Ответы на тесты по предмету Английский язык (18796 вопросов)

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The palace of the Bishops of Winchester for over 500 years, Winchester House was set in 70 1_______ of riverside parkland. The original 2_______ was built for William Giffard in 1109 and the last occupant was Bishop Lancelot Andrews (1555 – 1626). For a time in the seventeenth century, Winchester House acted as a prison but was sold off for tenement 3_______ and gradually deteriorated. The 14th century building that now stands on the site was 4_______ by fire in 1814.

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There is no place in London, or, for the matter, in all of Britain with a worse reputation for savagery than the 1_______ of London. In its 900 years of history, it has been awash in the blood of kings and queens, criminals and innocents, alike. 2_______ shortly after the Norman Conquest the fortress consisted, in those days, of the central White Tower and surrounding 3_______, which incorporated part of the city wall originally built by the Romans.
The Tower, as we see today, didn’t take 4_______ shape until the reign of Edward I, who added more walls and towers to the original construction.

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Constructed between 1886-1894, Tower Bridge is one of London’s most recognized sights. It is the first of London’s Thames 1_______ and the only one which can allow the passage of shipping underneath. The bridge was 2_______ to be a two-level span: the lower level, a draw bridge which elevates to permit tall river traffic, and the upper level, twin walkways for pedestrians. The observation 3_______ in the north tower permits superb views of the City of London and the surrounding Docklands. The Tower Bridge Museum in the south tower contains the original steam-driven 4_______ that was used to raise the bridge.

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London Bridge. This fabled 1_______ across the Thames River, noted in story and rhyme, has a colourful and continuous history that dates back to Roman times. The first London Bridge was 2_______ by Romans sometime after 43 AD and some of its wooden remains have been uncovered on the north side of the river. During its life the 3_______ structure was renewed several times. At one time, one of these 4_______ was washed away by a flood, and another was torn down by invading Vikings in 1014.

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The national Memorial to Prince Albert was built from a 1_______ by George Gilbert Scott who had been personally selected by Queen Victoria. The monument, thought by some to be too bright and inappropriate, stands 175 feet 2_______ and houses a 14 foot high statue of the prince by John Foley. In one of the most complex restoration 3_______ in the World, English Heritage has now restored the Memorial. The High Gothic 4_______ may not be to everyone’s taste, but it is certainly a reminder of the greatness of the man and the times in which he lived.

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1_______ are of great importance in instruments that use 2_______. 3_______ devices such as cameras, microscopes, projectors and telescopes all produce images with lenses, while many of us see the world through lenses that 4_______ imperfect vision.

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The Karadjere people live in the desert of Western Australia.
They travel by canoe. They do not live in one 1_______. They live in villages; but travel around on foot. They sleep in 2_______ made of dry tree branches, and the roofs are made of palm leaves, their houses are made of 3_______. Several families live in one 4_______.

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This is going to be your 1_______. It isn’t finished yet. Look at the 2_______ and decide what the 3_______ rooms are going to be and how you are going to finish them. Include some or all of the following: kitchen, bathroom(s), toilet(s), bedrooms, living room, dining room, study, playroom, and any other rooms that you want. If you haven’t dot enough rooms, put on another 4_______.

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The Empire State Building was build in 1931 in the United States of America. Its construction took about two years. The exterior of the sky-scraper is supported by a framework produced of steel. It should be noted that 60,000 tons of steel were used for its production. The Empire State Building is considered to be one of the tallest and spacious constructions of the world. It can be attended by 80,000 people simultaneously.
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How much time did the construction of the Empire State Building take?

Its construction took about twenty two years.
Its construction took more than two years.
Its construction took about two month.
Its construction took about two years.
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There are different shapes. They are triangles, squares, rectangles and circles.
Triangles have three sides and three angles. Squares and rectangles have four sides. Squares have four equal sides, but rectangles have two equal sides. Circles do not have angles and sides.
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How many equal sides do squares have?

Squares have two equal sides.
Squares have three equal sides.
Squares do not have equal sides.
Squares have four equal sides.
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There are some basic types of fuel for motor vehicles. There is diesel fuel, there is petrol and there is fuel mixture.
A lot of buses have diesel engines but not only a few cars have such engines. There are also a few cars with two-stroke engines but most cars have four-stroke engines.
Most lorries have diesel engines. There are not many lorries with four-stroke petrol engines but there are lorries with two stroke engines.
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What engines do a lot of buses have?

A lot of buses have no engines.
A lot of buses have two-stroke petrol engines.
A lot of buses have four-stroke petrol engines.
A lot of buses have diesel engines.
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Many of the robots today perform different jobs. Robots are used in various branches of industry. A modern robot is a complex structure with a number of components. Each of them performs a certain task. Scientists have developed new models of robots. Such robots are used for various purposes.
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What have scientists developed?

Scientists have developed a number of components.
Scientists have developed fine aggregates.
Scientists have developed new models of cars.
Scientists have developed new models of robots.
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Concrete is produced by combining coarse and fine aggregates, Portland cement, and water. Coarse aggregate is generally gravel or crushed stone, and fine aggregate is sand. Cement, sand, gravel and water are taken in proportional amounts and mixed. The quality of concrete depends mostly on the quality of the cement used. The process of production consists in pouring the mixed components into forms and holding them there until they harden. The process of hardening generally lasts for about 28 days.
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What does the quality of concrete depend on?

The quality of concrete depends on raw materials used.
The quality of concrete depends on the process of production.
The quality of concrete depends on the quality of sand used.
The quality of concrete depends on the quality of cement used.
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What is a crystal? A crystal is a geometrical solid made by a natural process. Many substances absorb water from solutions when they crystallize; that is, they unite chemically with a definite proportion of water. The water with which any substance unites during the process of crystallization is called the water of crystallization.
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What is a crystal?

