Ответы на тесты по предмету Английский язык (18796 вопросов)

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Insects live everywhere on land but not in the ocean. There may be over 30 million different kinds of insects in the world although scientists have not studied all of them yet, and many have no names.
Insects are very important in the world. They pollinate plants and help to break up the ground. Although some insects can hurt people or plants, other insects kill these dangerous ones. Insects are the food of many other animals.
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Where don’t insects live?

Insects don’t live at homes.
Insects don’t live on the earth.
Insects don’t live on the dry land.
Insects don’t live in the ocean.
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Some insects are not good for people. In Egypt, thousands of years ago, millions of locusts ate all the plants that were growing. There was no food for people to eat and many people died. In Africa today, locusts still do the same thing.
For most people the worst kind of insect is the cockroach. It is bigger than many insects and not easy to kill. People can get sick when cockroaches walk on their food. In hot countries there are cockroaches everywhere. Some people think if something happened and most animals died, cockroaches would be the only animals still living.
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Which is the worst kind of insect for most people?

For most people the worst kind of insect is a fly.
For most people the worst kind of insect is a locust.
For most people the worst kind of insect is a bee.
For most people the worst kind of insect is the cockroach.
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There were two McDonalds – Mac and Dick - and they were brothers. In 1948, they owned a restaurant in California. They liked working in the restaurant, but they got tired of the customers ordering so many different things to eat.
‘If we gave customers a smaller menu, we could make some of the food before they come, and they wouldn’t have to wait so long for their meals,’ said one of the brothers. The other brother agreed and added, ‘And if we made the customers come to the counter, we wouldn’t need any waiters or waitresses. We could also use plastic plates so there wouldn’t be any washing-up.’
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What did McDonalds own in 1948?

They owned a shop.
They owned a small menu.
They owned a restaurant in Hong Cong.
They owned a restaurant in California.
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The first McDonald’s restaurant had no seats for customers to sit on. This meant that people had to take their food away, and that no one had to clean up any tables after them.
The most successful McDonald’s business is in Hong Cong. The Hong Cong McDonald’s sells more hamburgers every day than any other McDonald’s anywhere in the world. McDonald’s restaurants are so successful because children love going to them. They like the food, and they like the toys and games they can get at McDonald’s.
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Why are McDonald’s restaurants successful?

McDonald’s restaurants are so successful because women love going to them.
McDonald’s restaurants are so successful because babies love going to them.
McDonald’s restaurants are so successful because grown-ups love going to them.
McDonald’s restaurants are so successful because children love going to them.
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There were some good ideas that the McDonald brothers used and the customers were very pleased. They got their meals very quickly – in less than a minute – they paid only 15 cents for hamburges and 10 cents for fries. The first McDonald’s restaurant had no seats for customers to sit on. This meant that people had to take  their food away, and that no one had to clean up any tables after them.
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Why were the customers very pleased?

There were no seats in the restaurant.
They had to take their meals away.
They got their coats very quickly.
They got their meals very quickly.
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One day a man called Ray Kroc came to the McDonald brothers and asked them to buy their business. They agreed to sell it to him for $27million. After that, people paid Ray Kroc to open their own restaurants using the McDonald’s name and menu. Before long, there were McDonald’s restaurants all over the world – even in China and Russia.
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Why did Ray Kroc come to the McDonald brothers one day?

He wanted to sell his business.
He wanted to open a new restaurant.
He wanted to talk to the McDonald brothers.
He wanted to buy their business.
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The most important thing for many young people is to look cool. That’s why they spend money on brands like DKNY, Levi’s, Nike and Sony. These companies know that young people have a lot of money to spend. So they spend a lot of money on advertising to attract young people. Young people also find out what’s cool from the Internet. Many have also discovered how easy it is to shop on the Internet. Clothes, CDs, books and computers are at the top of their Internet shopping lists.
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What is the most important thing for many young people?

The most important thing for many young people is to play games.
The most important thing for many young people is to spend money.
The most important thing for many young people is to read books.
The most important thing for many young people is to look cool.
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In the last thirty years fast food has become a major part of our diets. Fast food is cheap, easy to find and easy to eat. You can even eat a burger while you are diving. Try doing that with a bowl of spaghetti!
Families stop at Pizza Hut on the way home from a day trip. Teenagers meet at McDonald’s for a burger at lunchtime. Busy office workers buy tasty sandwiches at Subway. It’s so quick and easy.
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Why do busy office workers buy sandwiches at Subway?

The sandwiches are very tasty.
You can eat them while you are diving.
It has become a major part of our diets.
It’s quick and busy.
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Richard Benton is a nutritionist and he says that fast food can be healthy food. ‘Most fast food restaurants have healthy choices like salads and lean chicken sandwiches,’ he says. ‘Fast food is OK as long as you don’t eat too much of it.’
People who do eat too much fast food can have health problems. In the United States, 300,000 people a year die from illnesses to obesity. Twenty per cent of children in the United States are overweight. The problem has spread as Western fast food has become popular in the countries like China, India and Japan. Five to ten per cent of Chinese children are now overweight.
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Why can people have health problems?

They eat healthy food.
They eat too fruit and vegetables.
They eat salads and lean chicken sandwiches.
They eat too much fast food.
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Last summer some students of our group went to Siberia in order to work at a new plant producing equipment for mechanical and chemical processing of timber. But from July 15 till the end of August my friends and I worked on a big collective farm not far from our city.
The farm is rather rich. It has large areas under field crops, vegetables and fruit trees. To improve soil fertility and to increase the yields the farmers use fertilizers. The fertilizers to be applied are produced at a big chemical plant situated not far from the farm. Many agricultural processes are mechanized and the most modern farm machinery is used both for crop cultivation and for livestock breeding.
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What do farmers use to improve soil fertility?

