Ответы на тесты по предмету Английский язык (18796 вопросов)

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All plants require certain conditions of the environment for their best growth and development. The most important of them are water, soil, sunlight and temperature.
Without sunlight many important processes in plants do not take place. One of them is photosynthesis by which plants produce food from inorganic materials.
Besides water the soil in which crops are grown is to be provided with air and all necessary nutrients. The most important plant nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. There are at least 14 elements that are essential for proper plant growth. Farmers have to apply the nutrients taken by growing crops from the soil.

There are at least 41elements that are essential for proper plant growth.
There are more than 14 elements that are essential for proper plant growth.
There are less than 14 elements that are essential for proper plant growth.
There are at least 14 elements that are essential for proper plant growth.
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Farm animals are affected by climate, soil fertility, diseases, parasites and man. Beef cattle, hogs and poultry used for meat in the North are quite different from the meat animals bred nearer to the equator.
Animals respond to the factors of the environment. The animals best adapted to the conditions of the environment grow and produce better.

Animals respond to the factors of climate.
Plants respond to the factors of the environment.
Animals do not respond to the factors of the environment.
Animals respond to the factors of the environment.
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Most of Japan’s land cannot be used for growing crops because it is mountainous. The land that can be used for crop cultivation is used intensively in order to provide people with food.
The best farm land is around Jokohama and Tokyo. The climate and soil here are good for growing crops.
Rice is the most important food for the Japanese people. They grow much rice. It is grown in standing water in fields. When rice is mature the water is drained and the plants are harvested with special machines.
Another very important crop in this country is sweet potato. It is widely grown on the higher lands.
There are also fields of other crops such as wheat, barley and corn.

Potatoes is the most important food for the Japanese people.
Rice is not the most important food for the Japanese people.
Rice is the most important food for the Russian people.
Rice is the most important food for the Japanese people.
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Many important crop plants complete their life cycle in one growing season. Such plants are known as annuals. Some annuals are spring annuals planted in spring and harvested in autumn. There are also winter annuals planted in autumn and harvested next summer. Winter wheat is an example of winter annuals and corn is a typical spring annual.
Some plants start their growth in one season but produce seed and die at the end of the second season. They are biennials. Sugar beet is a good example of a biennial plant.
Many plants grow for more than two seasons. Most of our hay and pasture crops are perennials.

Most of our hay and pasture crops are not perennials.
Most of our hay and pasture crops are biennials.
Most of our hay and pasture crops are annuals.
Most of our hay and pasture crops are perennials.
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Electricity has become highly important in our modern world. It has made our work easier and our life more comfortable.
In agriculture electricity is being used in many ways. It is especially widely applied in animal buildings for lighting and for operating different machines such as barn cleaners, feed conveyers, automatic ventilators and automatic waterers.
Electric energy is more economical than any other forms of energy. Electricity operated machines save time and labour, increase labour productivity and improve the quality of work.

In industry electricity is being used in many ways.
In agriculture electricity is not used at all.
In agriculture water is being used in many ways.
In agriculture electricity is being used in many ways.
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Seed starts to germinate only under certain conditions. The optimum temperature at which seeds germinate best varies with different kinds of seed. The optimum temperature for the germination of wheat, for instance, is about 270C. Cotton and corn germinate best at about 350C.
Seeds of all crops need enough air for germination as oxygen is necessary for certain chemical reactions which take place in the plant food in the seed.
These reactions take place only, when water is present. So, moisture is also necessary for the germination of seeds.
This, a seed does not germinate: 1) if the temperature is not proper, 2) if there is not enough moisture and air in the soil.

Fertilizer is necessary for germination of seeds.
Manure is necessary for germination of seeds.
Nutrient is necessary for germination of seeds.
Moisture is necessary for germination of seeds.
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Agriculture is a human activity in which people use areas of land to produce food, clothing and other necessary materials.
The word ager is a Latin word. It means a field. The word agriculture means the cultivation of fields and growing crops. But this is the old meaning of this word. Now it also means the use of land to breed animals. At present there are two main branches of agriculture. They are crop growing and animal breeding.

The word agriculture means knowledge of climate, soils and their use.
The word agriculture does not mean the cultivation of fields and growing crops.
The word agriculture means the production of fertilizers.
The word agriculture means the cultivation of fields and growing crops.
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Everybody needs to know what tomorrow’s weather will be. Farmers are greatly dependent on the weather changes which may destroy a whole year’s work in a few hours. Being dependent on the weather they observe about them. They notice changes. They notice what happens just before the wind blows, fog forms, rain or snow falls. They learn to know the signs of changing weather. Observations of the weather have been carried on over a long period of time. Some of these observations resulted in beliefs that are true but also in some that are not.