A crystal is a geometrical solid made by a man.
A crystal is a geometrical figure made by a natural process.
A crystal is a substance.
A crystal is a geometrical solid made by a natural process.
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Aluminium, water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide are substances. Some substances are elements and some substances are compounds. Elements have only one type of atom whereas compounds have more than one type.
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How many types of atom do elements have?

Elements have many types of atoms.
Elements have more than one type of atom.
Elements have some types of atom.
Elements have only one type of atom.
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Boats on canal go through locks to move up or down from one level to another. The locks have large lock gates to let the boats in and out. They also have smaller sluice gates; these open and close to control the water level. The scale on the side shows the depth of the water in metres.
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What does the scale on the side of the lock show?

The scale on the side of the lock shows the width of the locks.
The scale on the side of the lock shows the length of canal.
The scale on the side of the lock shows the depth of water in miles.
The scale on the side of the lock shows the depth of water in metres.
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Mrs. Sara Winchester of San Jose, California, was a very strange woman who built one of the world’s most unusual houses. When she died in 1922, aged 85, she was living alone in a house that had more than 150 rooms and covered an area of land greater than 2,5 hectares.
Mrs. Winchester’s problem was that she believed that if she stopped adding rooms to her house, she would die. Therefore, she employed workmen to keep on building and was happy only when she heard the sound of building. The house, when she bought it in 1884, was quite small, but 38 years later it was huge.
When she bought it, the house had two floors. By the time she died, it had eight. It had three lifts, 48 fireplaces and nine kitchens – none of which was ever used. In total, there were 2,000 doors and 10,000 windows. There were also miles of secret passages and tunnels that no one, not even Mrs. Winchester, knew how to get in to or out of.
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What was Mrs. Winchester’s problem?

She built one of the world’s most unusual houses.
She employed workmen to keep on building.
She didn’t know how to get in to or out of.
She believed that if she stopped adding rooms to house, she would die.
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Vernal is a small town in Utah, USA. In 1916 the owners of the bank in Vernal wanted a new building. They wanted the new bank to be made of bricks. However, the bricks came from a town that was very far away, and the brick makers wanted a lot of money to bring the bricks to Vernal.
The owners of the bank did not have enough money, so they found another way of getting the bricks to the town. They asked the brick makers to put them in the post. However, they could only post ten bricks at a time. There were too many packages for the postman in Vernal to take to the bank, and soon the post building was full of bricks. To help the postman, people in the town agreed to collect the bricks and take them to the new bank.
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What way of getting the bricks to the town did the owners of the bank find?

They asked people to bring the bricks to Vernal.
They asked people to take the bricks to the new bank.
They asked people to collect the bricks.
They asked the brick makers to put the bricks to the post.
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Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist who lived from 1833 to 1896. Alfred and his brother made explosives, but in 1864 there was an accident in the laboratory and Alfred’s brother was killed. Alfred then decided to spend his life truing to make explosives safer to use.
One of the strongest explosives at that time was nitroglycerine. This explosive, which looks like oily water, is very dangerous to use or even to carry. Nobel wanted to study nitroglycerine so he could find a way to make it safer. Nobel had an idea of taking nitroglycerine out on a boat in the middle of a lake and working with it there.
When Nobel wanted to take the nitroglycerine he was working with from one place to another, he put it into small boxes. Then he put the small boxes into a larger box made of clay. One day, when he opened the large clay box, he found that nitroglycerine was coming out of one of the small boxes. To his surprise, the large clay box was still dry. This gave him the idea of mixing clay with nitroglycerine. The clay would take the oil out of nitroglycerine and make it safer. He called this explosive ‘dynamite’.
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Why did Alfred decide to spend his life trying to make explosives safer to use?

He wanted to mix clay with nitroglycerine.
He wanted to take nitroglycerine from one place to another.
He wanted to take oil out of nitroglycerine.
There was an accident in the laboratory and Alfred’s brother was killed.
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One day, Nicola Tesla had a vision of a whole new type of electric power system. Tesla went to work as an engineer for the Continental Edison Company. While he was there, he built the first model of his motor. But the people at the company weren’t interested in it. Tesla decided to go to the United States to talk to the great inventor Thomas Edison.
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Why did Tesla decide to go to the United States?

He decided to go to the United States to work as an engineer for the Continental Edison Company.
He decided to go to the United States because he had a vision of whole new type of a power system.
He decided to go to the United States to build the first model of his motor.
He decided to go to the United States to talk to the great inventor Thomas Edison.
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Nicola Tesla is one of the most important inventors in history. Tesla designed over 120 inventions. Most of them are still used today in one form or another. He invented fluorescent lights, sun-powered engines, robots, the first electric clock, and a very important machine part that is used in every home, factory, and office in the modern world. Yet most people do not even know who Nicola Tesla is.
Nicola Tesla was born in 1856 in Smiljian, Croatia. Nicola was an unusual child. He had a photographic memory, so he remembered whole pages of books after he looked at them very quickly. He also liked to write poetry. When he was five, he built a waterwheel and he tried to fly in a homemade plan. That same year, Nicola’s older brother died. People said Nicola accidentally pushed him down the stairs. After this, Nicola began to act strangely.
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Where is the electric system used?

It is used in a homemade plane.
It is used in all radios and televisions.
It is used in a waterwheel.
It is used in every home, factory, and office in the modern world.
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The first atomic ships were made in our country and abroad. They are: the atomic ice-breaker Lenin and the nuclear merchant ship Savannah.
The ice-breaker Lenin has a displacement of 16,000 tons and can make 18 knots. It is capable of going through two meters of ice. The Lenin has three nuclear reactors developing 44,000 h.p. and can stay at the sea for more than a year without refueling.
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How long can the Lenin stay at the sea without refueling?