They use modern farm machinery.
They use vegetables.
They use cultivation.
They use fertilizers.
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Last summer some students of our group went to Siberia in order to work at a new plant producing equipment for mechanical and chemical processing of timber. But from July 15 till the end of August my friends and I worked on a big collective farm not far from our city.
Some of our girls worked as milkmaids. It was not difficult for them to do their work, as there are several milking machines on the farm. Both of my friends worked as tractor drivers. They were to begin their work early in the morning and sometimes had to stay in the field rather late. A group of students helped the farmers to build a new barn for cattle.
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What did a group of students help to build?

A group of students helped to build a big chemical plant.
A group of students helped to build a farm.
A group of students helped to build a house.
A group of students helped to build a new barn for cattle.
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Last summer some students of our group went to Siberia in order to work at a new plant producing equipment for mechanical and chemical processing of timber. But from July 15 till the end of August my friends and I worked on a big collective farm not far from our city.
We liked the work on the farm very much. The chairman asked us to come again in spring when the farmers plow the soil and sow different crops. But next spring we are to go to Central Asia to see the new irrigation and drainage schemes and all the land reclamation work that is being done there.
To work on the farm and to see different agricultural processes is very useful for students of agricultural department.
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Why are the students to go to Central Asia next spring?

They are to go to Central Asia next spring to build a new barn for cattle.
They are to go to Central Asia next spring to work in the fields of a collective farm.
They are to go to Central Asia next spring to see a new chemical plant.
They are to go to Central Asia next spring to see the new irrigation and drainage schemes.
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Wool has been associated with Yorkshire for centuries. Until the fifteenth century, wool from the North of England was sent to Flanders to be made into cloth. By the sixteenth century, the towns of Leeds and Bradford were themselves becoming important centres for wool and goods made from wool.
During the nineteenth century, Manchester became a very important centre for the production of cotton. It was even known as “Cottonopolis”. Raw cotton came from the USA to the port of Liverpool, on the north-west coast. The cotton was transported by canal or by train to the nearby city of Manchester, where cotton goods were manufactured. They were then exported to the rest of the world.
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When did Manchester become a very important centre for the production of cotton?

Manchester became a very important centre for the production of cotton during the 20th century.
Manchester became a very important centre for the production of cotton during the 15th century.
Manchester became a very important centre for the production of cotton during the 9th century.
Manchester became a very important centre for the production of cotton during the 19th century.
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Most British people, if they go out for a meal or buy a takeaway, go to their local Indian or Chinese restaurant. There are 8000 Indian restaurants in Great Britain and most towns, however small, have one.
Indian restaurants serve food from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. North-Indian food is the most common: spicy curries cooked in oil and served with rice or different types of bread. South-Indian food is often vegetarian since most southern Indians are Hindu and eat little or no meat.
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Where do Indian restaurants serve food from?

Indian restaurants serve food from England.
Indian restaurants serve food only from India.
Indian restaurants serve food from Russia.
Indian restaurants serve food from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
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Most British people, if they go out for a meal or buy a takeaway, go to their local Indian or Chinese restaurant. There are 8000 Indian restaurants in Great Britain and most towns, however small, have one.
Most Chinese restaurants serve Cantonese food, including lunch-time snacks called ‘dim sum’: steamed or deep-fried dumplings, with either savoury or sweet fillings.
Chinese and Indian restaurants are facing strong competition from Thai restaurants in Britain. The cuisine is a mixture of Indian and Chinese food, with dishes ranging from hot to mild often using coconut cream.
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What are Chinese and Indian restaurants facing?

Chinese and Indian restaurants are facing strong competition from Italian restaurants.
Chinese and Indian restaurants are facing strong competition from British restaurants.
Chinese and Indian restaurants are facing some competition from Thai restaurants.
Chinese and Indian restaurants are facing strong competition from Thai restaurants.
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People in Britain are more likely to eat fast food than go out to eat in a posh restaurant. A hamburger and French fries is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain, but not all fast food is American. Kebab houses, often run by Greek or Turkish Cypriots, are also very popular.
People spend less time cooking now. An increasing number of people eat convenience food in the evenings. Convenience meals are already cooked – all you have to do is heat them up in the microwave.
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What is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain?

A pretzel is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain.
A yogurt is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain.
A hot dog is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain.
A hamburger and French fries is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain.
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When the Spanish adventurer Hernбn Cortйs went to Mexico in 1519, he was looking for gold and riches to take back to Spain. And he found something else, too: the people of Mexico called it cbocolatl – we call it chocolate.
The people who lived in Mexico at that time were called the Aztecs. The Aztecs had learnt to take the seeds from cacao tree and grind them to a powder, called cocoa. Cocoa powder is full of food energy. When cocoa is mixed with milk, the result is chocolate. Chocolate is now a favourite sweet all over the world.
A lot of the world’s cocoa today comes from African countries. Cameroon, Cфte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria are the main African cocoa producers. Brazil and Ecuador, in South America, are the other main cocoa producing countries.
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Where does a lot of the world’s chocolate today come from?

A lot of the world’s cocoa today comes from American countries.
A lot of the world’s cocoa today comes from Asia.
A lot of the world’s cocoa today comes from Australia.
A lot of the world’s cocoa today comes from African countries.
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You should never eat too many sweets. But scientists have discovered that if you eat chocolate, it may improve your health. Chocolate contains chemicals that help protect your body against heart disease and cancer. If you eat dark chocolate, the result will be even better: it has more beneficial chemicals than lighter milk chocolate.
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What have scientists discovered?

Scientists have discovered that chocolate contains chemicals.
Scientists have discovered that you eat chocolate.
Scientists have discovered that if you eat many sweets, it may improve your health.
Scientists have discovered that if you eat chocolate, it may improve your health.
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Dear customers, sincerely welcome to buy LORD leather gloves. Don’t touch sharp or hard other things while wearing gloves. As usual, don’t contact greasy dirt, acid or alkaline things. Prevent from cutting broken or rubbing to decolour or the quality of leather will reduce and even cause other reactions. Prevent your gloves from being damp and shone strongly in the sun.