Everybody needs to know the new approach to solving food problem.
Nobody needs to know what tomorrow’s weather will be.
Everybody needs to know what yesterday’s weather was.
Everybody needs to know what tomorrow’s weather will be.
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Meat preservation helps to control spoilage by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, slowing enzymatic activity, and preventing the oxidation of fatty acids that promote rancidity. There are many factors affecting the length of time meat products can be stored while maintaining product safety and quality. The physical state of meat plays a role in the number of microorganisms that can grow on meat. For example, grinding meat increases the surface area, releases moisture and nutrients from the muscle fibres, and distributes surface microorganisms throughout the meat. Chemical properties of meat, such as pH and moisture content, affect the ability of microorganisms to grow on meat. Natural protective tissues (fat and skin) can prevent microbial contamination, dehydration, or other undesirable changes. Covering meats with paper or protective plastic films prevents excessive moisture loss and microbial contamination.

The second most common method of meat preservation is canning.
Oxygen is required for many bacteria to grow.
The typical refrigerated storage life for fresh meats is 5 to 7 days.
Covering meats with paper or protective plastic films prevents excessive moisture loss and microbial contamination.
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Cold storage. Temperature is the most important factor influencing bacterial growth. Pathogenic bacteria do not grow well at temperatures under 3°C. Therefore, meat should be stored at temperatures that are as cold as possible. Refrigerated storage is the most common method of meat preservation. The typical refrigerated storage life for fresh meat is 5 to 7 days.
Freezer storage is an excellent method of meat preservation. It is important to wrap frozen meats closely in packaging that limits air contacts with the meat in order to prevent moisture loss during storage. The length of time meats are held at frozen storage also determines product quality. Under typical freezer storage of -18°C beef can be stored for 6 to 12 months, lamb for 6 to 9 months, pork for 6 months, and sausage products for 2 months.

Freezing does not kill most microorganisms.
Drying removes moisture from meat products, so that microorganisms cannot grow.
Meat curing and smoking are two of the oldest methods of meat preservation.
Freezer storage is an excellent method of meat preservation.
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Freezing. The rate of freezing is very important in maintaining meat quality, rapid freezing being superior. If meats are frozen slowly, large ice crystals form in the meat and rupture cell membranes. When this meat is thawed, much of the original moisture found in the meat is lost as juice flow from the meat. For this reason cryogenic freezing or other rapid methods of freezing meats are used at the commercial level to maintain maximal product quality. It is important to note, however, that freezing does not kill the microorganisms; they simply become dormant. When the meat is thawed, the spoilage continues where it left off.

Meat should be stored at temperatures that are as cold as possible.
Freezer storage is an excellent method of meat preservation.
Grinding meat increases the surface area, releases moisture and nutrients from the muscle fibres.
Freezing does not kill the microorganisms.
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Curing and smoking. Meat curing and smoking are two of the oldest methods of meat preservation. They not only improve the safety and shelf life of meat products but also enhance the colour and flavour. Smoking of meat decreases the available moisture on the surface of meat products, preventing microbial growth and spoilage. Meat curing, as commonly performed in products such as ham or sausage, involves the addition of mixtures containing salt, nitrite, and other preservations.

The second most common method of meat preservation is canning.
When the meat is thawed, the spoilage continues where it left off.
Meat should be stored at temperatures that are as cold as possible.
Meat curing and smoking are two of the oldest methods of meat preservation.
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Cow milk has been used by man from the earliest times to provide both fresh and storable nutritious foods. The nutritional value of milk is indicated by the fact that daily consumption of a quart (0,95 litre) of cows’ milk supplies an average man with approximately all the fat, calcium, phosphorus, and riboflavin, one-third of the vitamin A, ascorbic acid, and thiamine, one-fourth the calories; and with the exception of iron, copper, manganese, and magnesium, all the minerals needed daily. Considerable amounts of nicotinic acid and choline are also provided.

Cow milk is sure to be the principal type used in the world.
Sheep milk is rich in nutrients, having 18 per cent total solids.
The milks of all species contain the same nutrients, differing only in proportions.
Considerable amounts of nicotinic acid and choline are also provided.
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It is interesting that the milks of all species contain the same nutrients, differing only in proportions. Having found milk good food, man domesticated various species of mammals for dairy purposes throughout the world.
Cow milk is sure to be the principal type used in the world. Other animals utilized for their milk production include buffalo (in India, China, Egypt, and the Philippines), goats (in Mediterranean countries), reindeer (in northern Europe), and sheep (in southern Europe). In general, the processing technology used for cow milk can be successfully applied to milk obtained from other species.

Sheep milk is rich in nutrients, having 18 per cent total solids.
Considerable amounts of nicotinic acid and choline are also provided.
Cow milk has been used by man from the earliest times to provide both fresh and storable nutritious foods.
Cow milk is sure to be the principal type used in the world.
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Domestication of animals is more than taming. Their habitat is restricted, protection assured, food supply maintained, and most important, breeding farm animals is done under human management and control.
In general animals have been domesticated for the following three purposes: as a source of food, clothing, etc, as assistants used in various human activities, or as pets.
The usefulness of animals domesticated may vary. For instance, European and many other peoples breed cows for obtaining milk and beef, but the Chinese do not milk cows, and Hindus do not eat beef.

Domestication of cattle has had varying degrees of success, from half-wild buffaloes to the tame British Jersey.
The origin of domestication is unknown.
Now they differ considerably in colour, form, size, etc. from their related wild forms.
Domestication of animals is more than taming.
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The origin of domestication is unknown. The dog is likely to be most widely distributed and variably used domesticated animal. It assists hunting, draws sledges in Northern parts of the Soviet union and America, a hairless type is bred for producing food in Mexico and elsewhere, while the specialized purposes for which dogs have been used are too numerous to mention.