It cannot stay without refueling at all.
It can stay for more than a half year without refueling.
It can stay for less than a year without refueling.
It can stay for more than a year without refueling.
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The first atomic ships were made in our country and abroad. They are: the atomic ice-breaker Lenin and the nuclear merchant ship Savannah.
The Savannah is an experimental ship. It can carry only 60 passengers and 10,000 tons of cargo, and its main purpose is to demonstrate the safety and practicability of a nuclear-powered ship. The nuclear reactor of the ship is surrounded by a ring of water, 82 cm thick, then by a 2,000 ton steel cylinder and by a mat of redwood and steel, 71 cm thick.
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What kind of ship is Savannah?

The Savannah is a tanker.
The Savannah is a yacht.
The Savannah is a beautiful ship.
The Savannah is an experimental ship.
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Nowadays machine tools play an important role in the manufacture of almost all metal products. Machinists (people who operate machine tools) use them in making automobiles, radios, refrigerators, television sets and so on. Every mechanical engineering workshop is equipped with machine tools. They are the main source for the manufacture of component parts of all machine and mechanical devices.
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Who uses machines in making automobiles, radios, refrigerators, television sets?

Drivers use them.
Doctors use them.
Teachers use them.
Machinists use them.
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Even the most advanced robots are human-controlled machines. They can’t see or hear or think. Robots do only what they are told to do usually by a computer programme. Robots are taught to fulfil thousands of factory jobs. They load heavy equipment, weld cars, and put electronic parts together. Robots can do things that are dangerous for humans. They look like mechanical arms. More and more robots look lifelike. Some of them help doctors in their work. These robots are programmed to mimic disease symptoms. Medical students practice with robots before treating human patients.
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What robots can’t do?

They can’t fulfil thousands of factory jobs.
They can’t load heavy equipment.
They can’t do things that are dangerous for humans.
They can’t see or hear or think.
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G. Stephenson’s reputation as a mechanic was beginning to spread. He was asked by a firm to come as their mill engine was giving trouble. He soon found that the trouble with the engine was a lot of sand that was drawn into the pumps with the water. The sand also got into the mechanism of the engine. Thanks to Stephenson’s improvements the water from the well could reach the pump only by flowing over the rim of a box, while the heavier sand sank to the bottom outside the box.
This period when machinery was beginning to take the place of human labour is known as the First Industrial Revolution.
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Where did sand also get into?

The sand also got into the box.
The sand also got into the water.
The sand also got into the machine system.
The sand also got into the mechanism of the engine.
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The properties of a metal can be further improved by use of heat treatment. Heat treatment is the term given to number of different procedures in which the properties of metals and alloys are changed. It usually consists of heating the metal or alloy to a selected temperature below its melting point and then cooling it at a certain rate to obtain those properties which are required. For example, hardening is used to make metals harder. Tempering makes them softer and less brittle. Annealing is carried out to make a metal soft so that it can be machined more easily. In this way, metallic materials can be produced to meet every kind of engineering specification and requirement.
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What makes metals softer and less brittle?

Annealing does.
Cooling does.
Hardening does.
Tempering does.
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Steel, copper and aluminium are used in making engineering products.
Steel is a grey plastic material. It is heavier than aluminium but it is the hardest and the strongest of these three metals.
Copper is a red metal. It is harder and stronger than aluminium and more flexible than steel. But copper is the heaviest and the most expensive metal. The lightest and the most flexible of these materials is aluminium. It is a white hard metal.
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What kind of metal is aluminium?

It is a grey plastic material.
It is a red metal.
It is a grey metal.
It is a white hard metal.
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Many people have just returned from enjoyable holiday in the South West of England. But as well as being a major tourist attraction, this region also contains a healthy industry which provides a wide range of machining services.
The company set up in 1999 is a family-run business. It specializes in the machining of various precision parts.
Two years ago the company bought a new machining centre. ‘Much of our work involves machining different sizes of parts and producing large numbers of holes’, says the managing director. ‘This machine centre will help us become more efficient and reduce the level of skill required for certain key operations.’
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When was the company set up?

The company was set up in 1909.
The company wasn’t set up at all.
The machine centre was set up in 1999.
The company was set up in 1999.
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Concrete is the name of artificial stone. The materials from which concrete is formed are sand, pieces of broken stone and cement mixed with water in suitable proportions. These materials are called ingredients of concrete. The sand and broken stone form the skeleton of concrete. Dry cement is an inert powder, but on the addition of water a chemical reaction takes place.
This causes the whole mix to set and harden forming a solid mix.
Water used in concrete mix is ordinary drinking water. It must be free from any impurities. The amount of water added influences the properties of concrete. Concrete products must be manufactured according with existing standards. Having chosen component materials builders must be well familiar with technology of concrete and use them in correct proportions.
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Which materials form the skeleton of concrete?

Water and broken stone form the skeleton of concrete.
The sand and water form the skeleton of concrete.
Cement and water form the skeleton of concrete.
The sand and broken stone form the skeleton of concrete.
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One of the centres of the American automobile industry is Detroit. It is located in the southeast of Michigan, on the Detroit River, connecting Lakes Erie and St. Clair, right opposite Windsor, in Canada. It was founded in 1701 by a French trader Antoine de la Monte Cadillac, who built a fort on the river. Later, thanks to Henry Ford, Detroit became the leading centre of the automobile industry. Today about 34.000 cars are produced here every day.
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Whom was Detroit founded by?

It was founded by Henry Ford.
It was founded by a French military engineer Cugnot.
It was founded by the black population.
It was founded by a French trader Antoine de la Monte Cadillac.
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Charles Makintosh was a chemist by profession. He worked in textile industry and in 1823 he developed a rubber solution used for raincoat production. Raincoats with this rubber solution didn’t allow water to penetrate. These raincoats were called makintoshes and people use them in rainy weather.