сильно изнашивать
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Proper care your fur garment will keep long lasting: don’t use detergents, spot removers or solvents of any kind to remove stains. Washing and cleaning should only be made by specialized cleaner. Don’t keep your fur garment in a plastic cover. Don’t put your fur garment in the closet or any place which is humid and with heat reflection.

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YAJIANA FASHION CO. LTD is a large company which designs, makes and sells feminine closing. Our main products are feminine shirts, trousers, professional suits, jackets, coats, etc. Every piece of our products is uniquely designed and strictly made of selected material.

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1 kg of “Fabric” conditioner. Softens, freshens and conditions all your wash. Dermatologically tested. You can “ПУХ” straight to the last rinse in the washing machine. The right quantities to meter using the cap. Terry, pure cotton – 2 caps. Mixed fabrics, pure wool – 1, Ѕ cap. Synthetics – 1 cap. Hand – washes – 1 cap.

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At first thank you for purchasing “Ying dao” brand genuine – leather garments. Please take good care of your leather clothing according to the following content. Our products are made of high quality raw materials. It has resistance to oil but not to violent acids and alkelines.

чтобы устоялся
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The products are finely made by using high quality genuine surface material and advanced technology. With the latest style, the shoes are comfortable, beautiful and noble. “Quality First, Service Supreme” is our quality policy. We will supply you with good after – sale service according to the stipulations if there are any quality problems during the course of “Quality - Guarantee”.

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Thank you very much for the choice of our company’s product. Our company products high class leather shoes series use the top material and by the great master, serious to study and research design to succeed. If, any customer found the product is bad, can repair and replace in our factory by entrust the locality agent.

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Daily caring of leather can be wiped by using a soft cloth. Leather can be cleaned by remover oil if necessary. Don’t place it near sharp and hard objects in order to prevent the fur form breaking and tearing. Let the leather dry naturally. If necessary use maintenance oil. Keep leather in a dry place. To avoid losing its shape always hang it up with a hanger.

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во избежание
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Use large cloth shores. Please cover with a silk bag. If wet, please hang it in the wind, but don’t sunshine or close to the fire. Don’t spray perfume and hair condition direct to the garment. Please hang the fine wool garment in the sun in summer and prevent to get mild – wet.

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The product from our country is suitable for all seasons. With it you will feel comfortable. It is made of the newest material and softest cotton fiber. By utilizing top science and technology and making it carefully, it is the newest sport series and the most popular in the world at present.
Wearing it you may dream in a warm world.

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Elegant supporting “ARTEMIS” tights with their strong tightening effect will give your body and legs the desired slenderness, shape your hips, lift your buttocks, slim your waist. Due to the high density of 70 DEN and special texture with cotton additives “ARTEMIS” tights will make you warm and comfortable.

более плотный
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- What’s your favourite trainer of all time?
- Nike Cortez because it’s a simple design, really comfortable and looks great. There is a Cortez for every occasion.

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- Do you remember your first pair of trainers?
- Yeah, they were Adidas Superstars, I really liked them and wore them every day.
- Where do you shop the trainers?
- Hype Shoes, mostly. That’s the best shop for trainers in London (where I live). I like shopping there because I know the owner.

отдел универмага
небольшое кафе
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- Why are the shoes important?
- They are the best, most comfortable shoes. Trainers go with everything. You can wear a pair of Air Jordans on the basketball court, a pair of Superstars when you’re hanging out, or a pair of Cortez in brown leather when you want to dress up.

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Rappers Run DMC sang about their favourite trainers in the 1986 hit ‘My Adidas’. The group were fans of the Adidas ‘Superstar’ shoe. The Superstar was worn without any laces. It was the coolest trainer on the street until Nike and Reebok became popular in the late 80s.

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Before the Superstar and the Air Jordan, there was the Converse ‘All-Star’. The All-Star became popular in the 1920s and it was the original basketball shoe. It remained a best-seller until the arrival of Adidas and Nike. Converse couldn’t complete with Adidas’ and Nike’s high-tech trainers but traditional All-Star remained popular. By the end of 2000, more than 600 million pairs of All-Stars had been sold.

Сочетаться браком
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For years we’ve been told that we can run faster, jump higher and play better with the right trainers. But these days most people who wear trainers are more interested in fashion than sport. Vintage styles are in demand. Serious trainer fans may have twenty or thirty pairs. So whatever your shoe size, there’s a pair of trainers for you.

носка (одежды)
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T-shirts first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. In the early 1900s, they were worn by sailors in the American navy under their uniform. Over the next decades more people began to wear them, but it was Hollywood that made the T-shirt such a popular thing to wear. In 1951, film audiences were shocked and impressed by the sight of Marlon Brando’s muscles under his tight white T-shirt in A Streetcar Named Desire. Then, when James Dean wore a T-shirt in the 1955 film Rebel without a Cause, T-shirts suddenly became cool. Young people across America started wearing T-shirts as a symbol of their own rebellious feelings.

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As the young people of James Dean’s time got older, they continued to wear T-shirts. They were inexpensive, fashionable, and could have anything you wanted printed on them. There’s nothing rebellious about wearing a T-shirt now, however. People of all ages and from all walks of life wear them. In fact, the T-shirt is probably the most common piece of clothing in the world. And these days it is OK to wear a T-shirt almost anywhere and anytime.

образ (жизни)
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Agriculture and environment are closely connected with each other. Crop yields and animal productivity depend on soil and climatic conditions of the region in which they are grown. When environmental conditions are favourable, crops grow and develop well and produce high yields.
At present agriculture is not so dependent on the environment as in the past. Man can improve the conditions under which crops are grown. The conditions can be improved by using irrigation and drainage, by applying fertilizers and different chemicals such as herbicides and insecticides and by some other practices.

приводить в надлежащее состояние
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The environmental factors do not only affect agriculture, but they are also affected by the agricultural activity. Mineral fertilizers and chemicals used by farmers accumulate in the soil and in plants and may become harmful for people.
Thus, the farmers have to solve two problems. On the one hand they are to improve and intensify agricultural production and on the other hand they are to minimize the effect of agriculture on the environment.

