Ответы на тесты по предмету Английский язык (18796 вопросов)

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Hard disks can be divided into one to four separate sections, called partitions. Partitions separate your hard disk into individual areas, and each partition may contain a different operating system.
To prepare your hard disk for the MS-DOS operating system, you must create a partition for MS-DOS, called a DOS partition. You can create a DOS partition on your hard disk by using a menudriven utility called fdisk. You must use fdisk if you want to do one of the following:
- Create a primary MS-DOS partition
- Create an extended DOS partition
- Change the active partition
- Delete a DOS partition
- Display partition information
- Review or modify the configuration of another hard disk on your computer
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What must you create to prepare your hard disk for the MS-DOS operating system?

You must create a file.
You must create hard disk.
You must create fdisk.
You must create a DOS partition.
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FILINK is a utility that moves data or program files between two Epson computers joined by a cable. Transferring files this way overcomes the difficulties of mismatched disk formats or conflicting operating systems.
All you need are cable connection between the RS-232C ports of the two machines and a FILINK program running on each. Epson’s FILINK is compatible with Epson equipment, but not with other machines and software you may use.
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What is FILINK?

FILINK is a utility that moves only data between two different computers.
FILINK is a utility for moving only program files between two different computers.
FILINK is a kind of computer.
FILINK is a program for moving data or program files between two Epson computers joined by a cable.
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The names of your files are kept in a directory on each disk. The directory also contains information on the sizes of the files, and the dates they were created and updated.
If you want to know what files are on your disk, you can use the DIR command. This command tells MS-DOS to display all the files in a specific directory on a disk. For example, if your MS-DOS disks are in drive A and you use the DIR command, the directory display would look similar to this:
Volume in drive A is DOS 3-3
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What does a directory use for?

A directory only contains information on the files’ sizes, and the dates the files were created.
A directory is a collection of files.
A directory only contains information on the sizes of the files.
A directory contains your files’ names, information on the sizes of the files and the dates the files were created and updated.
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MS-DOS is an operating system - a piece of software which looks after the running of your computer. It lets you create and keep track of files, run and link programs, and make use of peripheral devices (for example, printers and disk drives) attached to your computer.
Because your computer can run with one of several different operating systems (for example, MS-DOS, CP/M) the operating system is not built into the computer. Instead it is loaded from disk when the computer is started up.
Once the operating system has been loaded into the computer’s memory the disk from which it was loaded may be removed if required. The operating system needs to be reloaded only if part has been overwritten (when using very large programs, for example) or when the computer is restarted.
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Can your computer run with many different operating systems?

Yes, the computer can run with many different operating systems.
The computer can run with as one and several different operating systems.
Yes, the computer can run with several operating systems.
No, the computer can run with one of the several operating systems.
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A disk is a data storage medium consisting of a flat, circular, magnetic surface on which information can be recorded. You will receive several disks with your computer. These already contain information and programs, and are ready to use.
Blank disks can be used to store your own information and programs, but these disks must be formatted before they can be used.
Disks which contain important information can be write-protected. This means you can read from but not write to the disk, making it impossible to write accidentally over information. Your disks can be write-protected - instructions are included in each box of disks.
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Why are disks with very important information called write-protected?

Because you can’t read from these disks.
Because you can record all necessary information.
Because they don’t contain written information.
Because you can read from these disks but you can’t write to these disks.
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Your computer may have either one or two disk drives, which MS-DOS knows as drives A: and B:.
The default drive is the one which MS-DOS uses unless you tell it to do otherwise. It is shown by the prompt which MS-DOS displays:
A>       drive A is the default drive
B>       drive В is the default drive
Tо change the default disk drive, enter the new drive letter:
A>   B:    changes the default drive from A to В
B>   A:    changes the default drive from В to A
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Can the computer have only two disk drives?

No, the computer can have only one disk drive.
Yes, the computer can have only two disk drives.
No, the computer can have even more than two disk drives.
No, the computer can have either one or two disk drives.
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Computers store information on disks in files. A file is a collection of related information such as a computer program or the text of a letter.
Each file is given a unique name, and each filename is stored in a directory. To find out about the files in a directory, use the MS-DOS command DIR.
When referring to a file, you must use a file specification. This consists of a pathname, a filename and an extension (if there is one). As an example, to reference a file on drive B: called FRED.BAS (where the default drive is ‘A’) the correct file specification would be:
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How do you find out about the files?

You must use the default drive.
You must look through all files.
You must use a file specification.
You must use the MS-DOS command DIR.
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You must tell the computer which directory it is to use as its current working directory - that is, the directory you wish to work in. Do this with the CHANGE DIRECTORY command (CD). The current working directory is often called the default directory.
To change the current directory use CD followed by the pathname of the directory you wish to use. For example:
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What is the current working directory?

It is the directory you wish to close.
It is the best directory in your computer.
It is the main directory in your computer.
It is the directory you wish to work in.
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Under MS-DOS 3.20 you can create and access names for many different types of devices - just as if they are physical disk drives installed in your system. The devices you can access as disks are:
- internal floppy-disk drives
- external floppy-disk drives
- additional drive identifiers for floppy-disk drives, defined by DRIVER.SYS
- hard-disk drives of many different sizes
- RAM disks created in the computer’s memory
- directories that  have  been given logical  drive names using SUBST
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Can you create and access names for all devices in MS-DOS 3.20 system?

No, you can only create names for all devices.
No, you can only access names for all devices.
No, you can’t.
Yes, you can.
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Basically, the Internet is a network of people and information, linked together by telephone lines which are connected to computers. In fact, more than 100,000 independent networks - public and private - are currently connected to form this vast global communications system. This is the road of the information superhighway.

телефонные строчки
телефонные провода
телефонные связи
телефонные линии
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There are many ways to transport information on this highway, through the various application programs such as e-mail and the World Wide Web. All of these applications are based on a client/server relationship, in which your computer is the client, and a remote computer is the server. Your computer asks for files, and formats the information it receives. The information is actually stored on a remote computer, and is sent to you over the telephone line at your request, usually at the click of a mouse.

транслировать информацию
транспортировать информацию
трансформировать информацию
передавать информацию
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Any computer can be used to connect to the Internet. However, this is your personal line on the information superhighway. The slower your computer is, the slower the traffic in your line will be when sending and receiving information. To take advantage of the multimedia components that are available - the video, audio and interactive elements of the Net - it is almost mandatory to have a powerful PC or Apple home computer because multimedia files are much larger than pure text files.