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The power may come, for example, from an animal as in the case of a horse-drawn cart, from wind as for the sailing ship and windmill. Here the man is fully responsible for controlling the system but he requires devices such as switches, pedals and steering wheels to control the power system.

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The single-process machine or a tool with built-in auto-control can perform any process whenever it is fed with raw materials by the operator. It has its own source of power. An example is the automatic lathe in the use early in the 20th century.

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Level 5 is the robot. This is the system which is powered and programmed to produce a succession of identical products or carry out a series of similar operations. The human can instruct the robot to vary its actions in accordance with variations which it observes in the surrounding situation.

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Since the Stone Age, man has found many more materials that he can work with to his advantage. His ingenuity has led him to discover the potential of many natural products. However, the materials that helped him most to develop were the metals.

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However, the materials that helped him most to develop were the metals. Their characteristics of the strength coupled with the ease with which they can be shaped made metals of vital importance in the technology of the past. The exploitation of other properties, such as electrical and thermal conductivity, made it possible to develop high technologies appropriate to the fields of space travel, communications and nuclear engineering.

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The first materials which man discovered were copper and gold, because they occur naturally in the pure state. They were used because they could be shaped easily, gold being especially soft. The discovery that copper could be obtained in sufficient quantities for beating into vessels and weapons was an important step in the use of metals, but the discovery that copper ore would produce copper was probably accidental.

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Copper had been smelted and used for two thousand years before the potential of iron become evident. In the course of smelting activities, no doubt iron ores and the substance resulting from smelting them were encountered.

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Machine-tools are machines designed for cutting metal by means of a cutting tool. The machine-tool comprises the principle manufacturing equipment in a machine shop. It is the original source of every manufactured article we use or touch. It can not only produce itself but it is the only machine which can create other machines.

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The lathe is a machine-tool in which work is held so that it can be rotated about the axis. The cutting tool is traveled past the work from one end to the other. It is designed primarily for turning and boring operations. However, in addition to turning and boring, many other operations may also be performed on a lathe. The lathe is considered to be the oldest but still the most important of all machine-tools. Any shop, containing machines or machine-tools, contains a lathe.

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Today railway transport is quiet different than in old times. There are many thousands of locomotives, hundreds of thousands of cars and oil-cisterns. The trains today go much faster. The whole wagon fleet was fitted with continuous brakes, and hundreds of thousands of wagons were equipped with automatic couplings. Many old lines were improved and electrified and the use of diesel traction was begun. Heavy rails were laid extensively and a substantial mileage was equipped with automatic block signaling.

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Railway transport is still one of the cheapest ways of hauling freight over long distances. Communications are important to the national economy of a country. Without good roads and railways a country cannot develop its resources and industry. Without roads it is impossible to market agricultural produce.

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Since 1890 to 1900 more than 11,000 miles of railway were built. By the end of 1925 the railway system had grown to 46,300 miles! The Baikal-Amur Line, more than 3,000 km long, was built in the Far East of our country, and the process of building new railway lines is going on.

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The first important railway construction from Petersburg to Moscow was begun in 1843 and opened to public traffic in 1851. That was a first-class double-track railway line, which linked two large industrial and cultural centres. It had 644 km in length, 185 bridges and 19 viaducts were erected to make the line as straight and level as possible.

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The first railway in Russia using steam traction was an industrial line at Nizhni Tagil in the Urals, built in 1834, for which the first two steam locomotives in the country were constructed by father and son named Cherepanov. The first public railway was the Peterburg – Pavlovsk railway. At first it was opened from Pavlovsk to Tsarskoye Selo with horse traction in October, 1836. Locomotives were introduced in 1837.

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Safe operation of freight and passenger trains requires a system of signaling. To inform the locomotive and train crew of the position of other trains in relation to their own, signals installed at frequent intervals give indications which are visible both by day and by night. Wayside signals installed along railroad tracks are called fixed signals.

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Coloured lights give the indications at night. The semaphore mechanism is equipped with lenses illuminated by a lamp, so that a red light shows when the semaphore is in the “stop” position, a green light – when the semaphore is in the “proceed” position, and a yellow light – when the semaphore is in the restrictive position. The colour-light signal sometimes used is known to have semaphore arm and give both day and night indications be means of red, green and yellow lights. We know some signals to be operated by hand, others to be automatic.

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We know that the semaphore used to be the most common type of the signal. The relative position of the semaphore arm constituted the signal.
To indicate “stop” a horizontal arm was used. “Proceed” was indicated by a vertical arm. To give restrictive indications the arm was inclined up or down.

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Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Italian astronomer, physicist and mathematician Galileo Galilei changed the way we think. By inventing a mathematical approach to everyday experience, he discovered the laws of inertia, falling body and pendulum. With a telescope he built, he also made astronomic discoveries that convinced him of heliocentric view of the universe, which Copernicus had formulated earlier but had been afraid to publish. Galileo took the chance but he was forced to recant his findings before a Catholic Church tribunal in 1633.

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Isaac Newton (1642-1727). A passionately religious man in a time of great scientific discovery, Isaac Newton wanted to know how God’s universe worked. His quest for answers gave us the law of gravitation, calculus, a new theory of colour and light, and the three laws of motion that form the basis of modern mechanics. Brilliant and creative, the English physicist and mathematician synthesized the discoveries of Galileo, Kepler and others, formalizing and transforming physical science.

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Louis Paster (1822-1895). He was born practical problem-solver and theoretical genius. The French chemist discovered that heat would kill the unwanted micro- organisms that turned wine bitter. Soon the process of “pasteurization” was applied to many foods and drinks. Realizing that most diseases are caused by micro-organisms, he helped establish the germ theory. And using weakened microbes in vaccines to develop immunities, Paster saved countless lives and advanced the science of immunology.

