago I fell over and cut my arm.
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Doctor Lennox is a radio doctor. She answers listeners’ questions about medical problems.
Doctor Lennox, I am a 43-year-old woman. A few months ago, I was walking upstairs when I suddenly felt very faint and almost fell over. Now, whenever I do just a little exercise I get out of breath very quickly. Even when I’m sleeping, I have breathing problems. I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. I’m really worried because I have never had insomnia in my life before. I don’t have a pain in my chest, so I don’t think I have heart problems. I’m very worried. What do you think?

I  have a pain in my chest, so I think I have heart problems.
I don’t have a pain in my heart, so I don’t think I have heart problems.
I have a pain in my chest, but I don’t think I have heart problems.
I don’t have a pain in my chest, so I don’t think I have heart problems.
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Doctor Lennox is a radio doctor. She answers listeners’ questions about medical problems.
For the last two days, Doctor Lennox, I have been feeling absolutely terrible. My whole body aches. I have a backache and all my muscles ache. I have a terrible headache too. But the worst thing is the vomiting. Food just won’t stay in my stomach for more than a few minutes. And the diarrhea – I’m in the bathroom every half an hour. I called my doctor and asked for a prescription for some medicine, but she said there wasn’t much she could do for me. She said I should stay in bed and drink a lot of liquids. Is that right?

She didn’t say I should stay in bed and drink a lot of liquids.
She said I shouldn’t stay in bed and drink a lot of liquids.
She said I should stay in bed and drink no liquids.
She said I should stay in bed and drink a lot of liquids.
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Doctor Lennox is a radio doctor. She answers listeners’ questions about medical problems.
I hope you can understand me all right, doctor, but I can’t talk very well because of my sore throat. I’ve had it a few months now. And a cough, too, even though I don’t smoke. And I seem to be tired all the time, but I’m never so sick that I can’t go to work. I’ve been to the doctor and had some tests, but they can’t find anything wrong with me. What do you think I should do now?

I don’t seem to be tired all the time.
I seem to be quite well all the time.
I seem to be tired in the evenings.
I seem to be tired all the time.
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One day a general went to a dentist. The dentist pulled out his six bad teeth. A week later the general heard that some shops were selling his extracted teeth. One tooth cost 5 dollars. On each of these teeth there was a label with a name of the general.
The general became very angry. He didn’t know what to do. Then an idea came to his mind. He told his six officers to go around the city and buy all his extracted teeth.
The officers left the office in the morning and visited a lot of shops in the capital. They were running from shop to shop all day long. In the evening they returned to the office and put all the teeth on the table in front of the general. They had bought 175 teeth.

Only on one of these teeth there was a label with a name of the general.
On each of these teeth there was a label with a name of the dentist.
On each of these teeth there was a label with the age of the general.
On each of these teeth there was a label with a name of the general.
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. to prescribe
2. to sneeze
3. to bother
4. cough

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. bed-patient
2. blood pressure
3. pain
4. heartache

лежачий больной
кровяное давление
боль в сердце
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. out-patient treatment
2. hospital treatment
3. to treat
4. to prescribe treatment

амбулаторное лечение
стационарное лечение
назначить лечение