элементы интерактива
интерактировать элементы
интерактивность элементов
интерактивные элементы
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Your computer will use your normal telephone line to transport data while you are connected. There is no need to have a second line installed, though there are some obvious disadvantages to having only one line. The size of your telephone line can also seriously affect the quality and speed of your access. A couple of alternatives to the traditional telephone connection are described in Chapter 4 in the section on access speeds.

передавать дату
транспортировать дату
транспортировать данные
передавать данные
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Modem: this is a small piece of equipment that translates the digital language your computer speaks into the analogue language used by the telephone, thereby enabling you to send and receive data. The name is a shortened form of modulate-demodulate (translation to analogue-translation to digital). Most new computers are sold with a modem already installed. If yours was not, you will need to do a bit of research into the latest models, to get the best speed and compatibility.

языковые цифры
аналоговый язык
электронный язык
цифровой язык
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The system of newsgroups is a worldwide network of open discussion groups on thousands of subjects. They are 'open' in that they are not usually supervised or moderated and can be read by anyone that is interested. They are interesting spaces for debate, and there are several dedicated to educational themes.

группы дискуссий
дискурсивные группы
групповые дискуссии
дискуссионные группы
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Chat: This kind of program is a popular way to communicate in real time, that is, instantaneously. Whatever you type into a chat program is immediately visible to the other participants on their computers. You can chat to strangers from around the world who share your hobbies or interests, or even arrange to meet family or friends for a virtual reunion.

реально общаться во времени
общение в реальное время
реальное общение во времени
общаться в режиме реального времени
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When you first open your browser it will often connect to the Internet automatically, taking you right onto the Web. The web page that opens each time you connect is the browser's home page, the index page of your program's web site, so that you can get instant help and bulletins about updates to the software you are using.
You will notice that the browser creates a kind of frame around the web page you are viewing. The top part of the frame, which has drop-down menus and a toolbar, looks a bit like a word-processing program.

подключенный к Интернету
Интернет к соединению
связь с Интернетом
соединить с Интернетом
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Directories use an indexing strategy that makes them distinct from other search tools. They use real live people to search the Web, and to review and categorize the sites by topic. This reduces some of the aggravations that frequently plague the researcher, such as duplication of listings, broken links and out-of-date information. A perfect choice when you have very little idea what is out there, directories are set up to satisfy expert and inexperienced users alike. This is why Yahoo!, one of the pioneer directory sites, is consistently ranked number one in Internet polls.

недатируемая информация
вышедшая из моды информация
отсутствующая информация
устаревшая информация
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Each search engine maintains a unique index, and operates in a particular manner. Different search engines use different robots, scan different pages for different information, use different classification and search strategies and display results in different ways. Before using an unfamiliar search engine for the first time it is always sensible to browse through its help file to get a few tips on what it offers. Most of them attempt - at least nominally - to incorporate the more user-friendly directory style in some way, but trying to keep up with them is a continual learning process.

дисплейные результаты
результативный дисплей
озвучивают результаты
показывают результаты
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The Internet - alias the Net - is also known as cyberspace, the information superhighway, the online community, the electronic library and the digital revolution: all a series of creative metaphors trying to define it. It has been hyped as the most significant development in communication tools since the invention of the printing press and then condemned as the end of civilization as we know it. So, what is it?

онлайновый комитет
онлайновое обсуждение
онлайновый диалог
онлайновое общество
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Internet Service Provider: an ISP is a company that acts as a toll gate between you and the Internet. You pay them an annual fee for unlimited use of the Net, or monthly charges according to the amount of time you are actually connected. These companies do not control the content of the Internet, nor how any of it functions, but they offer you access to the Internet.

ежемесячные заряды
заряжаться ежемесячно
ежемесячное попечение
ежемесячные платежи
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Most countries have a wide range of ISPs (Internet Service Providers) on offer, so it is best to shop around before you choose one. You should look for an ISP with a local telephone number or you will be paying long-distance telephone call rates. In addition, you will need a supportive company to start with, one that gives you all the software, help setting it up, at least one e-mail account and perhaps even free space to have your own site on the World Wide Web. And that's really all you need to become a part of the online community.

звонить на местный номер
номер телефона на месте
звонить на локальный номер
местный номер телефона
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So how did this modern wonder come into existence? In a nutshell, the first version of the Internet was started during the 1960s in the United States as ARPAnet, a defence department network. One computer was linked to another to share information. Gradually, more computers were added to the network, and people began to send simple messages over the network to distant colleagues. This, at that time, incredible communications platform was adopted by the academic community and, with vast improvements added by European computer wizards, became the friendly tool we refer to as the Internet today.

иметь долю в информации
участвовать в информации
часть информации
делиться информацией
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As a form of international communication, the Internet has been in constant expansion since 1973, when the ARPAnet was first connected to the United Kingdom and Norway. Much of northern Europe was connected to the Net in the early 1980s. Japan and Canada soon followed suit. A special link was established between Germany and China at about the same time. And then in the late 1980s the real growth began as Australia, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand and Puerto Rico joined the Net.

интернациональный комитет
интернациональное общество
общаться на международном уровне
международное общение
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Videoconferencing: This is communicating via a live video link over the Internet. Conferencing and telephony applications usually cost no more to use than a local phone call, whether you are speaking to someone across town or on the other side of the world. However, they require a very fast, stable connection to the Net, special software; and of course, a video camera, microphone and speakers. Teachers have been making active use of this technology for several years now, especially in distance education and cross-curricular project work.

образование на дистанции
воспитание на расстоянии
образование на расстоянии
дистанционное образование
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If you travel frequently, or want to read your e-mail in several different locations, you might want to register with one of the hundreds of companies that provide e-mail access through the Web. There is no charge for this service, since advertisers cover most of the operating costs, but there are two definite drawbacks to using Web-based e-mail. Firstly, the services are so popular that access to your mail can be very slow, and
secondly, because you must usually be online to use the service, you will be paying telephone and ISP charges for the entire time it takes you to read and reply to your messages.

ответить на поручение
ответ на сообщения
ответ на послание
ответить на сообщения
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The customary way of using e-mail is by getting the service from your Internet Service Provider. Most ISPs offer you several e-mail accounts and the software to access them as part of their connections package. This is called POP mail. The only time you need to be online is to retrieve or send new messages. You can read and write the replies while you are disconnected from the Internet, saving lots of time and expense.