тепло (физич.)
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Thomas Edison (1847-1931). Because of him, the millennium will end in a wash of brilliant light rather than in torchlit of darkness as it began. In 1879, Thomas Edison gave humans the power to create light without fire, by inventing a long-lasting incandescent lamp. Among life’s many conveniences we can take for granted, thanks in part to him: copies, radio, movies, TV, phones (he improved Bell’s). On the night after his funerals, Americans dimmed their lights for the man who lit up the world.

снабжать силовым двигателем
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Omar Khayyam. When Malik Shah, the king of Persia, decided to make a new calendar for his people in the year 1079, he asked the famous mathematician and astronomer Omar Khayyam to help. Through careful mathematical calculations, Khayyam measured the length of the year as 365.24219858156 days. This was a very accurate measure. (We now know that a year is 365.242196 days.)

долгота гласного
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Hypatia of Alexandria. Hypatia lived in Alexandria, Egypt from about AD 370 to AD 415. She was well-known for explaining difficult ideas very clearly and simply. Her work in geometry - the mathematics of shapes - helped mathematicians who lived much later to understand the movements of the planets in space. This may help people get to Mars one day!

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Philip Emeagwali. Philip Emeagwali, a Nigerian, left school at fourteen because his family couldn’t afford to pay. He continued studying on his own. At seventeen, he passed an exam and was invited to study in the USA. In 1990, while studying, he used mathematics to predict the location of oil under the ground. He helped people in Nigeria find oil. And everyone knows that oil = money!

жидкая смазка
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The triangle of fire.
A fire needs three things to burn: ignition (a spark or flame to start the fire), air and fuel (something to burn, for example: wood.) If any one of these three things is removed, a fire cannot burn.
Never try to stop a fire unless you have called the emergency services first! Do not risk your own safety to fight a fire!

жар, лихорадка
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As the old story shows, people have always thought the wind was angry and destructive while the sun was warm and life-giving. And everyone knows that the wind and the sun are very powerful.
In 1934, the wind blew at 372 kilometres per hour in New Hampshire in the USA. In 1958, a powerful wind called a tornado, in Texas, USA, blew at 451 kilometres per hour.
The temperature in the centre of the sun is about 15,400,000 degrees Celsius. It burns 4,400,000 tonnes of hydrogen every second. The light from the sun is so powerful that it gives life to planet Earth.

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From Physics, we know that for every action there is an opposite reaction. Modern rockets have liquid fuel and something to help it burn (an oxidizer). This makes a powerful exhaust through the back of the rocket and pushes the rocket up.

реактивный снаряд
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1_______. The bridge, which was over 3 kilometres long, opened in 1878 and fell down in a winter storm in 1879. 2_______.
There was the enquiry into the Tay Bridge disaster to find out why the accident happened. One of the constructions was that the design and construction were based on quickly and cheaply it could be built. Safety and strength were not thought about properly. 3___________ . Also, the design was based on experience rather than the more scientific and accurate calculations used today.
During the twentieth century engineers used computers to do a detailed structural analysis of the design used for the Tay Bridge. 4___________.

The Tay Bridge in Scotland was designed and built by Sir Thomas Bouch in the nineteenth century.
A train carrying 70 people was on the bridge at the time and all the people were killed.
Another conclusion was that it was a very cold winter and the iron may have cracked when it contracted.
The results confirm that the design of the bridge was definitely substandard.
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The Morgan is a unique car. 1___________. Each Morgan is made individually. 2_______. There are no assembly lines because each stage of the manufacturing is done by highly-skilled craftsmen. For example, the wooden frame is made in the same way as the first organ in 1909, upholsterers make the leather seats, and sheet metalworkers make the panels by hand.
3___________. The Morgan factory produces about 500 cars a year. Buyers put their name on a waiting list and then wait for the factory to tell them that their car is finished. 4___________ .Like proud parents-to-be, people on the waiting list can visit the factory to see their car being made and to talk to the craftsmen doing the work.

It is made in Britain by a family-owned company and it is handmade.
Modern materials and up-to-date manufacturing technology are combined with 100-year-old skills.
It takes a long time to take a car by hand.
The shortest wait is about two years – and sometimes the wait is five years.
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In the past, technical drawings for industry and architecture were drawn by hand, i.e. people worked at drawing boards with drawing equipment. These hand-drawn diagrams provided clear information but were slow and expensive to make.
1_______. Computers can also:
1 save, change, and recycle the drawings
2 make 3D images
3 2__________
4 keep an electronic library of standard parts
5 make symmetrical images of components
6 make accurate and consistent drawings
A good way to explain the advantages is to think about architectural drawing.
3_______. Images of the rooms are created in 3D so the viewer can ‘walk’ through the rooms. 4_________

Nowadays, working drawings are done on computers, which’s much quicker.
make drawings bigger or smaller
Features such as windows and doors can be moved until the architect likes the building.
Designers can also experiment with different arrangements of furniture and colours.
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Smart – or shape memory – materials are an invention that has changed the world of engineering.1___________. The metal alloys were made first and they are usually an expensive mixture of titanium and nickel.
- plastics that return to their original shape when the temperature changes.
One use is in surgery where plastic threads ‘remember’ the shape of a knot, react to the patient’s body temperature and make themselves into stitches.
- 3____________. They are used in medical implants that are compressed so they can be put inside the patient’s body through a small cut. The implant then expands back to its original shape.
- 4___________.