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Among all the discoveries in nutrition during recent years, the most important have been those concerning the vitamins.
Through these investigations it has become possible to improve greatly the health of people and to prevent such diseases as rickets, sourvy and others.
These experiments have also had a great influence on livestock farming by increasing the efficiency of animals’ production and by preventing serious nutritional diseases.

лицо, оказывающее влияние
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We are students of veterinary department. We study domestic animals. Domestic animals give us meat and milk. Collective farms have many animals. We must help collective farmers in their work.
The horse is a domestic animal. Our collective farm has horses. Horses work much, they do hard work. We must feed horses well. They must have grain and hay or grass. If a horse is ill, we must help it.

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The symptoms of the disease were: the calf did not eat, had no appetite and looked ill. The fever was high. The course of the disease was very rapid. In a few hours the calf became very weak. I began to treat this calf and took constant care of it. I gave the calf some castor oil and reduced the amount of feed. In five days the calf was well again.
Our clinic is very nice. Collective farmers bring many sick animals to the clinic and we help them

ход, течение
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Britain imports petroleum, mainly from the Middle East and Libya; cars from Europe and Japan; lamb and butter from New Zealand; and fruit from the EEC, South America and Africa.
Some of Britain’s exporters are: chemicals, which are produced all over the country; chocolate and sugar confectionery, which are made mostly in York and the South West; drinks, which are produced mainly in Scotland; and metals and metal products, which are manufactured in many regions including Yorkshire, South Wales, the Midlands and the Northern Region.

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People do not usually come to Washington D.C. to go shopping. They come for its history, or to see its beautiful buildings. But there are many good places to go shopping and to eat. And some of them were once something very different.
You can buy everything from ice-cream to Indian food at the Old Post Office, at 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, and there are forty-three shops to look round after you finish eating.

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There are 17,000 or more restaurants, cafes, ‘fast food’ shops and food stands in New York, and there are more and more every day. You can eat in New York every night for fifty years and never visit the same cafй or restaurant twice! And you can find food from every country in the world.
New Yorkers often eat at the ‘deli’ or the delicatessen. These sell wonderful sandwiches.
There are lots of ‘fast food’ shops to buy something to eat quickly.
There are food stands on many street corners. These sell hamburgers, hot dogs, pretzels, and drinks like Coca-Cola.
Go to Chinatown for the best Chinese food, and Little Italy for the best Italian food.
You can eat twenty-four hours a day in New York!

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Many New Yorkers say that you can buy everything you want in New York. And some say, ‘Yes, and everything you don’t want, too!’ Fifth Avenue has some of the biggest names – Saks Fifth Avenue, Bergdorf Goodman, Lord and Taylor, Gucci. Other famous shops are Bloomingdales on Third Avenue and 57th Street, and Macy’s (the biggest shop in the world) on Broadway and 34th Street.
Brooks Brothers, world-famous for men’s clothes, is on Madison Avenue, but there are also many smaller shops.
If you are shopping for something ‘different’, go to SoHo (between Canal Street and West Houston Street) or Greenwich Village.

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All over the world, tigers are in danger of extinction. Today natural scientists say that they cannot find any tigers in Bali, the Caspian region or in Java, in the South China, only about 30 tigers remain in four different areas – too far apart to meet and breed – and there are only four subspecies of tigers left in this area. India was once the home of many thousand of tigers – today there are only about 3000 living here. Russia has lost many tigers too. Only about 400 remain in Russia.

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Leeds market, in the north of England, was built in 1857.Part of the market is still very traditional and sells coloured sweets, biscuits, jewellery, materials and china. But there are other new sections to the market which sell cheap toys, music cassettes and plastic shoes.
You can also buy cheap food, fruit and vegetables and some of the best bread to be had anywhere. In one corner it is even possible to buy a simple meal and (if you don’t mind the noise) to sit and watch everything going on around you for hours on end.

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There are about 53,500 farms in this country. Most of the farms are small. 1___________. All the work on the farm is done by the farmer and his family.
2___________. In the East most farmers grow different farm crops. In the West climate is good for the production of farm animals. There are many farms where farmers grow some crops and some animals. 3___________.
Now the work on the farms is highly mechanized. 4___________.

These small farms are family farms.
The types of farms are different regions of this country.
These farms are known as mixed farms.
Different machines are used by the farmers.
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There are three main sources of food for man. 1___________. Of these, crops make up about 75% of the world’s food production, 23% is contributed by livestock and only 2% of food comes from fish.
Many foods are obtained from farm animals. 2___________. Milk is often called the nature’s most important food.
3___________. The animals most often used for this purpose are beef cattle, hogs, sheep, and poultry. 4___________. How do we call meat from hogs? From mature beef cattle? From young beef cattle?

They are crops, livestock and fish.
They are meat, milk and eggs.
Meats from farm animals are highly important as food for people.
Meat from mature sheep is known as mutton.
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1___________. The first way is soil erosion. 2___________. The second way is wastes of intensive keeping of livestock and poultry. These wastes pollute waterways. 3___________. And the last way of agricultural pollution of the environment is the use of different chemicals such as insecticides, herbicides and others. 4___________.

There are four main ways in which agriculture affects our environment.
It is a natural process but it can be greatly increased when improper methods of farming are used.
The third way is improper use of fertilizers.
These chemicals affect both the soil and air.
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1_______. The United States export most of the corn produced. 2_______. They use corn mainly for livestock feed.
3___________. The increases in yields are obtained by the development of new high-yielding hybrids, by improved cultural practices and by application of proper amount of fertilizers.
Most corn, about 85%, is used as livestock feed and only about 10% is used as food for people. 4___________.

Corn production in the USA makes up more than half of the total world production.
The main importers are Western Europe and Japan.
Corn production is concentrated in the region named Corn Belt, where 80% of corn is grown.
Corn is also used as an industrial crop.
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Beet crop is one of the most widely grown root crops. 1___________. Both of them are best adapted to growing in the temperate climate.
2___________. At this time they are rich in protein and minerals.
3___________. It is high in sugar, up to 20 per cent. There are some factors which favour the accumulation of sugar in the roots. They are soil fertility, enough moisture, low temperature.