Now they differ considerably in colour, form, size, etc. from their related wild forms.
Domestication of cattle has had varying degrees of success, from half-wild buffaloes to the tame British Jersey.
Domestication of animals is more than taming.
The origin of domestication is unknown.
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Cattle are the most important of the animals domesticated by man and, next to the dog, the most ancient. Domesticated cattle belong to the family Bovidae, which also includes the buffalo, the bison, yak, zebu and some others. Domestication of cattle has had varying degrees of success, from half-wild buffaloes to the tame British Jersey. Cattle were at first used and developed as draft animals and as suppliers of milk and were usually used for food only when no longer useful for the purposes mentioned. Only in very recent times have cattle raised to be eaten.

Now they differ considerably in colour, form, size, etc. from their related wild forms.
The origin of domestication is unknown.
Domestication of animals is more than taming.
Domestication of cattle has had varying degrees of success, from half-wild buffaloes to the tame British Jersey.
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Great physical changes have taken place in animals domesticated. Now they differ considerably in colour, form, size, etc. from their related wild forms. Great experience has been gained in improving stocks by the scientists, using selection, crossbreeding and inbreeding.
Some possibilities for domestication may still exist. Perhaps fur-bearing animals, such as mink and foxes are now being domesticated in the same slow way as cattle and sheep were many thousand years ago.

The origin of domestication is unknown.
Domestication of animals is more than taming.
Domestication of cattle has had varying degrees of success, from half-wild buffaloes to the tame British Jersey.
Now they differ considerably in colour, form, size, etc. from their related wild forms.
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. fish-net
2. herring
3. soft row
4. fishing-boat

рыболовное судно
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1. trawler
2. young fish
3. shoal
4. sturgeon

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. nursery fish
2. caviar
3. sweep-net
4. crabs

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. gills
2. scales
3. fin
4. salmon

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. smelt
2. catch
3. spawning
4. cod

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. reservoir
2. pike
3. fishing-tackle
4. echo sounder

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. food
2. crop
3. growing
4. activity

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. soil
2. climate
3. land
4. humidity

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. pond
2. lure
3. fish-breeding
4. mackerel

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. canned fish
2. fish-breeder
3. prawns
4. fish-factory

рыбные консервы
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. smoked fish
2. carp
3. trout
4. salt fish

копченая рыба
соленая рыба
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. beef cattle
2. dairy cattle
3. poultry
4. favourable

мясной скот
молочный скот
домашняя птица
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. grain
2. grass
3. improve
4. produce

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. nutrient
2. nutritious
3. manure
4. soil fertility

питательное вещество
почвенное плодородие
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. cotton
2. corn
3. barley
4. wheat

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. moisture
2. rainfall
3. sunlight
4. environment

количество осадков
солнечный свет
окружающая среда
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1. fats
2. oil
3. sweets
4. cereals

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. condition
2. cereal crop
3. to overfeed
4. costly

хлебная культура
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. fertilizers
2. chemicals
3. herbicides
4. insecticides

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. high-fat
2. high-sugar
3. high-caloria
4. high quality

с высоким содержанием жиров
с высоким содержанием сахара
высокое качество
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. soft drinks
2. hamburgers
3. milkshake
4. chips

безалкогольные напитки
молочный коктейль
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. fertile
2. fertilizer
3. fertilize
4. fertility

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. carbohydrate
2. fibre
3. fat
4. protein

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. roughage
2. feeding value
3. concentrate
4. ration

грубый корм
питательная ценность
концентрированный корм
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. wool
2. skin
3. feather
4. down

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. cowshed
2. pigsty
3. sheep-pen
4. barn

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. hay
2. forage crop
3. silage
4. feed

фуражная (кормовая) культура
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. oats
2. potatoes
3. rice
4. rye

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. growing season
2. pasture
3. cultivate
4. annual

вегетационный период
однолетнее растение
Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. milk
2. care for
3. bedding
4. straw

Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и выражениями и их русскими эквивалентами
1. digestible
2. indigestible
3. productivity
4. succulent

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It has been known for centuries that certain black, heavy stones have the property of attracting iron, this property being called magnetism. A body that exhibits magnetism is called a magnet. The two parts of a magnet that show the strongest magnetism are called the North pole and the South pole.

A Body
Heavy Stones
Magnets and Magnetism
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An electric current is a flow of electricity. There are two kinds of electricity, positive and negative. Glass rubbed with silk is positively charged, ebonite rubbed with fur is negatively charged.
Like charges repel, unlike charges attract. The leaf electroscope is used to detect, distinguish and measure charges.
The ultimate particle of negative electricity is called the electron; that of positive is called the proton.

The Proton
The Problem of Electricity
The Electron
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In the space surrounding every magnet there exists what is called a magnetic field. When a strong magnet is brought close to a piece of sort iron, the iron takes on all the properties of a magnet. This phenomenon is called induction and it was discovered by Faraday.