There are two types: metal alloys and plastic polymers.
Shape memory materials are called ‘smart’ because they react to changes in their environment, for example
metal alloys  that have a ‘memory’ and can return to their original shape.
More everyday uses are for flexible spectacle frames and teeth braces.
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The Great Wall of China was built across northern China to protect the population. Before the third century BC there were lots of smaller walls and these were joined together to make one long. 1_______. The wall is over 2000 km long, 3.5m high, and 4.5m wide at the top.2___________.
The Egyptian pyramids are famous symbol of ancient Egypt.
3___________. The pyramids have square bases with sloping sides which meet at an apex. 4___________. One of the biggest pyramids is made of enormous stone blocks which weigh up to 200 tonnes each. It is estimated that 20-25,000 people worked for 20 years to build each pyramid.

The work was done by enormous gangs of forced labourers and many of them died doing the work.
It is made of earth covered with stone.
The stone structures were usually tombs for pharaohs.
The first pyramid was built in about 2600 BC and is over 140m high.
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Engineering is everywhere. 1___________. For example, if a manufacturer wants a faster car, a smaller personal stereo, or a better pen, they will ask a design engineer to find a practical solution.
Engineering is both theoretical and practical. 2___________. The design solution must be a reasonable price, safe, and reliable. A new idea that is expensive, dangerous, or doesn’t always work is not a good solution.
Engineers use a method. 3___________. Engineers:
1. define the problem,
2. design a solution,
3. rest the solution,
4. evaluate the solution.
4____________. When a good solution is found, the next step is to:
     5. communicate the solution.

Almost everything we use in modern life is made by engineers.
Engineers use the theory (ideas about engineering) to produce practical answers.
Generally, engineers solve problems in a methodical way.
If the solution isn’t right, the process is repeated.
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1_______. The one thing they have in common is that they all use Maths and Science to improve industry and manufacturing.
The whole science of engineering can be broadly divided into three main areas:
- civil engineering (buildings, roads, etc.)
- 2_______
- electrical engineering (electricity, lighting, etc.)
Each of these three main area can be divided into specialist subjects.
Civil engineering covers mining and bridge building, mechanical engineering covers aeronautical and automobile engineering, electrical engineering covers electricity generation and wiring.
Clearly there is a big difference between building a road and designing a computer system so the best advice for students is:
think carefully about which area of engineering interests you most. It is difficult to study if you are not interested – and you may do the job until you are 60 years old.
think about what sort of person you are. Will you be happiest working in an office, in a factory, or alone?
3_______ Do you want to work with other people or alone? 4_______.
When you have decided which area you are interested in and thought realistically about what sort of person you are, then you can decide what sort of engineer you want to be.

There are lots of different types of engineering.
mechanical engineering (machines, including tool-making)
Do you mind getting dirty?
If you like wearing high heels and beautiful clothes, you may not be happy on a building site.
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It is a foundation course for students with a general interest in engineering.
You will learn the different types of engineering; you do not specialize in one area.
1___________. You need at least three GCSEs including Mathematics, Science, and Design and Technology.
- practical skills in manufacturing and maintenance
- 3___________
- key skills in information Technology
You will spend some time in the classroom but most of your time will be spent doing practical tasks in the workshop, in the laboratory, or on computer screen.

You must be at least sixteen years old with an interest in Engineering.
You will learn
about engineering materials, Computer Assisted Design (CAD), engineering measurement
The course is full-time for one year.
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All courses are taught at Coalport Technical College, Blackstock and can be studied full-time or part-time. The minimum qualification for a place on a Level 2 course is four GCSEs or a level 1 Certificate.
Level 1 Certificate in Engineering
This course teaches basic, key skills. 1___________.Selection will be based on the applicant’s  work experience and an interview.
Level 2 Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
This course prepares students for jobs in welding, sheetmetal work, and general engineering.
Level 2 Certificate in Mechanical Engineering

It is suitable for students who left school early or have no qualification.
This course prepares students for jobs in radio and electronic communications.
Level 2 in Fabrication
This course prepares students for a wide range of jobs including machining, fitting, tool-making, CAD and CAM.
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1____________. The word robot was first used by Czech playwright Karel Capek in his 1921 play, RUR (Rossum’s Universal Robots).
Asimov used it in a short story in 1941.
Robots often star in films too, for example dangerous machines like Terminator or cute ones like R2d2 in Star Wars.2___________. Most real robots are designed to save people from dangerous jobs or boring, routine work.
- A mechanical device that can react to its environment.
- 4____________
- Systems or computer programs that give the device instructions.

We can thank the world of literature for the words robot and robotics.
Industrial robots don’t think like people.
A simple robot is made of:
Sensors that give information to the device.
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1_______. Since people have appeared on the earth, they have had to get food, clothes, and shelter. 2_______.
Nowadays, when people speak of technology, they generally mean industrial technology. Industrial technology began about 200 years ago with the development of the steam engine, the growth of factories, and the mass production of goods. 3_______. The development of the car influenced where people lived and worked. Radio and television changed their leisure time. 4_______.

Technology means the use of people’s inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs.
Through the ages, people have invented tools, machines, and materials to make easier.
It influenced aspects of people’s lives.
The telephone revolutionized communication.
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1_______. Science attempts to explain how and why the things happen. 2_______. 3_______. For example, people had made different objects from iron for centuries before they learnt the structure of the metal. 4_______.

Science has contributed much to modern technology.
Technology makes things happen.
But not all technology is based on science.
But some modern technologies, such as nuclear power production and space travel, depend heavily on science.
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1_______. Science covers the broad field of knowledge that deals with facts and the relationship among these facts.
2_______. Some scientists search for clues to the origin of the universe. 3________.Other researchers investigate why we act the way we do, or try to solve complicated mathematical problems.
Scientists use systematic methods of study to make observations and collect facts. 4_______.