There are two main kinds of beets, sugar beets and table beets.
Table beets are used by people for food when roots are young.
Sugar beet is an industrial crop.
Most of the sugar beets are grown in Europe including Russia.
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Cows require carbohydrates, because they supply most of the energy necessary for the production of milk.
2___________. But too much fat may result in digestive disturbances.
3___________. Protein may be provided by feeling both concentrated and roughage feeds, such as alfalfa and clover hay, cereal grains, green feeds and others.
4___________. They may be provided by feeding cows with good quality feed and balanced rations.

To produce much milk cows require different nutrients.
Fats in the ration are also used as a source of energy.
When there is not enough protein in the cow ration the amount and quality of milk are reduced.
Minerals and vitamins are important for milk production.
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The most important difference between plants and animals is that plants can produce food in the leaves.1___________.
The conditions necessary for photosynthesis are light, CO2 (carbon dioxide), water, some essential nutrients and proper temperature. 2___________. 3___________.
The word ‘photosynthesis’ consists of two parts. ‘Photo’ which is light and ‘synthesis’ which is building. 4___________.

The process by which plants produce their food is known as photosynthesis.
Water and nutrients required for photosynthesis come from soil through the roots.
So, leaves function well if the plant has a highly-developed root system.
So, photosynthesis is building with light.
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1___________. One reason for the importance of dairying is high nutritive value of milk and dairy products.
2___________. High-quality milk also contains a large amount of phosphorus and iron. 3___________. Different dairy products are obtained by man from milk.
To have high-quality milk farmers should not only feed their cows properly both in spring and in winter but they should care for the milk properly. 4___________.

Dairy farming is one of the most important branches of animal husbandry.
Milk is one of the best sources of calcium, the mineral which is highly important for the growth of skeleton of people and animals.
Milk is also a good source of vitamins A, D, and B1.
Two factors should be controlled when keeping milk: 1) milk should be kept clean and 2) it should be kept cool.
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1___________. These fires are sometimes started deliberately but in few cases is anyone caught and accused of being an arsonist.2___________. The unhappiness and anger people feel after the loss of their property and their personal things, plus the cost of them, insurance companies and the state, means that a solution to the problem must be found. 3___________. 4___________.

Every summer many countries around the world are threatened with the possibility of suffering forest fires
The fires cause damage to property, and put the lives of the firemen at risk, while they also endangering the lives of the public who try to help save their land and houses.
People must be more careful when they are walking or picnicking in forests, and phone the fire-brigade the moment they see anything suspicious.
If we do not take care, there will be no forest land left to enjoy.
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Plants are highly important in everyday life of people. 1___________. The man of today wants to have better and higher-yielding crops which can produce more food of good quality. 2___________. Many animals grown by man feed on plants and produce food and raw materials which can be made into many useful things and products. Many animals grown by man feed on plants and produce food and raw materials used by man.
3___________. Some are grown for industry, and cotton is a typical industrial crop. Some are used in medicine.
So, plants may be classified into three main groups.

Primitive man required little in addition to food and shelter.
He also wants to have raw materials which can be made into many useful things and products.
Some plants are used by man directly for food such as grain crops and vegetables.
They are: food plants, industrial plants and medical plants.
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Geographically Great Britain consists of Highland Britain and Lowland Britain.     1_______.
The agricultural area of England is towards the English Channel and the Continent of Europe. The soil in many parts of Highland Britain is thin and poor.
Rivers in Britain are narrow, but the Thames. Most of the farms are less than 50 acres each. 3_______. In the eastern part of Britain most farms are arable. The farmers grow different crops here. 4_______. Small farms in Britain are usually mixed farms on which farmers both grow crops and keep farm animals.

Highland Britain is in the north and in the west.
Lowland Britain is a rich area with fertile soil.
The types of farms are different in different soil and climatic areas.
In the western part of the country most farms are dairy.
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Most of Britain is the farming land divided into many fields.
Today the main tendency in agricultural development of this country is that small traditional farms are gradually disappearing. 1_______.
The westerly winds from the Atlantic carry the warmth and moisture of lower latitudes into Britain. 2_______. Winds from different parts of the world ranging from polar to tropical regions often visit Britain.
3_______. The temperature seldom exceeds 32°C or falls below zero. 4_______.

They cannot compete with modern big industrial farms.
The weather changes with the wind.
Britain has a mild climate.
The driest period is from March to June and the wettest months are from October to January.
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A comparatively high level of agriculture enables Britain to provide about half of the food from its soil.
Britain usually imports meat, butter, wheat, tea, fruit, tobacco etc. 3_______. The estimated private forests make up about a half of the forest area. 4_______.

Farmers work fields all the year round.
The main agricultural products of Britain are wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, milk and different kinds of meat.
There are a few millions of acres of woodland in Great Britain.
The size of private woodlands ranges from a few acres to many thousands.
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Hair style and colour are very important for people who want to change the way they look. 1_______. For example, Kate George from Sheffield went from hair that was long and blonde to bright red curly hair. Then she cut her hair very short and went back to her natural dark brown colour. 2_______. ‘Hair is something you can easily change – at the moment mine’s green, blue and pink,’ says Sarah Talbot, from Leicester.
3_______. There are now more and more men who dye their hair and change their hair style regularly. Mitch Jones, a student at London University, says: 4_______?