A Strong Magnet
The Magnetic Field
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Any instrument for measuring electricity is known as an ammeter. An ammeter is used for measuring current in amperes. The abbreviation for the ampere is amp. there are very delicate ammeters that are used for measuring very small current. They are known as a milliammeter and a microammeter. The device for reading a thousands of an ampere is called a milliammeter while a microammeter is a device for reading a millionth of an ampere.

An Ampere
A Microammeter
A Milliammeter
The Instruments for Measuring Electricity
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All engineering materials are divided into metals and  non-metals. Copper, cast iron, aluminium are examples of metals. Rubber, plastic and ceramics are examples of non-metals. Today different metals are widely used in machine-building industry.

Machine-building Industry
Metals and Non-metals
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We can divide all metals into ferrous and non-ferrous. Steel and cast iron are in the group of ferrous metals. They are alloys of iron with carbon, manganese, silicon and other components.
Non-ferrous metals are metals and alloys the main component of which is not iron but some other element such as aluminium, copper and others. Some of the characteristics of non-ferrous metals are high electric and heat conductivity, high corrosion resistance, light weight and easiness of fabrication.

Heat Conductivity
Other Elements
Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals
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Engineering is a very practical activity. It is the process of applying the latest achievements of science and technology into practice.
There are a lot of branches in engineering. Mechanical engineers are experts in the design and manufacture of tools and machines. Mechanical engineering has marine, automobile, aeronautical, heating and ventilating branches.
Electrical engineering deals with producing and applying electricity in various fields of national economy. It has the following branches: electrical installation, electrical generation, lighting, etc.
Components and equipment for computing and communicating are the products of electronic engineering. Civil engineering deals with constructing bridges, roads and airports.

Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
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Yesterday from 4 till 6 o’clock Ann and Alice were working in the laboratory. They were studying different electrical devices and instruments. One of them, a multimeter, was on their demonstration table all the time.
The multimeter is used for measuring three types of electrical units, namely: voltage, resistance and current. This device has several scales, a needle, a function selector, two leads, a crocodile clip and a probe.

Types of Electrical Units
A Function Selector
The Multimeter
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Wood used for construction purposes is usually changed into laminated wood or wood panel products. Large structural wooden members are produced by glueing small strips of wood together.
Wood in panel form is more advantageous for many building purposes than board. Why is it so? First of all, because wood panels are much easier to install than boards. They require much less labour for the process of installation. Besides, swelling and splitting in panels are greatly decreased compared with boards. As to plywood panels, they are made up of thin wooden veneers glued together. It is of great importance to note that when wooden structures are designed the future stresses of their structural members must be predetermined.

The process of Installation
Wood Products
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Henry Cavendish was born in 1731 and died in 1810. He was an English nobleman who did scientific experiments as a hobby. In 1781 he made the important discovery that water is not an element but a compound of the gases we now call hydrogen and oxygen. He described his experiments to the Royal Society in 1785. His method was new. He showed that if electric sparks are passed through a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen the two gases combine explosively and form water. This was a dangerous experiment. Cavendish did his experiment safely; he wisely used a strong brass container for the gases. He also passed electric sparks through air and found that gases which readily dissolve in water form acids. We explain this reaction today as follows: oxygen and nitrogen combine and form oxides of nitrogen.
Cavendish also noticed that air contained a small proportion of a gas which did not combine with any other gas even if we pass electric sparks through it for a long time. Now we think that this gas was probably argon, one of the inert gases. It was rediscovered many years later.

A Hobby
The Royal Society
An English Nobleman
Henry Cavendish and His Discovery
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In algebra, letters are used to express the general properties of numbers. Representing one number by the letter a and another by the letter b, we can write the equality.
                                   a x b=b x a
or, more shortly, ab=ba.
If no other sign is indicated, the multiplication sign is understood between any two letters written side by side.
To represent numbers letters of the Latin alphabet are generally used.

The Latin Alphabet
Algebraic Language
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A brick is best described as “a building unit”. It may be made of burnt clay, of concrete, of mortar or of a composition of sawdust and other materials; in shape it is a rectangular solid and its weight is from 61/2 to 9 lb.
The shape and convenient size of a brick enables a man to grip it with an easy confidence and, because of this, brick-building has been popular for many hundreds of years. The hand of the average man is large enough to take a brick and he is able to handle more than 500 bricks in an eight-hour working day.

The Shape and Convenient Size
A Rectangular Solid
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A man, who has been an apprentice for some years in a building trade and has therefore enough skill to be considered a skilled worker at his trade, is called tradesman or craftsman.
He may be a carpenter-and-joiner, bricklayer, mason, slater-and-tiler, plumber, electrician, house painter, glazier, floor-and-wall tiler, paper-hanger, steeplejack, hot water fitter and so on.