поставлять услуги через Интернет
Интернетный поставщик и провайдер
Интернет услуги провайдера
поставщик услуг Интернета
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The most common mistake people make when they want to delete their address from a mailing list is to send a message to the list itself, so everyone but the computer they wish to communicate with ends up reading their note. So first, check the welcome message for the original e-mail address; the one that you subscribed to. Then send the unsubscribe message, NO subject, NO signature. You should receive an automated reply telling you that your message was received successfully.

удаленный адрес
адрес удаления
отправлять адрес в корзину
удалить адрес
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The Internet originated in the early 1970s when the United States wanted to make sure that people could communicate after a nuclear war. This needed a free and independent communication network without a centre and it led to a network of computers that could send each other e-mail through cyberspace.

общение в работе
коммуникация в сети
коммуникационное общение
сетевое общение
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Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW) when he discovered a way to jump to different files on his computer using random, or unplanned, links between them. He then wrote a simple coding system, called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), to create links to files on any computer connected to the network. This was possible because each file had an individual address, or URL (Uniform Resource Locator). He then used a set of transfer rules, called HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), to link Web files together across the Internet. Berners-Lee also invented the world’s first browser. This lets you locate and view Web pages and also navigate from one link to another.

простая система кодировки
обычная система кодировки
обычная система индексов
простая система кодирования
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The World Wide Web (WWW) became available to everyone in 1991 and the number of Internet users grew from 600,000 to 40 million in five years. Today, that number is much larger and there are now many browsers that provide Web pages, information and other services. You can also do research, download music files, play interactive games, shop, talk in chat rooms and send and receive e-mail on the WWW.

записывать файлы
загружать музыку
загружать файлы
загружать музыкальные файлы
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Finding information on the World Wide Web needs an Internet search engine such as Google, Alta Vista or Excite. Search engines have a text box where you type in a keyword or words. A search engine is a software program that reads the keywords in the text box and searches the Internet for Web pages, websites and other Internet files that use them. These documents are shown on the computer screen in a result listing.

двигатель поиска
поисковый двигатель
двигатель для поиска
поисковый механизм
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When carrying out searches in the Internet, you should usually be specific and brief in your choice of words. If the keyword is too general, or includes too many different meanings, the results listing may not be useful. Different search engines categorize information in different ways, which changes the way they store and retrieve it.

выбирать слова
выбор глаголов
выбирать глаголы
выбор слов
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Using upper case letters (capital letters) in a keyword search will only retrieve documents that use upper case. Typing in lower case (no capitals) is usually better because search engines will retrieve documents that use both upper case and lower case letters.

обналичат документы
найдут файлы
обнаружат документы
найдут документы
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You can narrow a search in the Internet using logical operators such as AND, OR and NOT. AND retrieves all the words typed in the text box, OR retrieves either of the words and NOT excludes words. Spelling is important when typing in keywords, but a search engine will not usually read punctuation, prepositions and articles.

ограниченный поиск
узкий поиск
сузить обыск
сузить поиск
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An Internet e-mail address has a user name, the at symbol (@), and a domain name. The user name is the name you choose. The domain has two parts separated by a dot (.). The first part is the network that receives the e-mail and the second is the top-level domain (TLD), which shows the type of organization, such as commercial (.com) or educational (.edu). Sometimes the TLD is a country code, such as .cz (Czech Republic).

показывает организации
показывает типовые организации
показ типа организаций
показывает тип организации
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If you send an e-mail to a friend in the same domain as you, your Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server simply sends it to the Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) server in your domain, which adds it to your friend’s inbox. If your friend has a different domain name, your SMTP server finds your friend’s SMTP server using a Domain Name Service (DNS). When your friend’s SMTP server receives the e-mail, it sends your e-mail to its POP3 server, which adds it to your friend’s inbox.

отправка электронного сообщения
посылка электронного сообщения
отправлять почту
посылать электронное сообщение
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To use e-mail а client computer needs an e-mail program to connect to a network server. The program can be stand-alone, e.g. Outlook Express, or Web-based, e.g. Yahoo. Stand-alone programs let you compose e-mail offline, but with Web-based programs you must be online.
E-mail uses two kinds of mail servers: an SMTP server, which deals with outgoing e-mail and a POP3 server, which deals with incoming e-mail. SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol; POP stands for Post Office Protocol.

количество исходящих электронных сообщений
иметь дело с исходящими электронными сообщениями
иметь дело с подоходным налогом
иметь дело с входящими электронными сообщениями
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The father of all present-day computers was designed by Charles Babbage.
1________________________. J232,000 was provided by the British government to build it. 2________________________. The calculations were to be made by means of thousands of rotating gear-wheels, and moving levers and rods.
3___________________________. 4___________________________.

It was to make long calculations and analyze them.
Babbage’s huge computer-machine was to have been programmed from a punched paper tape.
Had all the parts been really well made, it would have worked slowly.
But they weren’t.
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Sir Clive Sinclair didn’t invent the home computer, but he brought it within the reach of the man in the street. 1____________________________. The Sinclair ZX80 sold for L99.95.
2_____________________________. 3______________________________.
The ZX80 was small, with a plastic touch-keyboard; it displayed 24 or 32-character lines on a home TV screen. 4____________________________.

He did this by designing and making the cheapest possible machine.
The ZX80 had an internal memory of just 1 Kilobyte (a Kilobyte is 1024 bytes: one byte equals one letter or number).
Today’s personal computers have a memory of at least 512 Kilobytes.
But it was a computer.
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1___________________________. The computer is “told” what to do, in terms of “on” or “off”: actually, “1” or “0”. 2______________________________. A 1 or 0 is very limited information – a bit. 3_________________________________. For example, 01001011 is eight bits, representing a single byte.

A computer consists of millions of on-off switches.
This is called “binary code”.
Computers need eight bits to identify just one number or letter – a byte.
Everything in present-day computers is made very small.
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Millions of “switches”, with all their connections, are printed onto tiny “chips” of silicon as “integrated circuits”.
1____________________________. The “switches” retain the information they are given – ready to be “worked on”. 2___________________________.
A computer has to have precise instructions. 3______________________________.
Sometimes, we instruct the computer by typing on a keyboard. 4______________________________________.