The word “science” comes from the Latin word “scientia”, which means “knowledge”.
Scientists study a wide variety of subjects.
They examine the structure of the cells of living plants and animals.
They develop theories that help them order any unify facts.
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1_______. A theory is considered to become a part of scientific knowledge if it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true.
2_______. As scientific knowledge has grown and become more complicated, many new fields of science have appeared. 3_______. Numerous areas of science overlap each other and it is often hard to tell where one science ends and another begins. 4_______.

Scientific theories consist of general principles or laws that attempt to explain how and why something happens or has happened.
Scientific study can be divided into three major groups: the natural, social, and technical sciences.
At the same time, the boundaries between scientific fields have become less and less clear.
All sciences are closely interconnected.
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1_______. The laser medium can be a solid, gas, liquid or semiconductor.
2_______. A ruby laser is a solid-state laser which emits at a wavelength of 694 nm. Other lasing mediums can be selected based on the desired emission wavelength, power needed and pulse duration. 3_______. The reason that CO2 laser is so dangerous is because it emits laser light in the infrared and microwave region of the spectrum. 4_______.

There are many different types of lasers.
The first type of laser was called a ruby laser.
Some lasers are very powerful, such as the CO2 laser, which can cut through steel.
Infrared radiation is heat, and this laser basically melts through whatever it is focused upon.
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Henry Royce did not like his Decauville car, which ran badly and often broke down. 1_______. Charles Rolls, a car manufacturer, was very impressed by Royce’s car, and soon Rolls and Royce went into business together. 2_______. In 1907, a Silver Ghost broke the world’s endurance record by driving 14,371 miles (23,120km) without breaking down once. After the drive, it cost over Ј2 to put the car back into the perfect condition. 3_______. Rolls-Royce cars are famous for running quietly: an advertisement for one model said ‘the loudest noise is the ticking of the clock’. 4_______. A lot of the work is done by hand, and they take a long time to manufacture: only twelve cars leave the factory every day.

So he decided to make a better car himself, and in 1904 he produced his first two-cylinder model.
One of their first models was the Silver Ghost.
It is not surprising that the Silver Ghost was called ‘the best car in the world’.
The cars are made very carefully.
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Sometimes the tides are very high and this can be a big problem for the towns near the cost. 1_______. London has a special mechanical ‘wall’ to stop the tide coming into the city.
2_______. In some places, the sea goes out a very long way. In the summer, for example, you can walk from England to Wales! As the tide comes in and goes out, it cleans the beaches.
In the ports, the ships wait for the high tide. 3______.
The tides can also help to make electricity.

These towns have very high walls to stop the sea.
There are big differences between ‘high tide’ and ‘low tide’ in Britain.
At low tide, it is impossible to go in or out of the port.
There are plans to make electricity in the sea near Bristol.
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1_______. Today’s inhabitants of the caves have come here to escape the noise and confusion of modern life. ‘I’ve lived in this cave for twenty years,’ says Hatice Demirci from her beautiful terrace. ‘It’s cool in the summer and warm in the winter. 2_______.’
3_______. They have electricity and water and they believe they enjoy a more healthy and relaxed lifestyle. ‘It’s all natural,’ said Mustafa Yedek, a local tour guide. 4_______. The air is clean; they didn’t use chemicals to build these homes! ‘We think the caves can add a good fifteen years to the length of your life,’ said Mr Yedek.

Cappadocia, in Central Turkey, is a perfect place for caves, and a cave can be an ideal place to live
I don’t want to live in a big modern building in a big city.’
People there love their homes.
There is no pollution in the caves.
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Lightning struck twice by our house last night during a rainstorm. 1_______. We heard the sound of thunder and we smelled the lightning in the air.
The first flash struck our neighbor’s chimney. 2_______. It pulled the lightning to it. When the lightning struck, it tore out a whole row of bricks. Our neighbors said it sounded like glass was breaking when the bricks fell.
3_______. It tore the bark off the tree. Because it was raining, the tree didn’t start to burn. However, our neighbor said that the lightning killed the tree.
We were lucky. The lightning missed our house. 4_______.

One flash of lightning hit at 9:10, and the second hit at 9:20.
The chimney was very tall, and it acted like a lightning rod.
The second flash hit another neighbor’s tree.
And we were all happy that nobody was hurt.
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1_______. The first passengers were a hen, a duck and a sheep. They went up in a basket on September 19th, 1783.The balloon flew for about three kilometers. 2_______. They travelled nine kilometers in twenty-five minutes.
3_______. The balloonists were two Englishmen in India. The biggest hot-air balloon is the Gerald A. Heineken. 4_______.

The Montgoflfier brothers built the first hot-air balloon in France.
The first men went up on November 21st, 1793.
The highest hot-air balloon, the Daffodil II, went up 13,580 metres on January 24th, 1974.
It can carry sixty passengers.
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About 80 per cent of British people live in the houses. Detached houses are usually in expensive suburbs, quite far from the town centre, near to the countryside. Semi-detached houses are often in suburbs which are nearer the town centre. Terraced houses and block of flats are mostly found in town centres. They can either be very small two-storey houses with one or two bedrooms or large houses with three to five floors and four or five bedrooms.
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Terraced houses and block of flats _______.

or large houses with three to five floors and four or five bedrooms.
are often in suburbs which are nearer the town centre.
are usually in expensive suburbs, quite far from the town centre, near to the countryside.
are mostly found in town centres.
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About 67 per cent of the people in Britain own their houses or flats. Most of the rest live in rented accommodation. People in Britain buy houses or flats because there is not enough rented accommodation and what there is can be expensive.
Most British houses have a garden and many British people spend a lot of time in it. Most gardens, even small ones, have flowers and a lawn. If you don’t have a garden, it is possible to grow flowers and vegetables on an allotment, which is a piece of land rented from the local council.
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Most gardens, even small ones, _______.