A Building Trade
Some Building Professions
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In the North of Moscow, and visible for miles around, rises the giant reinforced tower of Moscow’s TV centre. The tower was built in 1968 to a design by D.Burdin, M.Shkud and L.Shchipakin. Altogether 533-m high, the TV tower has an observation platform and a restaurant at the height of 328 metres. The restaurant revolves slowly round the tower and offers a splendid circular view of Moscow. Despite its enormous size the tower seems amazingly light. It replaced the old iron-girder tower in Shabolovka Street, built by the engineer I.Shukhov. Yet, unlike its predecessor, this TV tower does not play a purely functional role but is at the same time a most important architectural landmark. The multistory building of the TV centre stands alongside the tower.

Shabolovka Street
The North of Moscow
A View of Moscow
The Moscow’s Television Centre
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Nowadays plastics can be applied to almost every branch of building, from the laying of foundation to the final coat of paint.
A lot of decorative plastics now available has brought about a revolution in interior and exterior design. But plastics are used now not only for decoration. These materials are sufficiently rigid to stand on their own without any support. They can be worked with ordinary builders’ tools.

Interior and Exterior Design
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Laminate is a strong material manufactured from many layers of paper or textile impregnated with thermosetting resins. This sandwich is then pressed and subjected to heat. Laminate has been developed for both inside and outside use. It resists severe weather conditions for more than ten years without serious deformation. As a structural material it is recommended for exterior work. Being used for surfacing, laminate gives the tough surface.

A Structural Material
Exterior Work
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“Colorplast” factory in Rovigo (Italy) manufactures three main products: panels, window frames and door frames.
The rigid, extruded polyvinylchloride (PVC) panels are made in a large of sizes, suitable for every kind of use. They are very strong, indeformable and are extremely easy to assemble and disassemble. For this reason they are of particular interest to architects and builders.
The second group of “Colorplast” products are ready-to-mount window frames, made of rigid PVC. They are completely draught-proof, water-proof, fire-proof and sound absorbent, indeformable, easy to install, economic and do not require maintenance. Moreover, they are available with different types of openings in varying sizes and are designed to meet any specific requirement.
Finally, “Colorplast” produces patented internal laminated plastic melamine doors. They are made up of laminated panels with noney-comb filling, finished with rigid PVC borders.

Door Frames
Window Frames
Plastics From Italy
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The Empire State building is one of the world’s tallest buildings. It is situated in New York City on the West side of Fifth Avenue.
Completed in 1931, in accordance with an original design first suggested by J.Raskob, the Empire State replaced a historic hotel, the first Waldorf-Astoria. Its construction set speed records; it was completed in less than two years. The building’s exterior is covered by Indian limestone and granite, supported by a steel framework. For this framework 60 000 tons of metal were used. 102 stories above the street (and with two more below the street level), it has a height of 1 472 ft.
The upper tower contains observatories and television antennas.

New York City
Fifth Avenue
The Empire State Building
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In one of the Moscow districts among the experimental blocks there is one that the architects have called the “Flats of the Future”. It has two 16-storeyed towers connected by a gallery. The design was worked out in conjunction with sociologists, philosophers and doctors, who had analyzed the regimes of factory workers, office employees and children who were to occupy the flats.
The main idea was to make available facilities so that the tenants could distribute their time more rationally.
The block has a swimming pool, a gym, a library, a winter garden, a club, a hotel to private accommodation for the tenants’ guests and visiting relatives, a children’s playground and a polyclinic.
Each floor is equipped with a canteen, rooms for washing and pressing laundry, and special rooms where children are minded.

A Gym
A Winter Garden
A Gallery
Flats of the Future
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In 1858, a French engineer, Thome` de Gamond arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-one mile tunnel across the English Channel. He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the cerntre of the Channel. The platform will serve as a port and a railway station. The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea-level. In 1860, a better plan was put forward by an English-man, William Low. He suggested that a double railway tunnel should be built. This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it. 42 years later, a tunnel was actually begun. If, as the time, the British had no feared invasion, it would have been completed.

A Port
A Railway Station
The Problem of Ventilation
The Channel Tunnel
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Sputnic 1 was an unmanned satellite. The first person to travel in space was Y. Gagarin on board the spacecraft Vostok 1. This success inspired the U.S. to set up its space close-up programme. An American space probe sent back the photographs of Mars. In 1969, the American astronauts set foot on the Moon. Their steps were seen by TV viewers all over the world. 3 years earlier the Russian probe was powerful enough to send back the first pictures from the Moon’s surface. The invention that enabled space exploration to go ahead was the computer placing a spacecraft into the orbit and guiding its progress, involves complete calculations which can be made only by computers very rapidly.

The Moon
Y. Gagarin
Space Exploration
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Traffic means everything and everybody is using the roads. Trams and buses taking people to school or to work are traffic. Cars and motorcycles are traffic. People riding bicycles on the roads are traffic. You are a part of the traffic when you walk along the pavement or across the road. Today more people live in cities. As a result, there is a great deal of traffic and many of the roads are too narrow. That is why there are a great many accidents. In cities all over the world thousands of people die or are hurt in traffic accidents. Some people say we must improve our roads. We do it by making them wider and straighter. Accidents often happen on narrow roads or on corners. Drivers cannot see around corners. They cannot see traffic coming towards them. When roads are improved, corners are changed. That is a very good idea to improve the roads.