Some “chips” become the computer’s memory.
Other “chips” are used for instructions.
These instructions are called a program (it’s always spelt that way in computing).
The computer displays our typing, on a “visual display unit” (VDU) or “monitor”.
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IBM (International Business Machines) launched the PC in 1981. 1__________________.
The basic PC had just 64K (K=Kilobyte) of RAM. RAM is (R)andom (A)ccess (M)emory, the computer’s built-in memory, used for holding the instruction programs, for working space, and working storage.
2________________________. Floppy disks are a means of electronically recording computer programs and computer output.
The disks are “read” and “written to” in a disk drive. 3_______________________.

Improved versions quickly followed.
The first PC had one floppy-disk drive.
They are called “floppy” disks because, initially, they were.
Today, huge-capacity storage disks are built into most computers.
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Computers only do what they are told to do. 1______________________________. So standard instructions – programs – are produced.
First though, a computer needs to know where, within its built-in memory, to store information and how to work on it. 2_________________________________.
3_____________________________. A recent development from MS-DOS lets you tell the computer what to do by “pointing” at things (words or pictures) on the screen. 4_____________________________.

Often, we want the computer to do the same thing again and again.
The basic program is called an operating system (or disk operating system).
One popular operating system, introduced with the IBM PC, is called MS-DOS (from (M)icro(S)oft (D)isk (O)perating (S)ystem).
This easy to use system is called Windows.
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The computer has its operating instructions. 1____________________________. Popular computer programs include word processors, databases, spreadsheets and graphics.
2____________________________. Databases store masses of information – for easy access. 3___________________________. They also process these numbers. 4____________________________.

It can be programmed to do many things.
Word processors produce the printed word – immaculately.
Spreadsheets record numbers.
Graphics programs produce graphs and diagrams.
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1_________________________. How does the Internet affect our lives? 2_________________________. The Internet can increase our knowledge of the outside world. 3_________________________. In this global network you can find any information in a few minutes. 4_____________________________.

We live in a multi-media society.
It can be very helpful to people who carefully choose websites that they visit.
There is much high-quality information that can help us understand many fields of study: science, medicine, the art and so on.
Otherwise you would have to search for the necessary information in directories, libraries or on the phone for a long time.
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There is a thing that’s exciting about the Internet. 1________________________. If you don’t like what’s happening on one part of the network, you can build yourself a whole new cybercity, appoint yourself as mayor and run it exactly as you want.
2_________________________. You can read the latest copy of your favourite newspaper while planning your night’s TV viewing and ordering some cheap CDs from American discount disc store.
3____________________________… Some people have “met” over the Internet and got married.
The first web browsers only supported simple texts and images, but now a multitude of multimedia plug-ins enables webpages to sing and dance.
From PC banking to online shopping and chats with celebrities, the Internet is already changing our lives. 4_________________________.

Like love and life, the Net is what you make it.
The Internet enables you to do a lot of things simultaneously.
You can send e-mail to someone you’ve never met before…
The arrival of digital TV promises even more exciting things.
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1_________________________. The Internet keeps people informed about current events, as well as about the latest achievements in science and culture. You can even find out how to pass from the underground station to the house of your girlfriend, who recently moved to London.
2_______________________________. You can study foreign languages and even study in universities. 3____________________________.
The Internet is also widely used in business. 4______________________________. You can even conduct negotiation hear and see your contacts, and exchange graphic and textual information.

One of the most valuable functions of the Internet is its information function.
Recently a system of distance learning became popular.
Individual education program can be developed especially for you.
Thanks to the Internet, we have rapid connection with partners from all corners of the world.
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1_____________________________. People often feel a strange and powerful need to spend time on the network. 2________________________________. People almost never believe they are addicted.
3_______________________________. Children receive wide access to porno sites and sites with violence and promoting hate.

The most negative effect of the Internet could be people’s addiction to it.
Addiction to a computer screen is similar to drug or alcohol addiction.
One more disadvantage of the Internet is the absence of information control.
From that, how much we know about the Internet depends on the choice we make and how effectively we use the opportunities of the Internet in our time.
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1_________________________. Adult computer addicts are familiar figures: pale people who sit in front of green screens hour after hour. That is their choice. 2__________________________. Canadian child phychologist Jams Norton explains: These are children with few friends, afraid of making conversation. 3__________________________. They cannot concentrate for long periods of time except in front of the screen. 4__________________________.

Walking round a toyshop you find a home computer game to satisfy any child’s violent imagination.
But the idea of a child living in front of a flashing green screen is somehow less acceptable.
They are children who are usually allowed to do what they want.
If the computer games they play are violent, she adds, they become indifferent to violence faster than they would through watching violent videos.
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1__________________________. All hardware except the CPU and the working memory are called peripherals. 2______________________________. The operating system (OS) is software that controls the hardware. 3_____________________________. 4________________________________.

The parts of a computer you can touch, such as the monitor or the Central Processing Unit (CPU) are hardware.
Computer programs are software.
Most computers run the Microsoft Windows OS.
MacOS and Linux are other operating systems.
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1_______________________________. Word processors have many advantages over handwriting and manual typewriters. 2______________________________. This makes it easier to review and rewrite your documents. 3_______________________________. You can also print copies of your documents, which look neater than handwritten ones. 4_______________________________.

People use word processors for writing all kinds of documents, such as letters, school papers and reports.
Word processing is faster and easier than writing by hand and you can store documents on your computer, which you cannot usually do on a typewriter.
You have more the spelling, grammar and language tools are useful, too.
Many language students use word processors to improve their writing skills and because they help them feel proud of their work.
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Word processors do have disadvantages. 1________________________________. Second, sometimes the printer does not print an exact copy of what you see on the screen. 2_____________________________. Finally, word processors do not always work well with e-mail. 3______________________________. Many people use a text editor for the Internet, which is similar to a word processor but has fewer formatting features and cannot use graphics. 4________________________________.

First, it is not easy to read long documents on a computer screen.
Not all word processors can read each other’s files, which is another disadvantage.
If you paste a word-processed letter into an e-mail it may lose a lot of its formatting.
Text editors, such as Notepad, use a simple coding system called ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), as does e-mail.
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1_________________________. Multimedia is different from television, books or cassettes because it lets you interact with the application. 2_________________________.
Multimedia became more popular after the mid-1990s when price of hardware began to fall. 3__________________________. 4______________________________.