There are some young people who change their hair colour four or five times a year.
There are other women whose taste is even more adventurous.
Traditionally, the hairdresser’s is not a place where men feel comfortable – but this is beginning to change.
‘A lot of people I know change their hair when they feel like it. Now mine’s very short, but in the future – who knows?’
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1_______. And, let’s be honest, most British food was terrible – overcooked vegetables, greasy sausages, boring sandwiches. For a lot of people, eating was something you had to do to survive; it was certainly not an enjoyable experience. 2_______.
- 3_______.
- More of us eat out regularly and we can get excellent food in lots of different kinds of restaurants – French, Indian, Italian, Greek, Thai, Indonesian…even British!
- 4_______

Years ago a Frenchman said that the only way to eat well in Britain was to eat breakfast three times a day.
But things have changed…
Food has become very important in Britain. TV cooks are more famous than writers and their recipe books are bestsellers
Traditional British pubs serve surprisingly good meals at good prices.
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British supermarkets are now full of exotic cooking ingredients, sauces, pasta, cheese, fruit and vegetables.
1_______. The most popular is now pizza and, according to a recent survey, 40% of British families have a curry for Sunday lunch, instead of traditional dishes like roast beef.
We eat less meat and more fresh fruit and vegetables. 2_______. Even children know about sugar-free sweets.
That is the good news. 3_______. As we work harder and have less time, we are eating more and more fast food and doing less exercise. For lunch, many of us have a hamburger or sandwich and when we come home in the evening we put our ready-made dinner into the microwave before sitting down in front of the TV. 4_______.

The British love all kinds of ‘international’ food.
A growing number of people are becoming vegetarians.
Unfortunately, there is also some bad news.
Meals are no longer family occasions.
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In its home country, the hot dog was called the frankfurter. It was named after Frankfurt, a German city.
Frankfurters were first sold in the United States in the 1860s. 1_______. Dachshund sausages first became popular in New York, especially at baseball games.
2_______. When he saw the men with dachshund sausages, he got an idea for a cartoon. 3_______. Dorgan didn’t know how to spell dachshund. Under the cartoon, he wrote ‘Get your hot dogs!’

Americans called frankfurters ‘dachshund sausages.’
One day in 1906 a newspaper cartoonist named Tad Dorgan went to a baseball game.
The next day at the newspaper office he drew a bun with a dachshund inside – not a dachshund sausage, but a dachshund.
The cartoon was a sensation, and so was the new name.
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1_______. Red meat refers to the meat taken from mammals; white meat refers to the meat taken from foul; seafood refers to the meat taken from fish and shellfish; and game refers to meat taken from animals that are not commonly domesticated. 2_______. The most widely consumed meat is beef, the flesh of mature cattle that normally weigh from 450 to 540 kg and yield between 55 and 60 per cent of their weight in meat. 3_______. The pig is believed to be the world’s second largest provider of meat known as pork. 4_______.

Meats are often classified by the type of animal from which they are taken.
In addition, most commonly consumed meats are specifically identified by the live animal from which they come.
Veal, the flesh of calves of cattle, is much less fatty than beef.
When taken to slaughter, pigs generally weigh 90 and 135 kg and provide about 70 to 74 per cent of that weight in meat.
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Meat from lambs and sheep is produced on a much smaller scale than either beef or pork (less than one-tenth of that provided by cattle, for example). 1_______. The most select lambs may weigh no more than 14 to 18 kg and yield about 48 to 50 per cent of their weigh in meat.
2_______. The steps in this process generally include stunning, bleeding, eviscerating, and skinning.
Meats are marked as fresh or processed goods or become ingredients of various meat products, including many types of sausages and luncheon meats. 4_______.

They ordinary weigh between 45 and 70 kg.
The meat-products industry, though called meat packing, includes the slaughtering of animals.
The usual method of preserving meat from bacteria and decay are refrigerating, freezing, curing, freeze-drying, and canning.
They also yield a number of important by-products.
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1_______. It includes not only the muscles and fat but also the tendons and ligaments. 2_______.
Containing all the amino acids necessary for human body, meat is valued as a complete protein food. 3_______. Parts such as livers, kidneys, hearts, and other portions are excellent sources of vitamins and of essential minerals. 4_______.

Meat is the common term used to describe the flesh or other edible parts of animals used for food.
Processed or manufactured products prepared from animal tissues are also called meat.
The fat of meat, which varies widely with the species, quality, and cut, is a valuable source of energy and also influences the flavour, juiciness, and tenderness of the lean.
They are easily assimilated by the human system.
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Dear Sirs,
We read your 1________ in the “Pet Magazine” of 25th December. We are 2_____ in buying your 3____ for producing pet food. Would you kindly send us more information about this equipment:
- price
- date of 4____
- guarantees
Yours sincerely,
Ivan Smurov

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Dear Mr Frank,
As we know your company 1______ in 2_____ textile products in the Ukraine. We have more than 50 dealers and 3______ in different regions and would like to start producing textile products in the Ukraine. If your equipment meets our 4_____ and we receive a favourable offer, we will be able to place a large order for your equipment.
Yours faithfully,
Anne Ralf

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Dear Ms Drake,
I am writing to thank you most 1______ for your trade supplying of the batch of video cassettes. I will be 2____ if you send us your latest catalogues, 3_____ and other publication containing 4_______ of new films.
Yours sincerely,
Kate Molten

a discription
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Dear Sirs,
1_______ to your letter of 17th March we thank you for sending us your catalogues of men’s silk shirts. We 2_______ there will be a great demand for them in Georgia. We are enclosing our order 3_______ and would ask you to return its duplicate to us, duly signed as an acknowledgement.
Yours 4_______,
Martin Brown

In response
are sure
No. 144
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Thank you for your letter of 21st March, 2006. We 2_______ to acknowledge your order for 500 women’s silk dresses and enclose the copy of it, duly signed, as requested.  Delivery will be made immediately on opening a letter of credit with our bank for amount of $ 4212.
We hope our dresses will be in great demand in 3_______ and you will be able to place large orders with us in the future.
Yours 4_______,
Alfred Smithers

Dear Mr Frank
are pleased
Заполните пропуски в письме следующими словами
We have heard that you have put a new model of computers on the 1_____ and would be glad to have full 2______ about it. Please let us know whether you are able 3_____ us a full range of 4______ of computers.
Yours sincerely,
Olga Paterson

to send
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1_______ Mr North
Please send us 2_______ of your manufactures stating your lowest prices and best terms of payment. We would 3_______ if you send us further information.
Yours 4_______,
Olga Morgan