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Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the 19th century was The Crystal Palace which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world for it was made of iron and glass. It was one of the biggest buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it. A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world. There was also a great deal of machinery on display. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth’s steam hammer. Though in those days, traveling was not as easy as it is today, steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the Channel from Europe. On arriving in England, they were taken to The Crystal Palace by train. There were six million visitors in all, and by profits from the exhibition were used to build museums and colleges. Later, The Crystal Palace was moved to South London. It remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.

The Building
The Great Exhibition
Hyde Park
The Crystal Palace
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London transport is the largest urban transport organisation in Europe, covering an operating area of over 630 square miles. Each working day, about 2.8 passenger journeys are made on 470 underground trains, which run along 250 miles of route. In addition nearly 4 million passenger trips are made on buses. 100 routes are operated by independent companies under control. 85% of London commuters use public transport.
The London Transport Museum is a unique collection. Frequent special exhibitions focus on particular aspects of transport in London.

The London Transport Museum
Transport in Europe
Public Transport
London Transport
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Have you ever visited an airport? It is often a very exciting place. If you are near an airport, why not go inside? You do not have to be a passenger to go inside it. Sometimes you may have to pay to enter an airport but is always a small amount.
An airport is usually full of people. Some of them will be passengers. Some have just arrived by plane and they are now waiting for transport to take them home. Others are waiting to go on planes that will take them to another city or another country. They are buying something or talking to their friends. Above the airport the planes may be circling in the air. They are waiting their turn to land. There must be someone to control all these places. If you look around the airport you will see the control tower where the men who control the planes work. If they make a mistake people may be killed.

A Very Exciting Place
The Control Tower
An Airport
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In recent years, serious traffic problems have developed in most large cities. Many cities have experimented with different ideas for controlling the traffic. For example, in some places, they have established ‘park and ride’ systems, where people can park their cars and travel into the city by bus. Other cities have introduced a complete ban on certain days of the week.
New technology has also made other solutions possible. In some cities, for example, they have placed automatic posts in the middle of roads into the city centre. These posts prevent cars from entering the city centre, but when taxis, buses and ambulances approach them, they automatically disappear into the ground.
Many city councils have also put computers and scanners on all roads into the city. Drivers have to buy a special electronic card and put it in their car. When the car has passed through a scanning machine, a computer checks the card and allows the car to go through. Drivers who have not remembered to put their card into their car cannot take their cars into the city.

The City Centre
Automatic Posts
City Traffic
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The Black Country is an old industrial area near Birmingham in the Midlands of Britain. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, it had a lot of factories and coal mines. It was called the ‘Black’ Country because of all the coal mines and smoke from the factories. Britain was the first country in the world to have an Industrial Revolution, and Birmingham and the Black Country were important for the manufacturing of metal goods.
The Black Country Living Museum has authentic factories, shops and houses from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. You can see people working in the factories and shops. Sometimes you can also see people living in the houses, as people did more than a hundred years ago. Fish and chip shops are still common in Britain.

An Industrial Revolution
The Midlands of Britain
The Black Country
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Britain used to have many manufacturing industries, but since the Second World War its service industries, especially banking and retailing, have expanded. Between 1951 and 1991, the percentage of people working in service industries rose from 36 per cent to 71 per cent. The number of people working in manufacturing industries has gone down.
Heavy industries, including steel manufacture and shipbuilding, have been replaced by high-technology manufacturing industries, such as aeroplane engine manufacture and pharmaceuticals.

Working People
British Industry
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Of great importance today is the subject of town planning. Throughout the nineteenth century in all industrial countries of the world the same thing occurred. In England, in the middle of the nineteenth century, one-half of the population lived in towns; the other half lived in the country. By the end of the century there were nearly a 20 million increase in the number of country dwellers.
Towns grew in a haphazard way. Houses were huddled together, and railways had found a way in, often to a most inconvenient part of the town. There was no plan in the arrangement of the town.
In Great Britain a Town Planning Act was passed in 1909, giving to local authorities, for the first time in history, power to develop their towns along scientific and artistic lines. After 1918, schemes of building on a national basis began in most countries.

Scientific Lines
The Population
Industrial Countries
Town Planning
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There are 1_______ types of chisel for metalwork and for woodwork. Woodwork chisels have a smaller angle at the point of the 2_______. Although this is suitable for soft materials such as 3_______, a tool point with a small angle is too weak for hard materials. To cut metal, a stronger point is necessary, so the angle is greater at the point of a 4_______ chisel.

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Here is the control panel for a lift. Each button has a different 1_______. The one at the top on the left opens the lift 2_______; the one at the bottom on the left closes them. The one in the 3_______ on the left stops the lift at the different 4_______.

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Most cars use 1_______ to cool the engine. Water 2_______ from the radiator through a system of water passages and rubber hoses. A water 3_______ pushes the water round. This system is known a 4_______ system.

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To measure dimensions such as the length, height, depth or diameter of a component, micrometers are used. There are different types of micrometer for different 1_______.
To measure the external diameter of a small component such as a small shaft, a micrometer caliper is used; to measure internal 2_______, a micrometer cylinder is used. Depth micrometers are used to measure the 3_______ of a component. The measurements are shown on different 4_______ of scale depending on the type of micrometer.