Multimedia is any computer application that integrates text, graphics, animation, video, audio or other methods of communication.
You can click on a word to make a picture appear, or click on a picture to start a video.
Then people started using it in industry, business, education, entertainment and for other purposes.
Today, we can find multimedia at home, in school, at work, in public places, such as libraries, and on the Internet.
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1___________________________. Using multimedia for graphs and tables is now the best way for managers to present company results. 2______________________________. Scientists simulate experiments with dangerous chemicals in safety. 3___________________________.
In education, students study interactive CD-ROMs at their own speed and explore topics creatively by clicking on related links. 4_______________________________.

In business, advertisers use virtual reality in multimedia applications to advertise their products in three dimensions (3-D).
In industry, pilots learn to fly using multimedia simulations of real situations.
Publishers are also producing interactive magazines, called e-zines, and e-books online.
Teenagers have played computer games for years, but many multimedia applications combine education and entertainment and they let them visit virtual worlds or change the ending of films.
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CD-ROM stands for “compact disk-read-only memory”. 1___________________________. “Read only memory” is just computerese for what everyone with a CD player already knows: You can’t record on a CD.
2___________________________. 3____________________________. You can record more on a CD-ROM than you could ever dream about onfloppies, about 680 megabytes’ worth.

It uses the same technology that a CD by Frank Sinatra or Janet Jackson does.
CD-ROM is a way to record computer data, like the magnetic disks or tapes that most people use, but using laser light instead of magnetic means.
The biggest difference between CD-ROM and other media, however, is sheer capacity.
That simple fact is driving a worldwide boom in CD-ROM software, hardware and users.
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1____________________________. And their numbers grow every day. 2____________________________. And the enormous capacity of a CD-ROM means you can create a computerized encyclopedia that has color video to go with the entries. 3____________________________.

There are thousands of CD-ROM titles available, from travel guides to marketing databases.
Publishing on CD-ROM is cheaper than printing or recording on floppy disks.
And you can even create stereo sound to pronounce them.
The mushrooming availability of better CD-ROM hardware and software - not to mention plummeting prices - means there’s probably one of these book-shelves-on-a-disks in any traveling computer-user’s future.
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1__________________________. We use them not just in schools or for the Internet. 2__________________________. 3___________________________________. When programmers write programs, they have to plan carefully for every possible kinds of error a computer user can input into the computer. 4________________________________.

We use computers in many parts of our lives.
There are computers in all kinds of electrical devices, from mobile phones to washing machines.
We can also find them in banks, supermarkets and cars.
It is planning for the random behavior of humans that makes programming so much fun.
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1______________________________. You can store data on floppy disks. 2______________________________. 3_________________________________. People often use portable removable disks, which can store up to one gigabyte of data and do not need any expensive hardware. 4________________________________.

Computers store letters, reports, pictures, music and video as data.
But they are too small to hold most pictures or videos.
You can store these on a CD-ROM but you need a CD-re-writer to copy the data.
Most computers owners store their data on the hard disk but because computers can crash, they often use other disks to make back-up copies.
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1___________________________. Folders usually contain other files. 2___________________________. Deleted files go to the Recycle Bin. 3___________________________.
When you double-click on My Computer another screen appears. 4___________________________.

Double-clicking on any icon in your computer with the mouse opens a computer program, a folder or a file.
You can move icons around the desktop, add new ones or remove them by deleting them.
People usually put programs they use most often on the desktop to find them quickly.
This screen shows the A: drive icon, for floppy disk; the C: drive icon, which usually contains all the main programs and folders on your computer; the D: drive icon, which is usually the CD-ROM drive, and the Control Panel folder.
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1_______________, press END. The message In-Use will appear in the display for approximately two seconds after you press END.
Press END 2_________________ occur:
- No one answers
- You hear an engaged or equipment engaged tone (busy signal)
- 3________________ that the phone number is unobtainable.
The phone number you dialed 4_______________ so you can easily repeat the call. Refer to Cast Number Re-dial for more information.

When your call is finished
any of the following events
You receive a recording message
is stored in memory
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To store a phone number in standard memory, 1_________________:
1.  Press MENU.
2.  Press YES 2___________________.
3.  Press YES to enter the Store Mem function.
4.  A display similar to the one on the left appears. Use the keypad to enter the name you want stored with the number. When a block character appears to the right of the letter entered, you can enter the next letter.
5.  Once you have entered the text, press Down Arrow to move to the number entry position.
6.  Enter the phone number. 3________________ before accessing Menu mode, that number can be used as the number to be stored in memory. To delete an entered number, press the CLR key.
7.  4________________ to store the number. The name and number are now stored in the first available memory position.

complete the following steps
to enter the Memory function
If a phone number was entered
Press YES
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You can enter 1__________________ (three to ten digits) any of which you can dial when service is available. Even when the phone is locked for security purposes, you 2_____________ numbers that have been stored in emergency number memory.
To enter a number into Emergency Number memory, 3_________________:
1.  Press MENU.
2.  Press Down Arrow to move to Gen. Setup.
3.  Press YES.
4.  Press Up Arrow to move to Emergency.
5.  Press YES. You will be prompted to enter your security code (for more information on security codes, see Locks Menu, Sec. Code).
6.  Press Down Arrow to move to the location where you want the Emergency number to be stored.
7.  Enter the number.
8.  4________________ to store the selection.

three different emergency numbers
can dial
complete the following steps
Press YES
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The Backlight or 1_____________ and keypad can be set to be automatically turned off or turned on all the time.
In On mode, the illumination 2_________________ after the last key was pressed; ten seconds in Standby mode or 20 seconds in Store, Recall, and Menu modes. 3________________ or when a call or message is received it returns to On.
To lock or unlock the keypad, complete the following steps:
1.  Press MENU.
2.  Press Down Arrow to move to Gen. Setup.
3.  Press YES.
4.  Press Down Arrow to move to Backlight.
5.  Press YES.
6.  Press 4_______________ between the Auto and Off selections.
7.  Press YES to store the highlighted selection.

illumination of the display
is turned off automatically
When a key is pressed
an arrow key to move
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Each time the phone 1______________, you can have your telephone to display a welcome greeting that you choose yourself.
The alphanumeric keypad displays 2________________. See Memory Menu, Entering Text for more information on entering information.
You can enter a two line 24 character message (12 characters per line). The message displays when you turn on the phone. The greeting function will be automatically turned off if no characters are entered in the Menu moder. 3______________, the phone displays the word Ready 4___________________.

is turned on
both letters and numbers
In that case
when you turn on the phone
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The Call Type selection allows you to request a type of call to connect to the system. 1________________ a digital or an analog channel. Requests are granted only as conditions allow. 2________________, check to see that the digital indicator shows that your request was granted. The phone will reset to Dual Mode setting when you:
- Replace the battery.
- Turn the phone off 3_______________ PWR key.
The display will indicate 4________________ with a reverse text D or A displayed in the upper left hand corner.