own their houses or flats.
buy houses or flats because there is not enough rented accommodation and what there is can be expensive.
live in rented accommodation.
have flowers and a lawn.
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Aristocratic families and successful industrialists often built themselves beautiful country houses called stately homes. Some of the most beautiful are in Derbyshire, a hilly country in the North-West.
Many stately houses are open to the public to help owners pay for them. Alton Towers, owned by the Earl of Shrewsbury, was developed in the 1980s into a kind
and is now the most visited paying attraction in the whole of Britain.
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Some of the most beautiful _______.

successful industrialists often built themselves beautiful country houses called stately homes.
owned by the Earl of Shrewsbury, was developed in the 1980s into a kind of Disneyland.
are open to the public to help owners pay for them.
are in Derbyshire, a hilly country in the North-West.
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Many foreign companies have opened factories in Britain. The Japanese car company Nissan opened a car factory near Sunderland in 1986. During 1993, Nissan became Britain’s biggest car exporter sending 182,207 vehicles to 36 countries in the world. Toyota and Honda also have their main European factories in Britain. The Korean electronics company Samsung opened a factory in Sunderland in 1995. The foreign companies give jobs to many local people.
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The foreign companies _______.

have their main European factories in Britain.
opened a factory in Sunderland in 1995.
have opened factories in Britain.
give jobs to many local people.
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Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated diploma, and money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges’ decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes. No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.
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Some people have won two prizes, _______.

are presented to the winners.
an important role in the judges’ decisions.
but relatively few literature prizes.
but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.
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In the last century, people began to use the great power of the wind and the sun to produce electricity. Giant fans can be attached to electrical generators. An electrical generator is a machine that creates electricity when it turns. When the wind blows, the fan turns the generator. This is a good way to create electricity. Unlike burning coal or oil, wind energy does not create pollution. And the wind will always blow.
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When the wind blows, _______.

wind energy does not create pollution.
people began to use the great power of the wind.
fans can be attached to electrical generators.
the fan turns the generator.
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The warmth of the sun can be used to heat water, which makes steam. This steam can be used to turn a generator to make electricity. Electricity also can be created by using special materials that turn sunlight directly into electricity.
Wind and the sun power will become more important in the future. Maybe it’s time to rewrite the old story. Maybe the wind and the sun should argue about who can produce the most electricity.
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Maybe the wind and the sun should argue about _______.

which makes steam.
time to rewrite the old story.
sunlight directly into electricity.
who can produce the most electricity.
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
Always wear 1_______.
2_______ under a suspended load.
Always wear gloves 3_______.
4_______ when operating a grinding wheel.

rubber gloves.
Never stand
when operating a drilling machine.
Always protect your eyes
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
1________ when operating a grinding wheel.
2________ when working with electrical cables.
3________ when working with overhead loads.
Guards must be positioned correctly 4________.

A mask or goggles must be worn
the electricity supply must be switched off
Helmets must be worn
when operating machines.
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
To protect the eyes, goggles must 1_______.
To protect the head, 2_______.
To prevent electric shocks, 3_______.
To prevent burns to the hands, 4_______.

be worn.
a helmet must be worn.
the power must be switched off.
rubber gloves  must be worn.
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
Strip 2 _______ with a wire stripper.
Before soldering, the wires must be marked and 3 _______ must be put on the wires.
The wires must be soldered to the 4_______.

the outer insulation.
the ends of the wires
the insulation sleeves
correct ends.
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1_______, clean it with a petrol-moistened cloth.
If the terminals are dirty, clean them with 2_______.
If the brushes are worn, 3_______.
If the grooves on the commutator are clogged, use a small file 4_______ them.

If the commutator is dirty
a pin
replace them.
to clean
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
If the commutator is dirty, 1_______.
2_______, clean them with a pin.
If the brushes are worn, 3_______.
4________ use a small file to clean them.

clean it with a petrol-moistened cloth.
If the terminals are dirty
replace them
If the grooves on the commutator are clogged
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
Remove 1______ from one of the plug loads.
2_______ the exposed end  close to a good earth, e.g. an engine bolt.
Switch 3________.
Turn the 4_______.

the cap
on the ignition
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразам
Turn the jack handle 1_______ to lower the car.
Turn the gear wheel anticlockwise 2_______.
3_______ clockwise to tighten it.
Press the top button 4_______ the engine.

to raise the drill.
Turn the bolt
to stop
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
Press the largest pedal 1_______.
2_______ to cut the metal bar.
3________ raise the metal bar.
4_______ to tighten it.

to stop the car
Pull the handle down
Push the bar down to
Turn the bolt clockwise
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
Turn the bolt anticlockwise to 1_______.
2_______ to open the door of the car.
3_______decrease the speed.
Press the bottom button 4_______.

slacken it.
Push the handle up
Turn the dial clockwise to
to stop the engine.
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими словами
Dynamic Clic
- clean, glue-free 1________
- highest-grade 2_______ locking connections
- lasting durability, extreme tensile 3_______
- can be 4_______ several times

Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими словами
Dynamic Clic
Comments before Handling
Boxes of  1_______ planks must be acclimatized for 48 hours in unopened packaging in the 2_______ where they will be installed. Installation should take place at room 3_______ of at least 64oF (18oC). The following climatic 4_______ in the room must be ensured before, during and for at least three days after installation:
Floor surface   min. 59oF
Room temperature   min. 64oF
Room humidity   max. 75%

Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими словами
Dynamic Clic
Check every plank 2_______for defects before installing. No refunds 3_______ or claims accepted for obvious defects after the 4_______ are installed.

for defects
can be given
Dynamic Clic
Transport and Storage
1_______ carefully in the original 2_______. For extended storage, the 3_______ must be kept horizontal in a temperature-controlled 4_______ in the unopened boxes.