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The raw materials for plastics are coal and 1_______, and many plastic materials today are produced from oil. Plastics can be divided into two main 2_______. The first group, called thermoplastics, includes well-known plastics such as PVC, nylon and polythene. These can be treated (heated, softened and cooled) several times, and can be formed into combs, pipes and bags, in addition to many other similar 3_______.
Thermosetting 4_______ include melamine, polyurethane and phenolic resin, and can be made into tableware, foams and plugs respectively. However, this group differs from thermoplastics because they can be treated only once and harden when they are heated.

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Riveting is a 1_______ of joining metals permanently. The process consists of drilling or punching the 2_______ plates, inserting the rivet and then 3_______ it by compression force. There are several standard types of rivet heads with 4_______ uses.

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Heat causes some 1_______ to expand more than others. For example, copper expands more than 2_______. This effect is used in the bimetal strip, which consists of two dissimilar strips of metal 3_______ together. The strips are usually made of brass (an alloy of copper and zinc) and invar, a ferrous alloy which expands very little when heated.
An increase in 4_______ causes the brass to expand more than the invar. This expansion causes the bimetal strip to bend, and consequently a switch or a valve is activated.

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Heat causes liquids to expand. This effect is used in the 1_______. An increase in air temperature 2_______ the liquid to expand in the heat sensor. This expansion causes the valve to close and consequently the 3_______ of hot water is reduced.
After a time, the temperature will go down and the 4_______ will cool and contract. The spring load will now be greater than the liquid pressure and the valve will open. Once again, the hot water flow is increased.

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Man has always tried to improve his standard of living by changing his surroundings and by making 1_______ to simplify the everyday tasks necessary for his existence. At first, the only 2_______ he could use were those he could see around him – stone, wood and so on. He survived in competition with other animals because of his abilities with his 3_______ and their coordination with his brain. Because he did not have the strength and speed of some animals, his survival depended on his 4_______ use to get food and to keep him warm and safe.

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In many fields the science of the Mayas surpassed that of the Greeks and 1_______. Possessing a profound knowledge of mathematics and 2_______ they had achieved a rare degree of perfection in chronology and everything pertaining to calendar-making. In Chichen Itza they 3_______ observatories whose domes were better orientated than the one erected in Paris in the 17th century. They had adopted a sacred year of 260 days, a solar of 365 days and a Venusian year of 584 days. The exact duration of the solar year has been fixed at 365.2422 days. The Mayas put it at 365.2420 days, - i.e. with a decimal point of the number we have arrived after lengthy calculations. It is 4_______ that the Egyptians arrived at the same approximation, but to establish that we should have to believe in concordances in the Pyramids which are doubtful, whereas we actually possess the Mayas calendar.

The Romans
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Exploration for oil around the Scottish shores has become a very big 1_______. This is an account of how oil is extracted from beneath the North Sea.
To get the oil out, four production problems will be used: huge 2_______, three made of concrete and one of steel, designed to work for 25 years or more. Instead of floating, they are planted firmly on the sea bed and designed to stand up to the worst of sea and weather. From each platform a series of holes is 3_______, some going almost straight down, others drilled at an 4_______ away from the platform so that a large volume of oil can be extracted. The oil does not lie there like a great swimming pool full of black liquid, it is trapped in small spaces between the porous rocks. To get as much as possible out many separate holes have to be drilled.

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A variety of housing has been provided in new towns, including two-storey houses, bungalows, flats and maisonettes. The greatest demand is for 1_______ with gardens. Many families moving to the new towns have previously lived in overcrowded 2_______ in flats or rooms in the centres of cities and want the space and freedom of a house and a garden where children can play in safety. In view of this preference, care is taken to provide houses of varied 3_______ types, avoiding monotony and ensuring privacy. Houses may, for example, be built in courts, closes, terraces or other groupings and set various distances from, and angles to, roads. A number of 4_______ such as bricks and cements of different colours and panels of natural timber are also used.

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A variety of housing has been provided in new towns, including two-storey houses, bungalows, flats and maisonettes.
The 1_______ usually have two or three bedrooms and one large or two smaller living rooms, though a number of larger and smaller dwellings are also provided; all have kitchens and bathrooms with hot and cold 2_______ and inside lavatories. Many have 3_______ and broadcast relay systems whereby radio and TV programmes are received at a central point and distributed by wire to listeners and viewers. At Washington the development corporation has designed a 4_______ house which can be adapted to meet the changing needs of growing families: the house has all the traditional living areas complete on the ground floor and an upper floor free from dividing walls and with windows and plumbing arranged to enable householders themselves to provide room areas to meet their requirements.

central heating
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The first scientists to study colour was Sir Isaac Newton. He was an English 1_______ who lived from 1642 to 1727. Newton was the first person to 2_______ white light into different colours.
In 1861 another English scientist, James Clerk Maxwell, showed that he could make other colours by mixing the primary colours – red, blue and yellow – in different ways. These other colours are called secondary and tertiary colours. We make secondary colours by 3_______ two primary colours together. For example, red and yellow become orange, yellow and blue become green, and blue and red become violet. We make tertiary colour with one 4_______ colour.
We can make a room look bigger or smaller, hotter or colder by using colour. Green and blue are cold colours. They can also make a room look bigger. Red, orange and yellow are hot colours. They can make a room look smaller.