This function requests
When you place a digital call
by pressing and holding down
a digital or analog call
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If your cellular carrier offers digital voice encryption, 1________________ to request voice privacy service.
2_________________: if voice privacy is active (the digital voice privacy indicator text), P will be displayed.
If voice privacy is requested but not granted, a Voice Privacy Not Active tone will be emitted. The tone will be emitted at the beginning of the call, and then every 3_____________ during the call. The tone feature 4_______________ if desired.

use this function
Check the phone display
30 seconds
can be turned off
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The Answer Option function 1__________________ by pressing SEND, any key except the END key, or auto answer after two rings.
You can have one setting when the phone is used as a handheld unit and another setting when a phone is used as a handsfree phone in a car.
To alter the Answer Option, 2_________________:
1.  Press MENU.
2.  Press Down Arrow to move to Call Setup.
3.  3___________.
4.  Press Down Arrow to move to Answer Opt.
5.  Press YES.
6.  Press an arrow key 4__________________.
7.  Press YES to store the highlighted selection.

lets you answer a call
complete the following steps
Press YES
to move between the selections
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A new 4-digit 1_______________ can be entered, using the 0-9 digits. When 2__________________, the code must be re-entered to ensure proper entry.
The factory set security code is: 0000. In some situations, 3________________, the dealer may change the security code. If your first attempts fail, 4________________ for the code.

security code
new code is entered
during the programming of the phone
check with your dealer
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The keypad remains locked until you:
- 1________________
- Turn the phone off by pressing and holding down PWR
- Unlock the keypad
2_______________, complete the following steps:
1. Press MENU.
2. 3_____________ to move to Gen. Setup.
3. Press YES.
4. Press YES to select KeypadLock.
5. Press an arrow key to move between the selections.
6. 4______________ to store the highlighted selection.

Replace the battery
To lock or unlock the keypad
Press Down Arrow
Press YES
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Setup for Windows 95: (if you use Windows 95 4.00.950b, you don not need to install this driver):
1. 1--------------------------______________
2. Select "My Computer"; select "Control Panel"; 2--------------------; then select" Device Manager", "Hard Disk Controllers".
3.  Double-click to Remove default driver program, restart computer.
4. Follow the instructions on your screen to 3------------------_we offer in the 3.5" diskette.
5. 4_______________, turn power off; then turn power on.

Starting Windows 95
select "System"
install new IDE driver
Exit Windows 95
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If your cellular carrier supports VOX, this function extends battery life by operating the transmitter only when you speak.
To control the VOX feature, 1______________:
1. Press MENU.
2. Press Up Arrow to 2______________.
3. Press YES.
4. 3_____________ to move to VOX.
5. Press YES.
6. Press an arrow key to move between selections.
7. 4______________ to store a highlighted selection.

complete the following steps
move to System Opt
Press Down Arrow
Press YES
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To delete the FRUIT directory:
1. 1______________ by typing the following at the command prompt: cd \
2. You can see the FRUIT directory in the directory list by typing the following at
the command prompt: dir
3. Remove 2________________ by typing the following 3______________:rd
4. 4_______________, type the following at the
command prompt: dir
The FRUIT directory should not appear in the directory list.

Return to the root directory
the FRUIT directory
at the command prompt
To verify that the FRUIT directory has been removed
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Call Timer shows the duration of the current conversation. The timer shows minutes and seconds, and resets after 99 minutes.
1______________, complete the following steps:
1. 2_______________.
2. Press Down Arrow to move to Call Setup.
3. Press YES.
4. Press Down Arrow 3_______________.
5. Press YES.
6. Press an arrow key to move between the selections.
7. Press YES 4_________________.

To turn the call timer on or off
Press MENU
to move to Call Timer
to store the highlighted selection
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When you purchase new floppy disks, 1_____________ before you can use them.
To format a floppy disk:
1. Type the following at the command prompt: format a:
This command specifies that you want to format the disk in drive A. If you want to format a disk that fits only in drive B, type format b:
2. Insert the disk you want to format in drive A label-side up. 2______________ or make sure the disk clicks into the drive. When you are ready, press enter. The following message appears: Checking existing disk format; Saving UNFORMAT information
As it formats the disk, MS-DOS displays the percentage of the disk that has been formatted. When the format is complete, 3______________: Volume label (11 characters, ENTER for none)?
3. For this exercise, press enter to leave the disk without a label.
4. 4________________, press y. If not, press N.

you must generally format them
Then close the drive door
the following message appears
If you have another disk to format
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Super Dial allows you to 1______________ stored in memory locations 1-9 simply by pressing and holding the numeric key assigned to the memory location. Select No to disable Super Dial.
To alter Super Dial, 2_________________:
1. Press MENU.
2. 3________________ to move to Call Setup.
3. Press YES.
4. Press YES to select Super Dial.
5. Press an arrow key to move between the selections.
6. 4_______________ to store the highlighted selection.

dial a number
complete the following steps
Press Down Arrow
Press YES
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If you use Backup for MS-DOS, you can choose 1____________________, mouse options, and backup devices from the Configure dialog box.
To configure your video display and mouse:
1. From the main screen, choose the Configure button. The Configure 2_______________ appears.
2. In the Configure dialog box, choose the Video and Mouse button. The Video and Mouse Configuration dialog box appears.
3. 3___________________ of your video display and mouse, as necessary, and then choose OK.
4. 4___________________ changes so they can be used for later backup sessions, choose the Save button in the Configure dialog box. To apply these changes only to your current backup session, choose OK.

video options
dialog box
Change the configuration
To save your configuration
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You can choose between three different language settings: English, French, and Spanish.
1_______________, complete the following steps:
1. Press MENU.
2. Press Down Arrow to move to Gen. Setup.
3. Press YES.
4. Press Up Arrow 2________________.
5. Press YES. You will be prompted 3__________________ (for more information on security codes, see Locks Menu, Sec. Code).
6. Press an arrow key to move between the selections.
7. 4_______________ to store the selection.