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Dear Sirs,
I have seen your 1_____ in “Goods and prices”. Kindly quote us your 2_____ prices for the fur goods listed below:
- polar fox
- silver fox
- squirrel
- red fox
Please let us 3_____ your prices in pound 4______ for fur goods.
Yours sincerely,
Helen Fox
Sales Manager

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Dear Sirs,
We are writing to enquire about your kitchen appliances. We are particularly interested in the processing of the machines and 1_______ manufactured by your 2_______ and advertised in the latest issue of “Consumer Goods”.
Could you please send us your latest 3_______ and price lists for the latest models.
Yours 4_______,
Alex Wrong

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Dear Sirs,
We 1_____ that we are unable to supply you with operating 2_____ and specification sheets in Russia. As you know it is our first 3_____ of exporting knitting machines to Russia. At the moment we are taking measures to get all the necessary documentation 4_______ into Russian as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
J. Brown
Marketing Manager

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Dear Sirs,
My company specializes in making high quality office 1_______and equipment. I suggest visiting Djemsa for about 2_______ in early November to study the ways of introducing our products for the 3_______ market. Six copies of our 4_______ are enclosed.
Yours faithfully,
John Martin
Sales Manager

ten days
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We saw your women’s dresses and suits in your October 1_______. The lines you showed would be most suitable for our 2_______.
We would 3_______ 2,000 dresses and suits in each of the sizes 10-14, and 500 in sizes 8 and 16. Please quote c.i.f. Chicago prices.
Thank you for an early 4_______.
Very truly yours,

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We are pleased to make you an offer regarding our products in the size you require. Nearly all the models are obtainable and could be delivered to you in 2_______.
Suits sizes 8-16 in white, 3_______, red, green, navy blue, black. Sizes 12,14 also in pink.
Dresses 4_______ 8-16 in white, yellow, red, green, black.
You will be receiving price-list, cutting of our materials and a colour chart.
Yours faithfully,

Dear Sirs
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1_______ for your quotation of October 30. We have pleasure in placing an order with you for 1,900 2_______ at Price $38,745 in the colours and sizes specified below:
1. Quantity  50
Size   8, 16
Colour  white
2. Quantity  100
Size   10, 12, 14
Colour  white
3. Quantity  100
Size   10, 12, 14
Colour  red
4. Quantity  50
Size   16
Colour  yellow
Delivery: air freight, c.i.f., Chicago
Please arrange for immediate collection and 3_______ since we need the dresses for 4_______.
Very truly yours,
P.Pratt, Jr.

Thank you
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими словами
Thank you for your delivery of 1_______ which were ordered on November 4. However we wish to draw your attention to two matters.
Of the red dresses supplied one lot of 100 (2_______12) included clothes of a lighter red than the other sizes. We are returning two of these by separate mail, and would ask you to replace the whole lot by 100 dresses size 12 in the 3_______ colour.
As far as your charges for air freight are concerned, we agree to pay the extra costs which you invoiced. However your 4_______ for packing and insurance must have been lower for air cargo, and we request you to take this fact into consideration and to make an adjustment to the invoice amount.
We look forward to your dealing with these questions without delay.
Very truly yours,
P. Pratt, Jr

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Dear Sirs:
The colour of the 1_______ about which you complain is indeed lighter than it should be. Please accept our apologies.
We are sending you a new lot materials by air this week, and would ask you 2_______ the faulty clothes at your convenience, carriage forward.
It was not 3_______ for us to use the lighter air freight packing materials, as most of the dresses were ready for shipment by sea freight.
Furthermore, our insurance is an open policy at a flat rate, and depends on the value of the goods, not the method of transport. For these reasons our invoice No.14596 dated 15th 4_______ 2003 is still valid, and we look forward to receiving your remittance when due.
Yours faithfully

to return
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Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your delivery of men’s shirts, which we ordered on 24th March, 2005. At the same time we would like to draw your attention to the following.
After examination of the shirts we discovered some 1_______ defects:
- there are oil stains on 12 shirts;
- the colour of 2_______ of 5 shirts does not match the colour of these shirts;
- one shirt is in a different 3_______.
We are returning defective shirts by separate mail, carriage forward, and would ask you to replace them by 4 _______ in the colours and sizes specified below:
Size                        Colour                      Quantity
15                           white                         9
17                           white                         1
14                           blue                           6
16                           blue                           2
We would appreciate a prompt reply.
Yours faithfully,
P. Pratt, Jr

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Dear Sirs,
Your letter of 18th April, 2005, was duly noted. The 1_______ you returned us are indeed 2_______. We have to admit that these defects were overlooked by our 3_______ and offer apologies for the oversight.
We are sending you new shirts as a replacement this week by air, carriage 4_______, and would ask you to confirm their receipt by fax.
If any other problems arise, please do not hesitate to contact us in the shortest possible time.
Yours faithfully,

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Dear Sirs,

Account No. 638/hrs/0078/Invoice 1_______

I regret to inform you that the above invoice contains 2_______.
It is almost certainly the case that the figure in the invoice for the total has been multiplied by a hundred. In view of our long-standing dealings with your company, I am convinced that you 3_______ me to pay $98,000 for the last delivery of switches and electrical components.
I would very much appreciate receiving a more reasonable invoice. Otherwise we plan to withdraw our next order with your 4_______.
Yours faithfully,
Jim Brown

No. 05124
a mistake
do not expect
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Dear Mr. North,
Thank you very much for your enquiry. We are of course very familiar with your range of vehicles and are pleased to inform you that we have a new line in batteries that fit your 1_______ exactly.
The most 2_______ of our products for your requirements is the Artemis 66A Plus. This 3_______ combines economy, high power output and quick charging time and is available now from stock.
If you would like further 4_______, please telephone or telex me: my extension number is 776.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Fred Stock

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Agriculture is an important branch of economy. Economic growth of any country depends on the development of agriculture which supplies people with food and clothing and industry with raw materials. The word “agre” is a Latin word. It means the cultivation of fields in order to grow crops. Now agriculture also includes the use of land to breed farm animals.