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There have been many 1_______ number systems in the world. A long time ago the Babylonians counted in 60s and today computers count in 2s – using only 1 and 0. We call this 2-number system the binary system. Most systems, however, count in 10s. This is because we have 10 2_______. We call this system the decimal system from ‘decem’, the Latin word for 10.
The Romans used letters like I, V, X and C to count in 10s but these are not very easy to use. The numbers most people use today come from India. We think they were invented by the Hindu people there. In the Hindu system the place of each 3_______ is important. For example, 832 is a different number to 238 or 382. The Hindu system was also used by the Arabs, and we now call them Arabic numbers. In about the 12th century an Italian called Leonardo Fibonacci wrote a book about 4_______ numbers, and people all over Europe began using these numbers.
We do not know who invented the decimal point, but we know that in 1585 a man called Simon Stevin wrote  a book about the decimal point. The book was called ‘The Tenth’. Before we knew about the decimal point, we had to use fractions like Ѕ and system ѕ when we talked about numbers smaller than 1.

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The Great 1_______ of China is so large that the men who landed on the moon could see it. It is the largest wall in the world.
It begins at Shanhaikun on the Yellow Sea and ends at Chaiyukan in the Gobi Desert. It is almost three thousand 2_______ long. It is not only a wall, it has many thousands of towers.
The Chinese people started building walls as early as 600 BC to keep out their enemies. However, it was the first emperor of China, Ch’in Shih Hwang-ti, who started the great Wall in about 214 BC. We get the word ‘China’ from his name.
Chinese 3_______ built some of the Great Wall while Ch’in Shih Hwang-ti was emperor, bur most of it was built much later, between 202 BC and 220 AD, and between 581 AD and 618 AD. After this time, no more work was done on the wall for hundreds of years, and much of it became broken. Then in the 15th century, the first of the Ming emperors started building another wall near the first one. It is this wall that thousands of tourists visit 4_______ year.

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The Eiffel Tower is one of Europe’s most famous 1_______. It stands in the Chap de Mars, a park near the River Seine in Paris. It is 300 metres tall and was built by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel for the Paris Universal Exposition in 1889.
Because the tower was such a tall building, Eiffel wanted to make it easy for people to get to the top. He wanted to use a lift, which was a very new 2_______ at the time. Eiffel asked Elisha Otis to design a lift for the building.
The opening of the Eiffel Tower took place on the 10th June 1889. Eiffel himself lived in the 3_______ where he had his own apartment. Many kings and queens were happy to visit the tower during the opening and, of course, they visited Eiffel’s apartment. Although Eiffel designed the tower for people to visit, it was also used for 4_______ experiments. Nowadays, the tower gets twice as many visitors as the other very famous building in Paris – the Louvre.

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The 1_______ Revolution of the 18th century resulted from the discovery of steam power. Until then, everything had to be powered by 2_______ or animals, and the power that they made, even when they were 3_______ together, was quite small. Then came steam engines that were 4_______ enough to run large machines and pull long trains.

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Large office buildings are often as big as small towns. They have their own trains, buses and shops. Such buildings can be found in most cities of the world. When it was finished, however, in 1943, the Pentagon was the world’s largest office building. It is still – many years later – among the largest.
Built in the shape of a pentagon – a 1_______ shape – the building consists of five pentagons, divided into ten sections. Each side of the 2_______ pentagon is about 300 metres long. In the centre, there is a large space open to the sky.
Six storeys high, the Pentagon has a 3_______ floor space of about two million square metres. Around it, there are about 45 kilometres of roads that are part of the building and inside the building itself there are over 25 kilometres of passages. In spite of its great 4_______, however, no office is more than a six minute walk from any other office in the building.

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They recently built a new swimming pool in the small town of Winter Park, Florida. It is one 1_______ deep at one end and 55 metres deep at the other. That was not the original 2_______: half the pool has been eaten by an enormous hole.
The hole has also eaten two businesses, 3_______, five cars, several trees, and a large piece of road. It was still growing yesterday.
Mrs Mae Rose Owens was the first person to see it, last Friday. As she looked out of her 4_______ she saw a tree getting shorter and shorter.
‘Suddenly the earth just opened up and down this tree went. I couldn’t believe it.’
The hole seems to be a result of the drought. Underground streams have dried out, making the subsoil contract.

a house
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If silica is melted and allowed to cool slowly, the result is 1_______. Glass is more difficult to make than pottery, and the first all-glass containers did not appear until 1500 BC. Glass was made then by 2_______ raw silica held by a glass thread on a sand core to form a bottle or shaping it in a mould. It was not until 1350 BC that the technique of blowing glass was developed. A wine glass was made by blowing melted glass in a mould, adding a stem, shaping the foot and trimming. Press moulding is an even more 3_______ technique.
Glass-working tools include a blowpipe, rod, tongs, shears and rolling plate. Glass was originally melted in a furnaces were 4_______.