To change your language setting
to move to Language
to enter your security code
Press YES
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Anti-Virus protects your computer from viruses by scanning your computer’s memory and disk drives.
1_______________ using Anti-Virus for MS-DOS:
1. Type the following at the command prompt: msav
The Main Menu appears.
2. To scan the drive from which you started Anti-Virus, skip to step 5. To scan a different drive, proceed to step 3.
3. 2______________________. Drive letters appear in the upper-left area of your screen.
4. Select the drive you want to scan. Anti-Virus reads file information on the drive you selected.
5. To detect viruses and remove them from your computer, 3__________________. To detect viruses and have Anti-Virus prompt you if it finds one, choose the Detect button, and then choose the action you want to take.
6. A status screen appears after Anti-Virus has finished scanning your computer’s memory and the drive you selected. 4_________________.

To scan for viruses
Choose the Select New Drive button
choose the Detect & Clean button
Choose OK
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1_____________________________, just follow some steps. These steps work for computers that have hard disks or floppy disks:
1. 2____________________________ is turned off.
2. Take the MS-DOS master floppy disk out of the protective jacket.
3. Insert this disk 3____________________________.
4. Close the disk drive door.
5. Turn on the power 4____________________________.

То start MS-DOS,
First, make sure your computer
into drive A.
for your monitor and your computer.
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MS-DOS asks you 1______________________________.
1. Type the date. 2_______________________________, you simply type the following command, then press the RETURN key:
If the date is already correct, or you do not want to answer this prompt, press the RETURN key to move to the next step.
2. Type the time 3__________________________. For example, if it is 1:30 p.m., type the following, then press the RETURN key:
4____________________________, or you do not want to answer this prompt, press the RETURN key.

to provide the date.
For example, if the date is July 6, 1995
according to a 24-hour clock.
If the time is already correct
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1___________________________ in MS-DOS. But you can end your MS-DOS session easily 2___________________________:
1. Make sure that your last command is finished.  You should see the MS-DOS prompt (for example, A>) on the screen.
2. 3_________________________ from the drives, put them back in their protective jackets, and store them in a safe place, away from dust, moisture, and magnetism.
3. Turn off 4__________________________.
4. Turn off your monitor.

There is no "quit" command
by following these steps
Remove the floppy disks
your computer
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These are the overall steps to follow 1__________________________ and using FILINK to transfer files:
1. 2____________________________ with the proper cable.
2. Boot the operating system on each machine.
3. Use SETMODE or MODE on one or both of the computers to make their serial communications parameters match. Note that, whatever baud rate you use, FILINK will not work unless both computers are set 3___________________________.
4. Run FILINK on each computer.
5. Set up the receiving computer, specifying a new file name for the received file (if you want it renamed).
6. 4__________________________ to send, and specify one or more files.
7. Exit or continue after the files have been transferred.

when setting up
Connect the RS-232C ports of the computers
for 8-bit communication
Tell the transmitting machine
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You have to follow a number of rules 1___________________________. When you see a command in this book, type everything exactly as it is shown, including all punctuation, such as commas, colons, slash symbols and equal signs. Some commands need 2_________________________ which you supply. This is shown in italics.
A typical example of how to use a command looks like this:
 enter TYPE filename
This means 3_______________________ followed by a space, exactly as shown. Then you must enter a filename of your choice and 4________________________. TYPE is the name of the command and filename is a parameter that varies.

when entering MS-DOS commands
extra information
you must enter TYPE
press the Enter key
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To start MS-DOS Help and choose a topic from the table of contents
1. 1_________________ at the command prompt: help
The MS-DOS Help table of contents appears.
2. If you 2__________________, click the name of the command you want information about. If the command does not appear on your screen, click the arrow at the bottom of the scroll bar on the right side of your screen until the command comes into view.
If you are using a keyboard, press the key that represents the first letter of the command you want 3__________________. The first command beginning with that letter is selected. If this is not the command you want, continue pressing the key until the command you want is selected, and then 4___________________. You can also use the TAB, UP ARROW, DOWN ARROR, PAGE UP, and PAGE DOWN keys to move between topics in the table of contents.

Type the following
are using a mouse
information about
press ENTER
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
To start MS-DOS Help and 1_________________ about a specific command.
At the command prompt, type help followed by a space and the name of the command you want information about. For example, for help with the copy command, type the following at the 2__________________: help copy
Most commands have three associated topics: Syntax, Notes, and Examples. When you 3__________________ from the table of contents or type help followed a command name at the command prompt, the Syntax topic appears first. If the topic has associated Notes or Examples topics, you can choose those topics by carrying out the 4__________________.

display information
command prompt
choose a command
following procedure
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
To search for text
1. From the Search menu, 1__________________. The Find dialog box appears.
2. In the Find What box, specify the text you want to search for. If you want to make the search case-sensitive, select the Match Upper/Lowercase checkbox. If you want to find only whole-word occurrences of the search text, select the Whole Word 2______________.
3. Choose OK. MS-DOS Help searches forward from the 3__________________ for the first occurrence of the text. When it finds an occurrence of the text you specify, it displays the topic in which the text was found.
4. To find the next occurrence of the search text, 4_________________.

choose Find
check box
cursor position
press F3
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
To undo MemMaker’s changes
1. Quit any 1_________________.
2. 2______________ by typing the following at the command prompt: memmaker /undo
A screen appears, prompting you to choose between restoring your original system files and quitting MemMaker.
3. To restore your original files, 3_________________. MemMaker displays a confirmation screen.
4. If the screen shows that MemMaker has finished restoring your startup files, press ENTER to restart 4________________ with its original configuration.

running programs
Start MemMaker
press ENTER
your computer
Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами
To optimize your 1_______________ for multiple configurations
1. Create a separate set of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files for 2________________ on your startup menu. Each set should contain only the commands for that configuration.
2. 3_______________ separately for each configuration.
3. Combine the optimized CONFIG.SYS files into a single multiple-configuration CONFIG.SYS file; 4_________________ into a single AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

computer’s memory
each configuration
Run MemMaker
combine the AUTOEXEC.BAT files
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The study of communication process has led to a new discipline, known as "communication theory". The human elements in any communication process are a message source, a message medium and a receiver. This simplest case might be one person talking to another. The person talking is the transmitter or message source, air is the separating message medium, and the listener is the receiver. To communicate, information of some sort must be transferred. "Information" in communication theory is defined as any organized signal. It can be a series of letters, a series of picture scanning elements, etc.