The word “agre” is a German word.
Economic growth of our country depends on the development of milk industry.
Now agriculture also includes 53500 farms of our country.
Agriculture includes the use of land to breed farm animals.
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Life is impossible without plants. They play a highly important role in everyday people’s life. Plants that are grown by farmers are known as farm crops. They are used for many different purposes. Most of them are used directly as food for people, some are consumed by farm animals, others are used in industry and medicine. In order to increase crop yields and animal products our farms apply widely intensive technologies.

Life is impossible without industry and medicine.
Crops are used as food for cats and dogs.
Plants that are grown by people are known as high-yielding.
Plants play a highly important role in people’s life.
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There are two ways of increasing the yield of farm crops. They are the cultivation of new lands and the increase on yield per hectare. In the recent past the first way was more popular. At present more agricultural products are obtained by intensification of agricultural production. Intensification is based on mechanization, electrification and chemization which are the main sources of progress in agriculture.

The first way is more popular nowadays.
Intensification is based on the cultivation.
There are not any ways of increasing the yield of farm crops.
There are two ways of increasing the yield of farm crops.
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Most of agricultural processes in crop production and animal husbandry are mechanized now. They are the preparation of the soil, planting and harvesting crops, feeding farm animals and cleaning livestock buildings. Chemization of agriculture is increased by higher production and use of mineral fertilizers and other chemicals. They increase crop yields and quality.

Agricultural processes were not mechanized many years ago.
Chemization is not increased by use of mineral fertilizers.
Chemicals don’t increase crop yields.
Agricultural processes are mechanized now.
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There are two main branches of agricultural production – crop production and animal husbandry. Crop production is the practice of growing and harvesting crops. The most important crops grown by man are grain crops, vegetables and grasses. In order to obtain high yield crops are grown under favourable soil and climatic conditions.

The most important crops are wheat, barley, corn.
Crop production is not a branch of agricultural production.
The most important vegetables grown by man are cabbages and cucumbers.
The most important crops grown by man are grain crops.
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Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture including the breeding of farm animals and their use. Dairy and beef cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry are widely bred throughout the world. Farm animals are highly important sources of food for man. They are kept for the production of such nutritious products as meat, milk and eggs.

Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture including the planting crops.
Dairy and beef cattle are not widely bred throughout the world.
Animal husbandry is a branch of cultivation of new lands.
Farm animals are highly important sources of food for man.
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Many crops grown by man are used in feeding livestock. At the same time manure produced by farm animals in an important source for the maintenance of soil fertility. Most of the nutrients taken by plants from the soil are thus returned. Applying manure, farmers improve the physical condition of the soil. Thus, crop production and animal husbandry are closely connected with each other.

Applying manure doesn’t improve the condition of the soil.
Only a few of the nutrients taken by plants from the soil are thus returned.
Many crops grown by man are used in feeding dogs.
Crop production and animal husbandry are closely connected with each other.
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Cereals are those members of the grass family which produce edible seed. Wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn and rice are known to be the most common and the most valuable cereals. The cereals grown in the temperate zone are known as small grains. They are wheat, barley, oats and rye. They may be spring or winter annuals. Corn and rice are warm season crops. They are to be seeded in spring or early summer and mature in the fall.

Corn and rice are not to be seeded in spring or early summer.
The vegetables grown in the temperate zone are known as small grains.
Corn and rice are not warm season crops.
Cereals are members of the grass family.
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Animal husbandry, a branch of agricultural production, includes the breeding of farm animals and their use. Farm animals are highly important sources of food for man. They are known to produce highly nutritious products such as milk, meat and eggs. In addition, the skin of animals, down and feather of poultry and wool of sheep are used as raw materials to produce clothing and for many other purposes.

Vegetables are highly important sources of food for man.
Farm animals don’t produce highly nutritious products such as milk, meat and eggs.
The skin of animals, down and feather of poultry and wool of sheep are not used as raw materials to produce clothing.
Animal husbandry, a branch of agricultural production, includes the breeding of farm animals and their use.
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The most important group of farm animals is cattle. There are four types of cattle. They are dairy cattle, beef cattle, draft cattle and dual-purpose cattle. Dairy cattle, that is, dairy cows provide milk that may be used in making various dairy products. Beef cattle is the producer of beef. One can raise dual-purpose cattle producing both milk and meat. Draft cattle and horses are almost everywhere replaced by agricultural machinery.

Horses provide milk that may be used in making various dairy products.
There are three types of cattle.
Cattle is not the most important group of farm animals.
There are four types of cattle.
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Agriculture is the most important branch of economy in Denmark. It is highly developed. Big farms are predominant in Denmark.
The country has very favourable climate, soils and topography for farming. These factors stimulate crop growing and animal breeding.
Most farm operations are highly mechanized, from preparation of the soil to harvesting crops and feeding animals. The use of fertilizers and other chemicals increase crop yields and animal products.

Agriculture is the most important branch of economy in Russia.
Engineering is the most important branch of economy in Denmark.
Agriculture is not the most important branch of economy in Denmark.
Agriculture is the most important branch of economy in Denmark.
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All plants require certain conditions of the environment for their best growth and development. The most important of them are water, soil, sunlight and temperature.
Proper temperature is also essential for crop production. The optimum temperature for germination and growth varies with different kinds of crops. Grain crops such as wheat and barley, for instance, grow at lower temperature than cotton and corn. Many crops are more adapted to the temperature conditions than to colder or warmer environment.

Grain crops such as wheat and barley grow at the same temperature than cotton and corn.
Grain crops such as wheat and barley do not grow at lower temperature than cotton and corn.
Grain crops such as wheat and barley grow at higher temperature than cotton and corn.
Grain crops such as wheat and barley grow at lower temperature than cotton and corn.