To communicate, information of some sort must be written.
Communication theory is not a discipline.
“Information” in communication theory is a sound.
If one person is talking to another, the message medium is air.
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A communication system that does not allow an interchange between the message source and the receiver is said to be a one-way or "simplex" communication setup. One that does allow an interchange is a two-way or "duplex" setup. Noise is an important concept in communication theory. Noise is defined in communication theory as any signal that interferes with the message being sent and is an undesired disturbance in a communication system. Radio static is a form of noise. Dirt on a camera lens is noise also.

A communication system allows an interchange between two receivers.
Radio wave is a form of noise.
Dirt on a camera is static.
If there is dirt on a camera lens, it is also noise.
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The study of electricity began with Dr. Gilbert who lived at about the same time as Galileo. In 1600 he wrote a book describing experiments on electricity and magnetism.
Russia played an important part in the development of electrical science. In spite of difficult conditions under which the scientists and inventors had to work in tsarist Russia they discovered electrical phenomena of great importance. In addition to that Russian scientists and inventors always tried to find practical application for the phenomena discovered.

Russian scientists didn’t develop electrical science.
The study of electricity began in the 18th century.
Lomonosov wrote a book describing experiments on electricity and magnetism.
Russian scientists worked under hard conditions in the past.
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The first work on electricity published in Russia was that written by the father of Russian science Lomonosov. Lomonosov was the first to find that heat, light and electricity are different forms of movement. He was also the first to find the electrical nature of some atmospheric phenomena.
Academician Petroff was the first scientist in the world who observed the phenomena known later as the electric arc.

The first work on electricity was written in Russia and published in Britain.
British scientists wrote the first work on electricity and it was published in Russia.
Lomonosov was not the first to find the electrical nature of some atmospheric phenomena.
Lomonosov studied atmospheric phenomena and discovered the electrical nature of some of them.
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Another Russian scientist Yablochkov made a great contribution to the development of electrical science. It was Yablochkov who created the principle of a transformer. It is he who found the first practical application of the electric arc.
Thanks to Lodygin’s great discovery, an electric lamp lights up our rooms.
Popov transmitted signals by means of electromagnetic waves and gave the world his great discovery - radio.
It is Lebedev who discovered and measured the pressure of light. The photoelectric effect was among the numerous discoveries of the famous Russian scientist Stoletov.
However, it is impossible even to list here the great inventions and discoveries that our scientists made in various fields of science and engineering.

The photoelectric effect doesn’t belong to Russian discoveries.
Yablochkov contributed greatly to the development of computer.
The principles of a transmitter were created by Lomonosov.
Popov discovered radio.
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Electricity is the power that has made possible the engineering progress of today. In fact, electricity has always been with a man, but only within the last few centuries he has learned to apply it.
One hundred years ago there were neither electric lamps, nor electric motors, nor telephone, nor radio. Now electricity is everywhere. We use electricity in our homes and in buildings where we work or study. Electric lamps light our rooms. The uses of electricity in our homes do not end with producing light. How many electric motors are working in our homes! Electric motors operate washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, fans, clocks, and other electrical appliances.

There exist refrigerators without electric motors.
Computers operate washing machines.
Hundred years ago people lit their homes with electric lamps.
It is impossible nowadays to live without electricity.
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Electricity plays a very important part both in industry and in agriculture. We use electricity as a means of transportation and communication. A primitive man depended upon fire, smoke or other kind of signals to send his thoughts to his neighbour. And a modern man can talk with someone in some distance. In recent years electricity has made a great contribution to radio communication between the spaceships and also between the austronauts and the Earth. In addition to that we apply electricity in automation and in research. Much of today's scientific research depends on the solution of different difficult mathematical problems, some of which would require days to solve by the used methods. Electrically-operated computers now give the answers to these problems in seconds.

A primitive man couldn’t live without electricity.
Electricity is not necessary in agriculture.
There are no problems in scientific research.
With the help of electricity it is possible to communicate between the spaceships and the Earth.
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Radio was invented in Russia. The world’s first receiver was constructed in 1895 by the great Russian scientist Alexander Popov. There were no transmitters then, therefore his receiver could only pick up signals produced by lightning discharges during a thunderstorm. A. Popov demonstrated a device called a “storm indicator” at a meeting of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society in St. Petersburg on May 7, 1895. This day is marked now as Radio Day.

The meeting was held at British mathematical Society in St. Petersburg.
The world’s first receiver was constructed in 1895 by Morse.
The device demonstrated by Popov was called a telephone.
At the end of the 19th century transmitters didn’t exist.
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Alexander Popov found a way of transmitting Morse code signals. In 1897 he sent the world’s first wireless telegram over a distance of 600 m and four years later the range of transmission was increased to 150 km. Ever since, thanks to the work of many scientists of the world, the methods of transmission and reception have been constantly improved. Nowadays radio communication has no limits.

There are some limits in radio communication.
Popov also received Morse code signals.
Only Russian scientists improved the methods of transmission and reception.
The range of the first telegraph transmission was 600 m.
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Teletypewriters are widely used for high speed telegraph communications as well as for transmission of written messages. For economical transmission over long distances it is essential that only a single wire or transmission channel be required to carry the signal. Furthermore, the reliable and efficient operation can be secured by using not more than two conditions on the line, such as current and no current, or positive impulses and negative impulses.

Efficient operation can be secured by using more than three conditions on the line.
For business transmission over long distances two transmission channels are used.
Teletypewriters are not used for long speed telegraph communications.
You can transmit written messages with the help of teletypewriters.
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Electricity complete changed communications. Once it was discovered that аn electric current would flow along a wire, it seemed possible that it could be used for messages. As long as two places were connected by a wire electric currents could be sent along it. They could be sent with the speed of light. The question was how could electric current make words?

Electric currents flow along the circuit.
Electric currents changed information.
Electric current can be sent when two places aren’t connected by a wire.
The electric currents could be sent with the speed of light.